Chapter Sixty Three: Shu Wang's Olive Branch III

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As Jai Mei read the harrowing details of Shu Wang's past and his eventual path to their marriage, her emotions overwhelmed her, sapping the strength from her legs.

She didn't notice his approach, but suddenly he was there, guiding her gently to sit on the bed. He sat before her, his vulnerability laid bare as completely as the words on the page.

The pressure that had been mounting in her chest burst forth, and she felt an intense, crushing weight, as though she were physically holding the burdens that Shu Wang had carried all his life.

Her hands trembled, clutching the letter so tightly it crumpled, mirroring the tears that now freely streamed down her face.

A harsh sob broke from Jai Mei as tears blurred her vision. In a swift, almost reflexive motion, she leapt from the bed into Shu Wang's lap, the letters scattering across the floor.

Clinging to him desperately, she cried out, her sobs echoing the depth of her turmoil.

Shu Wang wrapped his arms around her, rocking gently back and forth, his hands soothing her hair, providing comfort to both of them in this shared moment of raw vulnerability.

The flashbacks of the abuse Shu Wang had endured under Jai Yuna's hand surged through Jai Mei's mind like sharp, piercing pains.

Each memory was vivid, a brutal reminder of the pain inflicted upon the man she now held. She squeezed her eyes shut, attempting to banish the haunting images, but they clung stubbornly, relentless in their intensity.

Her cries filled the room, a poignant mix of agony for the past abuses he suffered and the overwhelming responsibility she now felt, living Jai Yuna's life. The emotional burden was immense, a shared history of pain that was now hers to bear as well.

After she leaned up from her tearful embrace, tears still spilling from her eyes, Jai Mei said, "I'm the worst thing to happen to you." They wiped each other's tears away as she spoke.

Shu Wang began to protest, "Wife, please don't say-" but she cut him off firmly, "It is the truth. You went from one terrible situation to an even worse one. The amount of abuse you experienced in this marriage... it's unforgivable.

You deserve so much better than me, and that's what I truly want for you." She shook her head, her gaze locked into his.

"And you need to understand, you are not a monster. You do deserve love, happiness, and a family. You can have all these things. You are not defined by your past or by the circumstances of your birth.

You are worthy of compassion, understanding, and respect. I am here to help you see that and to strive for it," she continued, her voice firm yet gentle.

"I just feel like it shouldn't be with me. I-" she began, but he cut her off this time, his voice gentle, "Let's get you washed up, and not let your bath water get cold."

He scooped her up from the floor and carried her towards the bathtub, his actions tender yet resolute.

As he gently placed her on the edge of the table beside the bathtub filled with bubbles and a hint of scented oils, she made a move to assist, but he simply looked at her and pointed firmly towards the seat, signaling her to stay. She complied, sitting back as he continued.

"You say I'm not defined by my past or how I came to be, and that I am deserving of love and happiness-but so are you," he said, his voice carrying a weight of sincerity as he approached her.

Carefully, he removed her long-sleeve overall; she started to protest, "Let me-", but he interrupted softly, "Please, let me."

She allowed it, and he gently lifted her into the tub, her bathing garment still on. Shu Wang then soaked a cloth in the warm water, tenderly wiping the dried tears from her face.

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