Chapter Seven: A Moment for Jai Mei

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Jai Mei returns home feeling incredibly lonely and helpless. As she walks in, she finds her four husbands waiting for her.

Hao Zhang's cold and distant gaze remains unchanged, while Liu Feng, Chun Wei, and Shu Wang all look at her with concern as they notice her disheveled appearance and limp. They immediately sense that something is wrong.

"What happened, Jai Yuna?" Chun Wei asks.

"I was attacked by bandits on my way back from the market," Jai Mei explains, holding back tears.

Hao Zhang scoffs. "Bandits? That sounds like a convenient excuse for why you don't have the money or items."

Jai Mei's heart sinks as she realizes that even her own husbands don't trust her.

"I'm telling the truth. They took our money and broke the vials I had bought," she insists.

Li Feng speaks up, "How can we trust you when you have a history of being involved in fights?."

Shu Wang and Chun Wei agreed in silence.

Hao Zhang remains unconvinced. "I'm not sure I believe this story. It sounds like you're just trying to cover up the fact that you wasted the money on something else."

She could see that they were skeptical about her story.

Jai Mei feels overwhelmed and helpless. She tries to defend herself, but the other husbands don't seem to believe her either. Feeling hurt and frustrated, Jai Mei excuses herself and walks out of the house.

She wanders aimlessly until she finds a secluded spot to cry and try to collect her thoughts. As she sits there in the secluded spot, tears streaming down her face as she tries to collect her thoughts. She feels overwhelmed and helpless.

She can't believe that her husbands don't believe her about the bandits, and it hurts her deeply. She knows that Jai Yuna hasn't always been honest with them in the past, but she's changed. She's trying to be better, to be a good wife to all four of them.

But it seems like they'll never fully trust her, and that thought only makes her cry harder. She feels alone and scared, like she's lost everything that matters to her. She wonders if she'll ever be able to make things right with her husbands, to show them that she's changed and that she wants to love them truly.

Jai Yuna sits alone on the edge of a small forest, feeling lost and alone in this new world. Her heart is heavy with longing for her old life and family, and the weight of the responsibilities and struggles she now faces is overwhelming.

She feels like she is suffocating, unable to escape the pressure and uncertainty of this strange new reality. The world around her seems unfamiliar and frightening, and she wonders if she will ever be able to adapt and find happiness here.

Her breaths become shallow and rapid, and she starts to hyperventilate as panic grips her chest. Tears well up in her eyes as she curls up into a ball, wishing for someone to hold her and tell her everything will be okay. Just when she feels like she can't take it anymore, a warm wind envelops her like a hug, and she hears a gentle voice in her ear.

"It's okay, my Jai Mei. You're not alone. I'm here with you."

Jai Mei looks around, but she can't see anyone.

The voice continues, "You're in a difficult situation, but I'm here to help you. You're strong, and you can get through this."

Jai Mei feels a sense of peace and comfort wash over her, and her breathing begins to slow down. She wipes away her tears and stands up, feeling more determined than ever to face whatever challenges come her way.

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