Chapter Sixty Four: Glimpses of Jai Mei

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Jai Mei felt a chill cascade down her spine as she grappled with Shu Wang's earnest declaration. Words failed her; how could she respond to such heartfelt sincerity? He stood before her, his presence both imposing and vulnerable.

Though part of her wished for him to experience life beyond their marriage, his plea stirred a deep-seated conflict within her. She had thought separation was best, largely due to the past abuse—a crucial factor in her reasoning.

Yet, here he was, acknowledging the pain yet choosing to stay, to seek love and redemption in the ashes of their tumultuous past. As she gazed into his eyes, the depth of his conviction was unmistakable. Only someone blind or utterly senseless could doubt his sincerity.

Jai Mei felt her heart race, the weight of their conversation pressing heavily on her. As she struggled to articulate her thoughts, Shu Wang recognized the turmoil swirling within her.

Without a word, he gently led her to the bed, assisting her to lie down. Climbing in beside her, he met her gaze with a soft, questioning look. "May I sleep here?" he asked quietly.

"Yes, of course," she replied without hesitation. His arms opened, inviting her closer, and she nestled into his embrace, seeking the warmth and comfort it offered. Shu Wang's heart warmed with a gentle joy, feeling her relax against him.

This simple act of seeking comfort confirmed to Shu Wang that his wife did care for him deeply, mirroring the concern he felt for her. It echoed the tenderness they had shared earlier when she had wiped away his tears in the bathtub. Her actions spoke of a love that, though hesitant, was sincere and deep.

Convinced of her affection yet aware of her reservations, Shu Wang resolved to give her the time she needed to fully come to terms with their relationship. He believed that with patience and continued openness, their bond would strengthen naturally. For now, he cherished the quiet intimacy of the moment, holding her close.

As Jai Mei drifted into a weary sleep, Shu Wang lay awake a little longer, savoring her presence. He traced the lines of her face with his fingertips, ran his hands through her hair, and admired the gentle rise and fall of her breathing. He memorized the little mole near her nail bed and inhaled the lingering scent of her bath oil. Each small discovery about her deepened his affection.

Eventually, contentment drew him into sleep, a serene smile on his lips, grateful for the peace they found together despite the day's emotional storms.

Jai Mei awoke, still enveloped in the early hours of the morning, her head resting on Shu Wang's chest. The realization that it was still dark outside made her more aware of the warmth and comfort his presence provided.

As she came to, she recalled the emotional intensity of their night — the shared tears, the deep conversations, and how naturally she had found solace in his embrace.

A smile crept across her face as she appreciated the profound peace she felt while lying in his arms, a sense of rest she hadn't experienced since her arrival in this new life.

The steady rhythm of his heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath her cheek offered a calming reassurance she hadn't known she needed.

Lifting her gaze, she studied his face in the dim light, struck by the serene expression he wore even in sleep. The soft moonlight streamed through the window, casting a gentle glow that highlighted the peaceful contours of his features. It made her wonder, How could someone look so utterly beautiful even in slumber?

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