Chapter Sixty: Femininity

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In the tranquility of the evening, Jai Mei was setting the stage for a restful night. Her long hair forest green hair cascaded freely, framing her face as she donned a comfortable undergarment paired with a matching robe.

On her vanity, an array of skincare products awaited her attention, signaling her intention to indulge in self-care after bathing.

Intent on preparing her own bath water, she embarked on a quiet walk towards the back kitchen.

This simple act of self-reliance, undertaken amidst the peaceful ambiance of the household, offered her a chance to reflect.

She chose not to request her husbands' assistance in warming her bath water, opting instead to undertake the task independently.

This walk served dual purposes: aiding her digestion following the meal and providing a quiet moment for introspection.

As she made her way, her thoughts wandered, reflecting not only on the day's occurrences but also on Liu Feng's heartfelt letter and the anticipation of receiving more from her other husbands.

Believing her husbands had retired for the evening, she moved with ease, unaware of the encounters that might unfold in the shared spaces of their home.

In the household, large barrels were kept for storing water, ensuring there was always an ample supply for bathing, laundry, and maintaining cleanliness—a priority Jai Mei emphasized rigorously.

The importance of hygiene and the availability of fresh water were non-negotiable, integral to the home's daily operations.

Every few days, the men would make trips to the well to replenish these barrels. In the colder months, when water risked freezing into solid ice, Jai Mei had devised a practical solution: pouring boiling water over the ice to melt it back to liquid form.

As Jai Mei waited for the water to heat, she utilized an in-house medium-sized wagon designed for transporting wooden buckets filled with warm water directly to the bathtub in her room.

Perched on the table, peeling an orange for a snack, her thoughts wandered through the events of the day.

She made a mental note to check on Liu Feng during the night, keen to observe if her remedies were effective in preventing any episodes he might experience.

This small act of care reflected her ongoing concern and the hope that her efforts were making a real difference in the well-being of those around her.

Lost in thought and the sweet taste of the orange, Jai Mei began to hum and then softly sing a song to herself, her voice carrying gently through the quiet kitchen. Unaware of her surroundings, her song filled the space, a melody of her own musings, a serene moment of solitude amidst the evening.

Beginning of Song

Try me—you cannot define me, I can tell you're trying, first you've gotta find me.

Time—you've gotten behind me, all in divine timing.

Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh
Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh-oh

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