Forty One: It Was Like An Unmovable Boulder

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As winter settled in, Jai Mei's in bed and her husbands found themselves gathered outside under the cover of darkness.

They had agreed to meet to finally address the guilt that had been weighing heavily on their hearts ever since they overheard Jai Mei's confession a few days ago.

The bitter cold nipped at their skin as they stood together, their breath visible in the chilly night air.

Unbeknownst to them, Jai Mei had been planning to call for one of them to bring her a pitcher of water.

However, as she considered it, she realized how trivial it was in comparison to her arm and shoulder injury. She decided to walk to the main room to get a drink herself.

As she entered the main room, her eyes widened when she noticed both of their room doors were open, and none of them were in their beds.

An uncomfortable feeling washed over her, hoping that nothing untoward had happened. Seeking reassurance, she quietly approached the window and creaked it open to see if they were outside.

To her relief, she saw her husbands gathered together, engaged in conversation. Assured that everything seemed normal, she turned to leave. But just as she took a step, their words reached her ears, and her heart sank.

The conversation that reached her ears caused a deep pang in her heart. Her husbands were discussing their guilt and remorse over their past plan to leave her and take everything they had earned. Jai Mei listened intently, her emotions swirling inside her.

She wasn't going to interrupt or confront them. Instead, she resolved to deal with her own emotions privately. Silently, she turned away from the window, intending to leave and pretend she hadn't heard anything.

But just as she took a step, her loyal dog Xiao Hei bumped against the slightly ajar front door, pushing it open and revealing Jai Mei's presence to the room.

Hao Zhang spoke up, his voice filled with raw emotion and vulnerability. "We need to confront our actions, face the truth about what we did, and the pain we caused Jai Yuna. It has weighed heavily on my mind, gnawing at my conscience."

Liu Feng added, his voice heavy with regret and self-reflection, "I can't escape the overwhelming guilt that consumes me. I had everything prepared for us to leave, to abandon her when she was truly just helping us. How could we have plotted against someone who showed us nothing but consistency?"

Chun Wei chimed in, his tone laced with genuine remorse, "It was an unforgivable mistake. We allowed our frustration and anger to cloud our judgment, to blind us from her renewed genuine and humbleness, and understanding she consistently extended to us. We betrayed her trust, and now we must find a way to make amends."

Shu Wang confessed, his voice trembling with sincere remorse, "I never thought I was capable of such cruelty. Our wife who had given us her heart and her unwavering support, and we were prepared to repay her with betrayal. I'm plagued by the inability to forgive myself for what we almost did."

Hao Zhang spoke up, his voice filled with emotion and vulnerability. "I know she has hurt us tremendously in the past, and the wounds still linger within us. But we were wrong this time, terribly wrong. We allowed our pain to blind us, and we failed to see the changes she has been making, the efforts she has put forth to be better.

We cannot let our past cloud our judgment and perpetuate the cycle of hurt. We owe it to her, to ourselves, and to our future to confront our actions and seek forgiveness."

Hao Zhang continued, his words filled with deep introspection, "We may have put back the bags and baskets of produce, dismissed the cart, and returned the coin purse, but it still feels inadequate. We overheard her confess why she didn't say anything about her injury a few days ago..."

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