Chapter Sixty Seven Conversations and Contemplations

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As Jai Mei ventured into the medicine room to create incense for the guys, they gathered in Hao Zhang and Liu Feng's room for a frank discussion with Shu Wang.

Hao Zhang leaned forward, his expression serious, and said, "Tell us what's going on."

Shu Wang, holding a cup of tea, settled into a chair with a reflective smile. "I've decided not to pursue a divorce," he announced.

Liu Feng let out a heavy sigh, his brows furrowing. "Why would you do that? You have so much life ahead. It shouldn't be confined within our marriage to her."

Chun Wei nodded in agreement, his gaze intense and searching.

Shu Wang met their looks with a steady gaze. "This is what I've always wanted—this marriage, with her. Why would I leave when she gave me a choice, and I chose this?"

Hao Zhang shook his head, disbelief etched across his features. "How could you decide so easily? We've always had to remind you not to be so susceptible to her influence. You're stubborn, you know."

Shu Wang smiled gently, looking down into his teacup, "Yes, stubborn I am. But I didn’t make this decision lightly. She has changed. We all see it."

Liu Feng’s voice rose slightly, a mix of frustration and concern coloring his tone. "She might be changing, but it doesn’t erase our past. You really need to think this through more."

"I have," Shu Wang replied softly, his voice firm.

Chun Wei leaned in, his expression earnest. "But have you really? I understand she's kinder to us now. But we all know you were willing to endure anything, even risking your life in this marriage.

You don’t have to live like that. We have a chance to be free. You need to break free from the mental comfort you've found in suppression, hoping it'll change for the better. Some never escape because the change they hope for never comes, but God has given us this chance."

A pained look crossed Shu Wang’s face, his lips pressed tightly as he absorbed their words. "This isn’t like before," he said slowly, the irritation in his voice tinged with sadness.

"I understand your concerns. I know I'm the only one who wanted this marriage initially, and my attachment was unhealthy, driven by fear of loneliness and a lack of love.

But this is different. She truly cares about me, deeply, and you can’t deny that. I’m not saying you all have to stay because of that, but I do love our wife sincerely. I believe she will love me rightly this time."

The room was thick with emotion, each man wrestling with his thoughts as they tried to reconcile Shu Wang’s decisions with their own feelings and experiences.

Chun Wei spoke with a tinge of sadness, "But how do you know if what you feel is truly love and not just a result of being close for so long? It's called force proximity." Trying to make Shu Wang face what he feels are hard truths.

"And how can you be sure that her actions aren’t just out of pity or a sense of obligation? She's been trying to make up for our past suffering—that doesn't necessarily mean her feelings are about love.

She desires freedom from this marriage too, doesn’t she? She's working out of obligation, biding her time until she can leave us."

Shu Wang sat up straight, his eyes widening as he absorbed Chun Wei’s words. With a firm tone, he responded, "Forced proximity?! Chun Wei, don’t dismiss my feelings so lightly. I am no fool."

Liu Feng looked at Shu Wang exasperated. As he said "Then don't act like—"

But Shu Wang cut him off, "Let me finish."  Before anyone else could interject, Shu Wang continued, his voice gaining strength.

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