Twenty Six: Resilient No Matter What

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She left Wei Xiaoli's house went home to do her duties and check in on the house. Keeping out of her husbands way to give them space to calm down.

Her hand and arm was thumping, she took her pain pills and tea as instructed by Doctor Liang Bo. She didn't want to look weak or incapable in front of her husbands now that she had lost their trust again.

She then went to the market in town to start her day at the town market. She grabbed her baskets filled with soaps and oils and made her way through the crowded streets. She searched for an empty stall to sell her products and finally found one at the end of the market.

She quickly set up her display, making sure to arrange her soaps and oils in an eye-catching way. As she was setting up, some of the townspeople walked by and gave her curious looks. Jai Mei knew they were probably wondering what she was selling.

She decided to take the initiative and approached a group of women passing by. "Excuse me, ladies," she said, "I have some wonderful products that I think you might be interested in."

The women looked at her with skepticism. "What kind of products?" one of them asked.

"I have soaps and oils made from natural ingredients that will leave your skin and hair feeling soft and rejuvenated," Jai Mei replied confidently.

The women looked at each other before one of them spoke up. "How much do you charge for these products?"

"15 copper coins per item or 25 copper coins for a set of oil and soap."

One of the women asked, "15 copper coins per item? That's quite expensive, isn't it?"

Jai Mei smiled confidently. "Yes, it may seem expensive at first, but my soaps last longer than the usual ones sold here. They can last up to 3 months, which is past the value of what you're paying for. Plus, I have different scents to choose from, and they're all made from natural ingredients."

Another woman chimed in, "But how do we know if they're really worth the price? We've never seen or heard of your products before and why should we concern ourselves with your reputation?

Jai Mei nodded, understanding their hesitation. "I completely understand your concern. That's why I'm offering a set of my soaps and oils for 25 copper coins. If you buy the set, I'll even throw in an additional oil for free. You can try them out for yourselves and see the difference it makes."

"Also, when was the last time anyone saw me look so well? Take a look at my appearance now. I've gained weight, cleared up my skin, restored my hair, and improved my hygiene. I no longer smell of alcohol or look like a drunkard."

The women looked at each other, considering her offer. Jai Mei then picked up a bucket of water enduring the pain shooting through her hands and shoulder and started washing some clothes in front of them, lathering up the soap and showing them how it easily removed dirt and stains. "And not only can my soap be used for washing the body, but it can also be used to wash clothes. It's versatile and long-lasting."

The townspeople watched in amazement as she cleaned the clothes, and some even came up to touch the fabrics and smell the scent of the soap.

Jai Mei pointed at the bucket of soapy water and said, "See how the soap lathers up and the stains come out easily? That's the magic of this soap. It's made with boar parts which my family hunted ourselves."

The townsfolk and villagers knew that catching a boar was an arduous and dangerous task.

One of the women asked, "Your family hunted the boar?!"

Jai Mei nodded proudly. "Yes, we did. It was a tough hunt, but it was worth it to make such high-quality soap."

Another woman chimed in, "I've never heard of soap made from boar before. How did you come up with that idea?"

Jai Mei's lips curved into a smile. "It's actually a secret recipe passed down from my grandmother in the Jai family."
The women looked impressed and intrigued by Jai Mei's knowledge and skills.

One woman came closer and smelled the oils. "This one smells really nice. Can I try it on my skin?"

"Of course!" Jai Mei said with a smile, handing her the bottle. "Just a small amount will do. Also please come and experience the different fragrances in our sampler soaps and choose the one that appeals to you."

As the woman applied the oil to her arms, she gasped in surprise. "It's so smooth and silky," she said. "And it smells amazing!"

Jai Mei nodded in agreement. "Yes, the oils are made with the finest ingredients. They're perfect for revitalizing your skin and hair."

A few more approached, taking in the scents of the soaps and becoming entranced. "This is delightful, I really love it," they exclaimed.

Jai Mei added, "Oh, and don't forget that your husbands and children can use them too! They are gentle enough for all skin types and will leave everyone feeling refreshed and clean."

With a satisfied smile on her face, Jai Mei realized that she had sold out all of her soaps and oils, earning a total of 50 taels of silver.

Although she knew that she could easily make more oils from herbs, flowers, and nuts, the process of making soaps required her to catch another boar, which would take some time.

She decided to focus on that task at a later time. For now, she felt content and happy, knowing that her hard work had paid off and that people would return to buy her products in the future.

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