Chapter Thirty One: A Small Break Through For Jai Mei's Family IV POV'S

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And Threee 💜💜💜 I'm just can't help myself lol 😙

Chun Wei's POV

Chun Wei's heart sinks as he witnesses Jai Mei's collapse, realizing the severity of her condition. Guilt floods his senses as he recalls the accusations he and the other husbands hurled at her, falsely believing her to be the cause of his suffering.

In this moment, the weight of his past experiences with Jai Mei presses upon him, stirring a whirlwind of emotions.

Regret washes over Chun Wei as he reflects on the times he misjudged her actions, attributing them to malice rather than understanding the pain she endured.

As Jai Mei's best friend and the builders explain the truth, Chun Wei's trembling body still bears the scars of his past trauma. Tears stream down his face, mingling with the relief that washes over him. The realization that he had misunderstood Jai Mei all along pierces his heart, and he is overcome by a sense of remorse.

His voice quivers as he speaks, his words a mix of apology and desperation. "Jai Yuna, I'm so sorry" The weight of his guilt intensifies as he watches Jai Mei's fragile form lying there, her strength exhausted from overworking herself to provide for them.

Chun Wei's hands trembled slightly as he pressed the cold cloth against Jai Mei's warm skin as he did everyday for the pass two days. His heart was torn between the reality of misunderstanding and his own understanding of the frustrations that had driven him to consider leaving.

Chun Wei's vulnerability is laid bare as he confronts the consequences of his actions and the impact they had on Jai Mei's well-being. Amidst the relief of knowing the truth, he also carries the burden of realizing how deeply he had hurt her.

As Jai Mei wakes up, her forgiving words touch Chun Wei's wounded soul. The magnitude of her forgiveness overwhelms him, and he resolves to make amends and be a better husband.

In his heart, a flicker of hope ignites, guiding him towards healing and rebuilding the trust that was shattered by his misguided beliefs.

Chun Wei's emotions remain a tangle of remorse, gratitude, and a newfound determination to support Jai Mei. He understands that healing will take time, but he is committed to standing by her side and working towards a future built on trust, understanding, and mutual respect.

Shu Wang POV

As Shu Wang observes Jai Mei lying unconscious over the days, regret washed over him as he acknowledged their previous plans to abandon their responsibilities.

Realizing the potential consequences of their actions. his heart sinks with a mixture of fear and anguish. The realization that he had doubted her truth, even for a moment, amplifies the weight of his self-perceived failures as a husband.

The memories of past abuses resurface, haunting him and intensifying his feelings of inadequacy.

In that moment, Shu Wang's mind races with regret and self-blame. He berates himself for not trusting Jai Mei, for succumbing to the doubts and accusations that had clouded his judgment. The knowledge that he had contributed to her suffering, even indirectly, fills him with immense guilt and deepens the wounds of his own trauma.

Tears well up in his eyes as he reaches out to touch Jai Mei's hand, trembling with a mixture of remorse and longing.

"Wife, I'm so sorry," he whispers, his voice choked with emotion. "I should have believed you. I should have known better."

In this moment of clarity, Shu Wang's desire to be a good husband and provide unwavering support to Jai Mei burns brighter than ever before. The weight of his past failures and the enduring impact of the abuse inflicted upon him drive him to seek redemption and to make amends.

While the journey ahead is undoubtedly challenging, Shu Wang's determination to be a pillar of strength for Jai Mei is unwavering. He vows to protect her, to make up for his momentary disbelief by showering her with love, care, and unwavering support.

The trauma he carries serves as a constant reminder of the importance of trust, compassion, and open communication within their relationship.

Although Shu Wang's heart remains heavy with the scars of the past, he is determined to forge a new path with Jai Mei—one that is built on mutual understanding, healing, and the commitment to overcome their shared traumas together.

Authors Note:

Guys give yourself some grace 😭 you're all justified.

Also Poor Jai Mei she's got it so hard. What am I doing to her? 😣

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