Chapter Five: Jai Mei Teaches Her Husbands

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As they were walking back home, they heard some noises coming from their chicken coop. When they arrived, they saw Li Jie trying to steal their chickens.

Jai Mei shouted, "Li Jie, what are you doing? I promised to pay your debt back, not steal from us!"

Li Jie replied, "I didn't think you were actually going to give me the chickens, so I decided to take them myself. It's not my fault you can't keep your promises."

The other villagers had come out to see what was happening. Li Jie was not willing to back down. "I demand those chickens! They're rightfully mine!"

Jai Mei snapped, "Li Jie. We did catch some chickens the other day, but we only caught three of them. One we kept to eat and the other two to breed. We will give you yours once we catch some more."

Li Jie glared at Jai Yuna, "You're just a liar and a cheat! I'll make sure everyone in the village knows!"

Jai Mei calmly replied, "I'm not trying to cheat you, Li Jie. We will give you yours once we catch some more."

Li Jie scoffed, "Why should I wait for that when you have two chickens right here?! You can just give me these chickens and catch some more."

The villagers had mixed opinions. Some agreed that Li Jie should wait, while others believed Jai Yuna should give them up and hunt for more. Jai Mei remained collected, knowing that she had to handle the situation calmly and not let her reputation plummet.

Jai Mei made her point clear, "As a gesture of goodwill, I will give you the two chickens, but do not test my patience any further. If you ever come to our doorstep again, I will not hesitate to take action."

Li Jie begrudgingly took the chickens, but before she left, she shouted, "You better had or I'll made you pay for this!"

Jai Mei watched as Li Jie stormed off, relieved that she had done the right thing by standing her ground and not letting her reputation suffer.

The villagers and her husbands watched with bated breath, half expecting Jai Yuna to blow up at Li Jie for trying to steal her chickens. But to their surprise, Jai Mei remained calm and collected throughout the entire ordeal. Her tone was firm, but controlled, and she refused to let Li Jie's insults and accusations get to her.

The villagers were impressed that she had given up her only two chickens, as wild chickens were hard to catch and rarely a male and female pair to breed and with Jai Mei's level-headedness and were hopeful that she was truly changing her ways, as she had promised after the incident in the lake.

Jai Mei sighed as they walked back home, feeling a bit guilty about giving away the two chickens.

As they arrived back at their house, they noticed that the chicken coop was in disarray.

"Li Jie really did a number on this coop," said Liu Feng, examining the damage.

Jai Mei nodded. "We'll have to fix it tomorrow. But for now, let's focus on the well and the fields."

The rest of the evening was spent cleaning and tending to the fields. Jai Mei and her husbands worked tirelessly, making sure that everything was in order.

As they went inside their home, Jai Mei instructed her husbands to cook some food with the rabbit they had and all the rice in the home.

Jai Mei took the lead and started giving orders to the other husbands, "Shu Wang, you take care of the rabbits.

Chun Wei, you start cooking the rice. We need to make sure everyone has a full stomach tonight."

Shu Wang nodded in agreement and got to work on the rabbits while Chun Wei started cooking the rice.

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