Chapter Twenty Three: Damn If You Do, Damn If You Don't

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Trigger Warning ⚠️

Some reflections of past abuse are below and reflection trauma.

Another week had passed, and Jai Mei was still overseeing the construction of their new home. She wanted to make sure that everything was perfect and that her modern knowledge could be applied to ancient building techniques. She had instructed her husband and the other men to dig deeper for the foundation, use more robust materials for the walls, and design the house in a way that could retain heat during the colder months.

One day, as she was checking on the construction progress, she noticed a small gap in the wall where cold air could seep through. She immediately knew that she had to insulate the house to keep it warm during the winter. She remembered the materials she had seen in her old world that were used to insulate houses, and she knew that she could apply the same principles here.

Jai Mei went back to working on the house. She had decided to insulate it using her modern knowledge, using materials like straw, clay, and mud.

As they worked, Jai Mei instructed her husband on how to install the insulation correctly and explained the benefits of doing so. She was pleased with the progress they had made and felt proud of her ability to use her modern knowledge to make their lives better.

Then she went to Doctor Liang Bo for her lessons. Jai Mei sat in front of Doctor Liang Bo, eager to learn more about how to care for wounds and injuries. As he demonstrated different types of bandages and how to wrap them securely, she took detailed notes and asked questions.

"I've noticed that the bandages we use here often come undone or don't stay in place," Jai Mei said. "Is there a better way to secure them?"

Doctor Liang Bo nodded. "Yes, there is. You can use a technique called the figure-eight bandage. It's more secure and distributes pressure evenly."

Jai Mei watched closely as he demonstrated the technique, then practiced it on herself and on some of the animals that her husband had hunted.

Later on that day, Jai Mei went to visit her best friend Wei Xiaoli, who she had known since childhood. Wei Xiaoli had worked as Jai Mei's maid when they were younger and the two had formed a strong bond over the years.

"Jai Yuna It's so good to see you," Wei Xiaoli said, smiling warmly.

Jai Mei smiled back, but her expression quickly turned serious. "Wei Xiaoli, I need your help with something important."

Wei Xiaoli's smile faded, and she gestured for Jai Mei to come inside. "Of course, what is it?"

Jai Mei sat down at the table, and Wei Xiaoli poured her a cup of tea. Jai Mei took a sip, then put the cup down and took a deep breath.

Jai Mei expressed her concern to Wei Xiaoli, "I'm afraid that because of my reputation, no one will take me seriously in this town or support me. I need your help in finding someone who can help me protect my invention. Could you leverage some of my family connections to help me get in touch with the right people? Since I've been disowned, I don't have access to those resources anymore."

Wei Xiaoli nodded sympathetically. "I can see why you're worried. I know of a well-respected businessman in the nearby town who might be able to help. He's known for his fairness and honesty. Let's go talk to him and see what he suggests."

Jai Mei felt relieved and grateful for Wei Xiaoli's help. She thanked her friend and they set a date to visit the businessman together. She also thanked her for speaking up about not helping the villagers build their own bamboo irrigation system, as it would have exposed her invention to potential theft.

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