Chapter Thirty Two: An Unconditional Moment

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As Jai Mei gradually regained her strength under the attentive care of her husbands, Wei Xiaoli, and Doctor Liang Bo, her loyal dog Xiao Hei and her puppies never left her side. Their presence brought her comfort and joy, and she cherished their unwavering companionship.

Progress on the house was going smoothly, and it was nearing completion. In just a couple of days, by the end of the week, the construction would be finished. The remaining tasks involved adding the final touches, sweeping away the dust and debris brought in by the constant traffic, placing and decorating the furniture.

Once these tasks were completed, the house would be ready to be inhabited.
As Jai Mei reflected on the passing time, she realized that nearly a month and a half had gone by since the start of their house building journey. It felt like a significant milestone, a testament to their resilience and determination to create a better life together.

The anticipation of finally settling into their completed home filled Jai Mei with a sense of fulfillment and excitement for the future.

Jai Mei had spent around 35 taels on fixing up their house and buying new furniture. She wanted it to feel cozy and comfortable, so she splurged a bit on plusher beds, pillows, and nice covers with thicker pillows and better quality sheets than she had originally planned.

Another 15 taels went into getting winter and spring clothes for her family. She wanted them to have more than just a couple of outfits, so she picked out some warmer ones, and summer ones.

To stock up for the season, she spent 10 taels on meat, spices, grains, cooking oil and all the goodies they would need for their pantry. She wanted to make sure they had enough to eat during the colder months.

She also paid the builders a total of 60 instead of 45 taels for their hard work, giving them an extra 5 taels each as a little bonus. It was 2 weeks into September she knew they had families to take care of, and the weather was getting colder, so she wanted to show her appreciation.

With winter starting in mid-October and heavier snowfall anticipated in November, Jai Mei was mindful of their financial situation. In total she spent 120 taels out of their 140 taels of silver. But she made 50 taels of silver selling her soaps and oils. Her husbands made about 15 taels of silver selling fish, game, produce such as eggs and vegetables, sewing clothes, and assisting the villagers in other duties.

So they had 85 taels left for their savings which was very well off for farmers whose yearly wages were around 20-25 taels if they were lucky or worked really hard and that was before taxes and expenses came out.

She could hardly move for the pain was a lot but she didn't complain for she knew she was in bad shape, damaging her health trying to not cause more doubts, skepticism, and irritation with her husbands by seeming lazy or more gossip from the villagers of her being a good for nothing.

Also, she craved the rest, Jai Yuna was from a prestigious family so her body wasn't accustom to farm work or life, even when she lived there for 3 years after she was banished by her family and Jai Mei was from the 21st century she worked hard but this was a different ball game.

She actually hope to move in a few years after she build passive income and business deals to a decent courtyard for she really didn't like the life of a farmer.

But she held a deep respect for it and planned to maintain certain farming practices even when she eventually moved away from it.

Her husbands weren't as standoffish as before but still, they weren't your typical married family either. They still had some apprehension, obstacles, hurdles, and healing to get through. But Jai Mei knew she had to work hard to help them accomplish their goals and dreams to let them branch off.

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