Chapter Seventeen: The Jai Family Caught a Boar!

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Jai Mei and Hao Zhang headed deep into the forest the next morning, leaving the other husbands behind. Jai Mei felt guilty about not letting them come along, but she knew it was too dangerous for inexperienced hunters.

As they walked through the forest, Jai Mei kept her eyes peeled for any rare herbs or medicine that they could sell for a good price. They gathered some eggs, five chickens, and basic medicinal plants, but nothing too rare as they headed deeper into the forest.

Hao Zhang was crouched down examining tracks in the dirt when he turned to Jai Mei and said, "Look, these seem to be bear tracks. We need to be cautious and might have to leave if--"

Suddenly, they heard a loud growl in the distance. They froze, realizing that it was a bear. Jai Mei's heart raced as she tried to remember what to do in this situation.

"Stay quiet and still," Hao Zhang whispered to her.

They waited, hardly daring to breathe, as the bear came into view. It was a huge black bear, and it seemed to be searching for something.

Right at the edge leading into the cave was the herbs Jai Mei was looking for.

Jai Mei whispered to Hao Zhang, "See those herbs that's ginseng right at the entrance of the cave. We need to figure out a way to distract the bear so we can get them."

Hao Zhang nodded and picked up a rock to throw and distract the bear, but suddenly, one of the caught chickens began clucking loudly.

Well Shit...

Jai Mei watched in horror as the bear started to approach their hiding spot. She wanted to run, but she knew that would only make things worse.

Hao Zhang whispered urgently, "Jai Yuna, get behind me!"

Jai Mei shook her head, her voice trembling as she whispered back, "Please be careful Hao Zhang."

Suddenly, they heard a noise in the distance. It was Xiao Hei, Jai Mei's loyal dog, who had followed their scent into the forest. The bear immediately turned its attention to the dog, chasing after her and crushing the herbs at the edge of the cave.

Jai Mei gasped, "Oh no! Xiao Hei my baby girl! the herbs!

Hao Zhang put a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her. "Don't worry, we'll find her. But right now, we have to focus, the herbs look like they lead into the cave let's go look and see if it's more inside"

Jai Mei nodded, but her thoughts were still consumed with worry for her beloved pet. She whispered to herself, "Please be okay, Xiao Hei."

Jai Mei and Hao Zhang quickly grabbed their things and ran towards the cave, hoping that Xiao Hei would be able to evade the bear.

As they were running, Jai Mei couldn't help but feel conflicted about their mission. Was it really worth risking their lives for some herbs and medicine?

They finally arrived at the entrance of a cave where they knew the rare herbs and medicine could be found. Jai Mei's heart sank as she saw that there were three baby bear cubs at the entrance of the cave.

They started whining, alerting the mother bear, who was likely nearby.

Jai Mei and Hao Zhang tried to sneak past the cubs, but they suddenly started to cry louder, drawing the attention of the mother bear. The bear started to approach them, and Jai Mei knew they had to get out of there fast.

They ran as fast as they could, but Jai Mei tripped on a rock and fell, making a loud noise. The bear was now just a few feet away from them, and they had nowhere to go.

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