Twenty Eight: A Small Break Through For Jai Mei's Family I

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One day, Jai Mei was working on the construction and taking care of the animals when she accidentally dropped a heavy tool on her already bruised hand. Shu Wang noticed her discomfort and asked with concern, "Wife, what happened? Are you hurt?"

Jai Mei hesitated, not wanting to appear weak or lazy in front of her husbands. She looked down, feeling a mix of fear and frustration, and replied, "It's nothing. I'm just experiencing some soreness after exerting myself these past few days, resulting in tension. I've been studying acupuncture techniques to ease discomfort. I'll apply them and find relief. Let's get back to work," hoping she sounded convincing enough.

Shu Wang observed Jai Mei's pained expression as she clenched her bruised hand, a clear sign that she was not alright. He furrowed his brows with worry and nodded his head, understanding that there was more to her condition than she was letting on.

Despite his concern, he respected her desire to handle things on her own and chose not to press further. Deep down, however, he knew that something was amiss and silently vowed to keep a closer eye on her in the days to come.

Hao Zhang focuses on building and hunting for the village to earn money, while Chun Wei and Shu Wang take care of the gardens, animals, and household chores. Additionally, they lend their assistance to the builders wherever needed. Liu Feng, on the other hand, takes on a variety of tasks but primarily focuses on selling the produce, eggs, and game as he has a knack for finance and negotiation.

Shu Wang later on that night turned to the guys, Hao Zhang, Chun Wei, and Liu Feng, and whispered a few words to them, trying to make sense of Jai Mei's situation.

"She's not used to this level of physical labor," It was murmured amongst them.

"Remember, she comes from a prestigious family. Her body might be struggling to adjust to the demanding work we've been doing."

They tried to rationalize her condition,  Shu Wang was hoping that it was merely a matter of adaptation rather than something more serious.

For the next couple of days, Jai Mei continued to push herself despite the increasing pain and discomfort in her hand, arm, and shoulder. She took the pain pills and applied the cream, but it wasn't working as effectively as she hoped because she wasn't allowing her body to rest and heal properly.

She avoided telling anyone about her worsening condition, including her best friend Wei Xiaoli, who noticed that Jai Mei hadn't been eating much and was looking sickly.

Wei Xiaoli and her two husbands asked Jai Mei if she was okay but Jai Mei insisted that she was fine and needed to finish the house before it snowed for it was already getting cold.

Concerned, Wei Xiaoli decided to go to Jai Mei's husbands and informed them of her friend's deteriorating condition.

Jai Mei had told Doctor Liang Bo that she was taking time off to finish the house, so he was unaware of her current state.

Shu Wang and her other husbands noticed that Jai Mei was moving slower than usual, looking thinner again, and looking ill.

Shu Wang approached her and said, "Wife, are you okay? You're looking worse by the day." As she turned towards him to respond, a sudden wave of dizziness overcame Jai Mei, causing her to flicker into unconsciousness and swing uncontrollably.

He reached out to catch her when she looked like she was about to fall, and when he touched her, he realized that she was burning up.

"W-wife! You're so hot. I knew you were sick. "Please, someone help me carry her inside and make her comfortable. I'll try to cool her down. And someone, quickly, go fetch the doctor!"  Shu Wang said as he tried to help her up.

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