Chapter Forty: Family Bonds and Growth

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Early Release besties 💜💜


After some time spent making clothes, Jai Mei realized that a considerable amount of time had passed since the other husbands had returned.

She gently nudged Shu Wang and suggested, "Shu Wang, why don't we go check on the others and make sure they're okay?"

Together, they walked out of the room and into the main living area. As they entered, they found the other husbands seated in their respective places.

Jai Mei's eyes swept over them with a mixture of relief and anticipation. "Oh, great! I was a little worried you all were still outside. So, how's everything out there?"

Hao Zhang spoke up first, his voice filled with a hint of exhaustion. "We came in a little while ago. I removed the snow and added more firewood to the wood pile outside in the shack. We also cleared the walkway from all sides of the house to make it easier to move around."

Liu Feng and Chun Wei chimed in, their voices tired but satisfied. "The animals are doing well,"

Liu Feng said. "We made sure to clear the well to maintain water and knocked off any ice forming on the bamboo water irrigation system we had built."

Jai Mei nodded appreciatively, gratitude evident in her eyes. "Thank you all for your hard work."

Liu Feng then hesitated for a moment before speaking up again. "Jai Yuna, we're running low on the soap you gave us. Do you happen to have any more?"

Jai Mei's face fell momentarily, realizing that she had sold out of all the soap she had previously made. However, a spark of inspiration lit up her eyes, and she turned to the husbands with a hopeful smile.

"Actually, I don't have any more at the moment. But if you'd like, we can make some together" The husbands' faces lit up with curiosity and eagerness. They were intrigued by the idea of participating in the soap-making process.

"That sounds interesting," Liu Feng replied with a nod.

Jai Mei gathered the husbands around her, excitement gleaming in her eyes. "But before we do, I want to let you know that the soap-making process will take a few days. However, we can start today and also make some more oils to sell when spring comes."

Jai Mei led them back into the medicine room, where the air was infused with the scent of various herbs and oils. She gathered the necessary ingredients and tools, explaining each step of the soap-making process in detail.

Liu Feng couldn't help but ask, "Jai Yuna, could you explain the rendering process again? I remember you mentioning it before, but I want to make sure I understand it correctly."

Jai Mei smiled warmly and began explaining, "Of course, Liu Feng. Rendering is the process of melting down the fat to remove any impurities. We need to ensure that the fat is pure before we can proceed with making the soap. So, I place the fat into a large pot and heat it over the fire, stirring occasionally to help it melt evenly. It usually takes about an hour for the fat to render completely."

Chun Wei chimed in, "And then we get to add the scents, right? I remember the lavender and rose petals you used last time."

Jai Mei nodded, with a smile on her lips. "Yes, that's right. Once the fat is melted, we can infuse delightful scents into the soap using various plants. We'll add eucalyptus, chamomile, lavender, rose petals, honey, and more. But we have to be careful with the lye. Adding too much can make the soap harsh on the skin."

Hao Zhang, asked, "How do we know when the mixture is ready?"

Jai Mei explained, "After adding the lye, we need to stir the mixture continuously for about an hour. It will start to thicken and turn a light yellow color. Then, we'll add some water to loosen it up a bit. We'll continue stirring until it reaches a thick, pudding-like consistency. That's when we'll know it's ready for the next step."

As they delved into more detailed questions and discussions about the soap-making process, Jai Mei carefully arranged her supplies on the table, ensuring everything was within reach. However, in her enthusiasm, she accidentally knocked over a small vial, causing a few drops of oil to spill onto the table.

"Oh no!" Jai Mei exclaimed, hastily grabbing a cloth to clean up the mess. She apologized for her clumsiness and tried to continue, only to knock over another vial, spilling more precious oil. She let out a frustrated sigh and quickly cleaned up the second spill.

The husbands watched with amusement, their eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jai Mei's face reddened with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but laugh at herself.

"I've always been a little more clumsy than others," she admitted sheepishly.

Determined to regain her composure, Jai Mei took a deep breath and steadied her hands. However, just as she was about to resume, she knocked over yet another vial, A moment of silence ensued, and then a wave of amusement swept through the room.

Jai Mei's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but laugh along with the others.

Shu Wang and Chun Wei struggled to hide their smiles, while Hao Zhang managed a small grin and looked away.

Liu Feng chuckled and wiped his nose, unable to contain his amusement.

"I suppose I'm a certified soap-making klutz," Jai Mei confessed with a giggle, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

With their spirits uplifted, they continued their soap-making endeavor, following Jai Mei's instructions and contributing their efforts. The room filled with the sound of laughter, the fragrant scents of the herbs and oils mingling in the air.

As they worked together, Jai Mei couldn't help but feel a growing sense of connection and unity. The soap-making process became a shared experience, a reflection of their willingness to support and uplift one another in the face of adversity.

Days went by as they diligently worked on making soap and crafting various oils. They poured their creativity and care into each product, knowing that they would not only be useful for their own daily lives but also a valuable resource for trading when the springtime came.

Jai Mei looked around at her husbands, a smile of satisfaction gracing her lips. "Well, we've done it. We have an assortment of soaps and oils ready for when the warmer weather arrives. I couldn't have done it without all of you. Thank you."

The husbands exchanged proud glances, a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie filling the room. They knew that these moments of collaboration and shared laughter were the threads that wove them together, strengthening their bond as a family.

With the soap-making process complete, they packed their creations into carefully labeled containers, ready to be used and shared.

Jai Mei's heart swelled with gratitude as she imagined the joy her family would feel when they could cleanse themselves with the gentle touch of their handmade soaps.

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