Chapter Fifteen: Jai Mei's Week Of Rest

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As the days passed, the husbands gradually regained their strength and health under the care of their wife.

They were amazed at the effort she put in to nurse them back to health and couldn't believe how much she had accomplished in the village while they were sick.

As she explained to her husbands about her involvement in the village's influenza, they listened attentively, surprised by her resourcefulness and dedication.

Chun Wei nodded in agreement. "What you did for the village was impressive. I wish we were well enough to have helped too," he said.

She shook her head, dismissing his praise. "It was no big deal. I just did what I could to help," she replied humbly.

Then, her expression turned apologetic. "I'm sorry for using almost all of our funds on meat and medicine to keep everyone nourished during the influenza epidemic," she admitted, feeling guilty about using up their resources.

Getting up from her seat, she looked ragged and exhausted, but determined.

"But I'm planning on going to the forest to collect some herbs and medicine to replenish ours and Doctor Liang Bo supplies and check the traps," she said, her eyes bright with resolve.

As they were about to respond, Doctor Liang Bo approached with medicine and tea blends in hand.

"You've been working tirelessly," he said.

"Take a week off to rest." He handed her a basket of fresh produce, including potatoes, cabbage, carrots, leeks, bok choy, onions, garlic, and 2 catties of rice and flour.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, she thanked him earnestly. He chuckled and affectionately patted her head before leaving.

Turning to her husbands, she asked, "What were you going to say?"

Husbands POV

The husbands watched silently as Doctor Liang Bo approached Jai Yuna with a basket of fresh produce and medicine.

Hao Zhang stood with his arms crossed, his expression stoic and unreadable.

Liu Feng leaned against a nearby tree, his eyes following the doctor's every move.

Chun Wei sat on a nearby rock, his gaze fixed on Jai Yuna's tired face. As the doctor patted Jai Mei's head affectionately and left, the husbands exchanged glances.

Hao Zhang remained silent, but the others could tell what he was feeling.

Liu Feng spoke first. "She's seems to be doing a lot for us, doesn't she?" he said, his voice full of mixed emotions.

Chun Wei nodded in agreement, while Shu Wang remained quiet but his nails deeply imbedded in his hands.

Despite their skepticism and trauma, the husbands couldn't help but feel grateful for Jai Mei's care and dedication to their well-being. As they watched her tired but determined face they knew they had a lot to think about.

Liu Feng spoke up first, "You don't have to worry about anything, just rest. I'll make you some tea to help you sleep."

Shu Wang added, "I'll make you some food from the basket. We have plenty of vegetables to make a nice stew."

Hao Zhang nodded in agreement, "And we'll take care of the gardens and hunt for food. You don't have to do anything."

She felt a warm feeling in her chest, touched by their consideration. "Thank you," she said, feeling grateful for their support.

She ate and drink her tea and slept deeply for that day. She awoken feeling restless not use to not having something to do.

Jai Mei's husband urged her to rest, telling her to leave the animals and crops to them.

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