Chapter Twelve: Unexpected Problems II

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Jai Mei arrives back at Wei Xiaoli's home with her bag packed and ready to stay for the next two weeks. As she enters the house, Wei Xiaoli thanks her once again for everything she has done for her and her husbands.

Over the next few days, Jai Mei takes care of Wei Xiaoli's husbands, administering their medicine and preparing meals for them.

She also helps out with the household chores and tends to the animals and garden. As they work, Wei Xiaoli tells Jai Mei about how her husbands had always dreamed of going to school, but they never had the opportunity until recently.

They had worked hard to save up enough money to pay for their tuition, but it had left them with little to no savings for emergencies.

Jai Mei nods in understanding and says, "Education is truly valuable, and it's admirable that your husbands have worked hard to pursue it despite the challenges they faced. I will do everything in my power to make sure they recover fully and can continue their studies with renewed energy."

Wei Xiaoli smiles gratefully and says, "Thank you, Jai Yuna. You are truly a dear friend to us.

Jai Mei responds, "It's my pleasure to help you and your husbands. We'll get through this together." She then turns to the topic of their studies and asks, "What subjects are your husbands studying in school?"

Wei Xiaoli replies, "They are studying literature and history, hoping to become scholars who can help bring honor to our family."

Jai Mei nods in approval and says, "Those are important subjects that can have a great impact on society. I wish them all the best in their studies."

The two friends continue to work together, chatting about their hopes and dreams for the future. Jai Mei is glad to have been able to provide some comfort and support to Wei Xiaoli and her husbands during this difficult time.

Hao Zhang arrived at the doorstep with a generous offering of chicken, rabbits, a basket brimming with fresh produce, eggs, and even Xiao Hei. Wei Xiaoli was taken aback by the unexpected gifts, while Jai Mei couldn't hide her surprise.

"That's incredibly kind of you, Hao Zhang. I only requested a couple of chickens, I had no idea you would bring so much," Jai Mei remarked gratefully.

Hao Zhang nodded, " The guys wanted to help out as well. These chickens and rabbits are what we caught and the vegetables and eggs are from our garden. It's the least we can do to help out."

Jai Mei thanked him, impressed by his generosity.

Wei Xiaoli was moved to tears once again, touched by the kindness of her friends and neighbors. She hugged Jai Mei and Hao Zhang tightly, grateful for their support during such a difficult time.

Over the next few days, Jai Mei continued to care for Wei Xiaoli's husbands, making sure they took their medicine and getting them anything they needed.

She also worked alongside Wei Xiaoli, tending to the animals and garden and keeping the house in order.

Wei Xiaoli's husbands finally stood up from the bed with the help of their wife and Jai Mei, they pull her in for a tight embrace, whispering words of gratitude and love.

Wei Xiaoli's eyes light up as she returns the embrace, holding her husbands tightly as if she would never let go.

Jai Mei watches the scene from a distance, a small smile on her face, but also a tinge of envy in her heart.

She knew her own relationship with her husbands was not affectionate, and sometimes she wished for the same kind of closeness that Wei Xiaoli and her husbands shared.

But she also knew that she had a long way to go before she could ever hope to have that kind of relationship with her husbands.

Shaking off the feeling of envy, Jai Mei walks over to the couple and congratulates them on their progress.

She could see how much they loved each other, and she was happy for them.

Together, Jai Mei, and Wei Xiaoli, worked to make sure the household was running smoothly and that the husbands were on the path to recovery. They shared meals together, laughed, and enjoyed each other's company.

Wei Xiaoli's husband had been bedridden for weeks due to their illness, but with Jai Mei's care and the medicine she administered, they were finally able to get out of bed.

As they slowly made their way to the table for breakfast, Wei Xiaoli could hardly contain her joy and relief. "I'm so glad to see you both up and about," she said, smiling at her husband.

Her husband looked at her and replied, "Thank you, my dear. We wouldn't have made it this far without your care and Jai Yuna's help."

Jai Mei added, "It's been my pleasure to help. I'm just glad to see that the medicine has worked."

They all sat down at the table and enjoyed a breakfast of porridge, vegetables, and tea. It was a simple meal, but it felt like a feast to Wei Xiaoli, who was grateful for every moment she had with her beloved husband.

As the two weeks came to a close, Jai Mei prepared to leave, but not before making sure that Wei Xiaoli and her husbands had everything they needed.

She promised to visit whenever she could and to keep in touch. Wei Xiaoli and her husbands thanked Jai Mei from the bottom of their hearts, grateful for her kindness and support. Wei Xiaoli, too, is grateful, and promises to pay Jai Mei back as soon as she can.

Jai Mei smiles and tells Wei Xiaoli that she doesn't need to pay her back, that helping others is just part of being a good neighbor and friend.

She then bids them farewell and heads home, feeling satisfied that she was able to make a difference in their lives.

As Jai Mei walked home, she reflected on the past few weeks and realized how much she had gained from the experience.

However, instead of returning to a normal home, Jai Mei arrived to find herself facing some problems.

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