Chapter Sixteen Jai Yuna's Old Acquaintances

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After her week of rest and peace, Jai Yuna finally had the chance to continue her lessons with Doctor Liang Bo. As she arrived, he greeted her with his usual sternness, "Jai Yuna, welcome." Despite his cold demeanor, she greeted him warmly, eager to learn more.

"So, you've been reading about acupuncture. Tell me, what did you learn?" he asked, looking at her expectantly.

Jai Mei took a deep breath before responding, "Well, I learned about the different pressure points in the body and how to properly place the needles to alleviate pain and promote healing. I also read about the various techniques used in acupuncture, like cupping and moxibustion."

"Alright," said Doctor Liang Bo, his manner direct and serious. "Let's move on to the meridians and pressure points in the body. What can you tell me about them, Jai Yuna?"

Jai Mei took another deep breath then responded "In traditional Chinese medicine, meridians are the pathways through which the body's vital energy, known as qi, flows.

There are twelve main meridians in the body, each corresponding to a different organ system. Acupuncture and acupressure both work by stimulating specific points along these meridians to promote the flow of qi and restore balance to the body.

"Pressure points, on the other hand, are specific points on the body that, when pressed, can produce therapeutic effects. There are hundreds of pressure points throughout the body, and each has its own unique benefits. For example, pressing on the LI4 point between the thumb and index finger is said to relieve pain and promote relaxation, while pressing on the P6 point on the inside of the wrist can help alleviate nausea and vomiting.

"Both meridians and pressure points play an important role in traditional Chinese medicine and can be used to treat a wide range of physical and emotional ailments." Jai Mei finished, looking to Doctor Liang Bo looking for validation.

Doctor Liang Bo nodded, pleased with her progress. He then proceeded to introduce her to acupuncture, explaining the hands on theory behind the practice and how it can be used to treat pain and illness. Jai Mei was initially hesitant to try acupuncture on herself or others, but Doctor Liang Bo assured her that it was safe and painless when done correctly.

"Can you explain to me which pressure points you're targeting based on the meridians in the body?" Jai Mei asked Doctor Liang Bo.

"Of course," he replied. "In this case, I'm focusing on the bladder and gallbladder meridians, which run along the back of the body. I'm inserting needles into specific points along those meridians, such as the bladder 23 and gallbladder 34 points, which can help relieve tension and pain in the lower back."

As he spoke, Doctor Liang Bo called in a patient who had been suffering from chronic back pain. Jai Mei observed closely as Doctor Liang Bo expertly placed the needles into the patient's pressure points, eliciting a sense of relief in him.

"By targeting specific points along the meridians in the body, we can help stimulate the flow of Qi and promote healing," Doctor Liang Bo explained. "It's a delicate practice that requires years of training and experience, but it can be very effective in treating a wide range of conditions."

Jai Mei watched in awe as the patient's face softened and his breathing became more relaxed. "Wow, I never knew that acupuncture could be so effective," she said, impressed.

"It's a powerful tool when used correctly," Doctor Liang Bo replied. "But it takes time and practice to master. Now, would you like to try it for yourself?"

Jai Mei hesitated for a moment before nodding. "Yes, I would like to try."

"Very well," the doctor said, handing her a sterile needle. "Just remember to insert the needle at a 90-degree angle, and never force it in. Let the needle guide itself. It's all about understanding the meridians and pressure points of the body," the doctor replied. "It takes years of study and practice to master the art of acupuncture."

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