Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Problems I

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Jai Mei took a deep breath and steadied herself. "I'm ready, Doctor Liang Bo," she said, handing him her completed poultice and compress demonstration.

He took the paper from her and inspected it closely. "Very good, Jai Yuna.

You have a strong understanding of the properties of these herbs and how to use them effectively."

Jai Mei beamed with pride at his compliment. "Thank you, Doctor. I have been studying hard and practicing as much as I can."

"Indeed," he replied, his stern expression softening into a small smile. "You seem to have a natural knack for this work, Jai Yuna. I commend you on your efforts."

As Jai Mei began to clean up her supplies, she suddenly sneezed loudly, causing her poultice to become lumped shaped. She looked up at Doctor Liang Bo, embarrassed, but he kept his stern demeanor and simply told her to start again.

Once Jai Mei had successfully completed the demonstration, Doctor Liang Bo nodded approvingly. "Good job, Jai Yuna. You have passed the test."

As Jai Mei began to clean up her supplies, Doctor Liang Bo chuckled quietly to himself. He didn't want to embarrass her further, but her sneeze had been quite amusing. She couldn't help but wonder what he found so amusing.

Suddenly, there was a commotion outside the clinic. Suddenly, a villager burst into the clinic, gasping for breath.

"Doctor Liang Bo, we need your help!" he yelled. "There's been an accident the roof collapsed and three workers are badly injured!"

Doctor Liang Bo immediately sprang into action, instructing them to clear the patient rooms. "Get them in here now!" he shouted. "Jai Yuna, I need you to assist me."

Jai Mei quickly gathered the necessary medical supplies and followed Doctor Liang Bo to the patient rooms.

As they arrived, they saw three men lying on the floor, covered in dust and blood. Two of them were barely conscious and gasping for air, while the third appeared to have suffered a broken arm.

Doctor Liang Bo: "We need to attend to these patients immediately, but I can only focus on one at a time. The other doctor is two hours away."

Jai Mei: "I have the medical supplies. Maybe I can help."

Doctor Liang Bo made a grunting sound and gave a nod of agreement.

Villager 1: "Jai Yuna? How can we trust her? She's never done anything good in her life."

Villager 2: "Yeah, she's always drunk and stealing things. And she abuses her husband."

Jai Mei was unable to speak as she was aware of her terrible reputation and the truth behind the accusations.

Doctor Liang Bo: "Jai Yuna is my apprentice and hasn't failed a test yet. I'm teaching her. Are you saying I'm poor in my judgement?"

Villager 1: "N-no, of course not."

Doctor Liang Bo: "Then let her help. It's a matter of life and death for these patients."

Jai Mei: "Thank you, Doctor. I'll do my best to help." she said in a hushed tone.

Villager 2: "I still don't trust her."

Doctor Liang Bo: "If you don't want your friends and family members to die, you will stop complaining and let us work. Now get out, you're not properly sanitized or qualified to help! Jai Yuna lets get to work."

Jai Mei was grateful for Doctor Liang Bo's support and got to work cleaning and sanitizing the wounds, cutting off torn clothes, sewing wounds, popping bones back into place, and administering the right medicine, cream, and bandages.

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