Fifty Three: Doctor Liang Bo II

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His response was simple yet unexpectedly intimate. "It's because I like to keep eye level with you," he explained, his voice carrying a hint of something more, something that resonated deeper.

The words landed softly yet profoundly, stirring a warmth within Jai Mei that she hadn't anticipated. She could feel the heat rising to her cheeks, a flush of emotion coloring her face.

Doctor Liang Bo, seemingly oblivious to the flutter he'd caused in her heart, excused himself to retrieve the forgotten supplies. "Hold on, I left the supplies on the table," he said, leaving the room momentarily.

Left alone with her swirling thoughts, Jai Mei found herself momentarily adrift in the wake of their interaction. Doctor Liang Bo's words had struck a chord, echoing in the quiet room like a note held too long.

Yet, she was quick to remind herself of the boundaries between them. Yes, he was disarmingly handsome, his charm effortless and genuine, but she was his apprentice, not a woman lost in the throes of romantic pursuit.

His mentorship was a guidepost in her life, not an invitation to something more.

She fanned herself, not just to ward off the lingering heat from their playful chase but also to dissipate any unwarranted thoughts that dared to cloud her judgment.

Doctor Liang Bo's presence was indeed stirring, but Jai Mei was no ordinary woman to be easily swayed. She had her own complex world, a life unexpectedly woven with the threads of four husbands, a reality she was still coming to terms with since her transmigration into this life.

The soft cadence of Doctor Liang Bo's footsteps returning did little to disturb her newfound resolve. Jai Mei recognized the beauty in their connection, the comfort in their unity, but she knew where to draw the line.

Her life was already a tapestry rich with challenges and commitments – nurturing and rebuilding the lives of her four husbands and herself, a task daunting enough without adding the intricacies of heartstrings and romantic ties.

Besides, Jai Mei was acutely aware of her standing – a woman not just navigating a new existence but also grappling with the distaste of an entire village, the estrangement from her own family, and the intricate dynamics of her household.

The notion of romance, however fleeting, seemed not just unrealistic but unnecessary against the backdrop of her current endeavors.

She was determined to carve out a life of quietude and serenity, perhaps in a quaint courtyard house, away from the clamor of unneeded complications.

As Doctor Liang Bo re-entered the room, Jai Mei greeted him with a composed smile, her thoughts carefully tucked away, her focus realigned on the present and the tangible – the warmth of the fire, the comfort of the blanket, and the healing touch of a mentor's care.

In the intimate proximity of the medical room, the simple act of unbuttoning her garment took on a new gravity. Jai Mei's heart raced as Doctor Liang Bo reached for the top buttons, her pulse quickening not from discomfort but from the unexpected closeness.

"Let me do it this time," she interjected, a hint of self-consciousness threading her voice.

Doctor Liang Bo's gaze met hers, stern yet not unkind. "Are we doing this again?" he asked, his tone gentle despite the firmness in his eyes.

"But this time I'm not injured," Jai Mei countered softly, seeking a sliver of autonomy in the moment.

"And like last time, I'm the doctor," he reminded her, his touch careful as he gently moved her arm and proceeded with the buttons.

The simple act, performed with such attentiveness, left Jai Mei acutely aware of his presence, the quiet strength in his hands, and the subtle scent of medicinal herbs that seemed to cling to him.

As he worked, Jai Mei couldn't help but voice the question that lingered in her mind.

"How come you're not married, Bo? You may be stern and seem unapproachable, but you're a doctor, a helpful and good man, very attentive," she mused, her words carrying genuine curiosity.

His hands paused for a moment as he considered her words. Then, as he resumed sliding the garment down her shoulders, he stepped closer, the space between them diminishing further.

"Being a doctor requires a lot of my time. It is not the life a woman who wants a family would want to deal with. I worked hard for my dream to be a doctor.

Why make such ladies miserable or unhappy? I choose to spare them of such a life," he explained, his voice carrying a note of solemn resolve.

Jai Mei, her usual candor shining through, teased, "Oh, so you've dated quite a few, huh?" Her words were light, an attempt to navigate the intensity of the moment with humor.

Doctor Liang Bo's response was immediate, his proximity more pronounced as he reached around to remove the garment completely from her left arm.

"No," he uttered simply, his breath a warm whisper across her face.

In that confined space, with the warmth of the fire nearby and the quiet rustle of fabric, a complex dance of emotions unfolded.

The simplicity of the task at hand – a doctor tending to his patient – was layered with an unspoken understanding, a shared moment that transcended the ordinary, leaving them both momentarily suspended in a silence laden with unspoken thoughts and uncharted possibilities.

As Doctor Liang Bo carefully undid the ace bandage on Jai Mei's arm, the room was steeped in a quiet intensity.

The methodical sound of the unwrapping bandage punctuated their conversation, a testament to the doctor's meticulous care.

Jai Mei watched, a silent observer, as he cleansed the wound with a gentle precision that belied the depth of their ongoing conversation.

"Ah, my first relationship was child's play," he began, his voice steady as he applied a healing cream to her arm with a touch both tender and professional.

"We were kids, and as we matured, our lives took different directions."

As he rewrapped her arm with a fresh bandage, his movements were smooth, almost soothing in their rhythm.

He continued, "During my studies to become a doctor, there was another – a fellow student and our mentor. We thought it could work, given our mutual understanding of the life we were pursuing, the sacrifices it entailed."

Jai Mei listened intently, the warmth from the fireplace casting a soft glow on the scene, as Doctor Liang Bo delved into his past, a narrative woven with the intricacies of ambition and the divergence of paths.

"As marriage became a goal, she found herself drawn into the world of government, becoming a court official's doctor, part of the intricate web under the emperor. The allure of that life, the prestige and power it offered, seemed to captivate her," he shared, his tone tinged with a hint of reflection, perhaps even loss.

He secured the bandage with a final touch, his eyes meeting Jai Mei's as he added, "But I've always known that life isn't for me. The dangerous politics, the precarious balance of power and status – it's a game fraught with risks I'm not willing to take.

No matter the status or wealth it might offer, I couldn't see myself entangled in such a web. So, I let her go, let her chase the life that fascinated her, while I stayed true to my own path."

He paused, his gaze steady and sincere. "Does that answer your questions, Yuna?"

In that moment, as Doctor Liang Bo's narrative intertwined with the careful tending of her wound, Jai Mei found herself enveloped not just in the warmth of the room but in the warmth of understanding, of shared vulnerabilities, and of a connection.

While unexpected, offered a rare glimpse into the depths of another's journey – a journey marked by choices, sacrifices, and the pursuit of a life true to one's own heart.

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