Chapter Two: Jai Mei Meets Her Husbands

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As Jai Mei and Wei Xiaoli approached the doctor's abode, they saw Doctor Liang Bo inside, diligently preparing some herbs. After explaining Jai Yuna's situation, the doctor examined her and confirmed that she needed rest and recovery.

Doctor Liang Bo turned to Jai Yuna and said, "For my services, it will be 20 copper coins that includes the brewed teas for the next 12 days. Drink it once per day to keep the cold out and you should be completely fine."

Jai Mei nodded in understanding and gratitude. "Thank you, Doctor Liang Bo," she said.

Jai Mei realized she didn't have her coin purse to pay for the doctor's services, she started to panic. "I-I don't have my coin purse..." she stammered.

Doctor Liang Bo looked at Jai Yuna with irritation and sighed heavily. "Not only are you a constant irritation, but now you don't have the wages to pay me? I should beat you for thinking you can slight me."

Wei Xiaoli stepped in. "Doctor Liang Bo, please calm down. Jai Yuna must have lost her wallet when she fell into the lake. Here's the wages, don't fuss."

Doctor Liang Bo begrudgingly took the copper coins and turned to Jai Yuna. "How long are you going to borrow from your friend everyone know Wei Xiaoli takes pity on you. You owe your friend Wei Xiaoli taels of money. When do you plan on paying her back?"

Jai Mei hung her head, knowing that she had borrowed money from Wei Xiaoli in the past and had not paid her back as promised. "I'm sorry Wei Xiaoli, I'll pay you back as soon as I can, I promise."

Wei Xiaoli just smiled knowingly, not saying anything. She knew her friend's track record with paying back borrowed money and didn't hold out much hope of ever seeing those taels again.

Jai Mei observed closely as Doctor Liang Bo carefully prepared the tea prescription. She recognized three different types of tea that he mixed together - chrysanthemum tea, honeysuckle tea, and mint tea.

Excitedly, she told the doctor, "Doctor Liang Bo, I recognize the three types of tea you just mixed together!

Chrysanthemum tea is good for reducing inflammation and treating colds and fever. Honeysuckle tea is great for detoxifying the body and improving skin health. And mint tea is perfect for relieving digestive problems and nausea."

Doctor Liang Bo looked at her with surprise. Doctor Liang Bo asked, "Jai Yuna, how do you know about such teas? Who taught you?"

"I just happened to read a lot of books, one of them being on the benefits of teas when I was back home with the Jai family along with tea etiquettes," Jai Mei replied.

Doctor Liang Bo looked at her with renewed interest, forgetting that Jai Yuna was from a family of wealth and power but also sighed, wishing she would use her knowledge for better things.

Jai Mei then asked, "If I can prove my worth with my knowledge of teas and medicine, could you think about making me an apprentice?"

Doctor Liang Bo looked at her for a long minute before replying, "You'll have to pass my test by being able to recognize and pick 20 different leaves of tea, as well as recognize 20 types of Chinese medicines that are also used in food.

If you can do that, I will think about taking you on as an apprentice. Come back in a month when you've recovered, and I'll begin to teach you while also having you perform small duties. I'll pay you a day's wages for each day you work.

But you must remember, being my apprentice means you must have a good reputation because you represent my business and name. If you can't do that, I will not acknowledge you ever again."

Jai Mei smiled with excitement, "Thank you, Doctor Liang Bo! I promise not to let you down!"

Wei Xiaoli looked at Jai Yuna with mixed feelings. "Jai Yuna, are you serious about changing your ways?"

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