Chapter Fourteen: Unexpected Problems IV

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As they made their way to the group of villagers, they announced that they had an idea and began to share it.

The villagers agreed and were ready to help. Suddenly, Jai Mei's mask snapped off, revealing her face and hair, and chaos ensued.

"Jai Yuna?" exclaimed most of the villagers.

"What are you doing here? We don't want your help, it's not like it'll do any good!"

Jai Mei felt her heart sink as she heard the whispers and conversations from the crowd of villagers she had hoped that her good deeds over the past few months would be enough to make them be more at ease with her past, but it seemed that some were still holding onto their grudges.

She tried her best to ignore them but their words stung.

"Who does she think she is, coming back here and acting like she's a saint?"

"She's just trying to make up for all the trouble she's caused in the past. It doesn't mean she's actually changed."

Jai Mei gritted her teeth determined not to let their words get to her. Jai Mei took a deep breath and looked at all of them head-on on

"I understand that I've made mistakes in the past, and I'm sorry for that. But I'm trying to make up for it now by using the knowledge I've gained to help our village. I hope you can give me a chance."

The woman snorted. "Just because you've been doing good for a little while doesn't mean we should forget all the trouble you've caused. It takes more than a few good deeds to make up for years of bad behavior."

Jai Mei felt her frustration rising. She knew that changing people's minds would be difficult, but she couldn't give up. She turned to the group and spoke with conviction. "I--"

Doctor Liang Bo interrupted the crowd, his voice stern and blunt.

"She is my apprentice and has been assisting the villagers the whole time. When the building collapsed and three villagers were hurt, she and I assisted them! Also, it was her idea to get the help of the villagers to solve this problem."

Another doctor added, "Jai Yuna also saved us from petitioning the government and potentially causing financial strain on the villagers. She has been working hard to improve the situation without any personal gain. You should be grateful for her efforts."

Wei Xiaoli and her husband emerged from the crowd, and she spoke up, "Jai Yuna paid for my husband's medicine and stayed at our home for two weeks to nurse them back to health.

She also helped me with my animals and crops. I wanted to repay her, but she refused. Jai Yuna is making positive changes, and you are all being unfair and stubborn!"

Her husbands added, "She even brought us a basket of chickens, rabbits, and produce, which is rare for us to have as we can't afford meat on a regular basis. Most villagers can't and she gave it to us for free!"

A villager spoke "It makes sense for her to help you since you are her only friend!"

One of the villagers spoke up and said, "But she has a history of stealing, lying, gambling, always being drunk, and abusing her husbands. How can we trust her?

And what if she tries to use this against us and causes even more problems? Besides, she already thinks she's better than us because of her prestigious family."

Doctor Liang Bo emphasized, "Jai Mei's past is not relevant to the work she is doing now. She has proven herself to be a valuable asset to this community, and I will not tolerate any disrespect towards her.

If you do not want our help, then go to the government yourselves. Our work here is done. I will not allow anyone to speak down on my apprentice's medical expertise and advice!"

Jai Mei spoke up "I understand that it may be hard to trust me right now, but I hope that my actions will speak for themselves. I'm not trying to erase my past mistakes, but I am trying to make things right. I believe that if we work together, we can make our village better than it ever was before."

The group looked at her skeptically, but Jai Mei could sense that some of them were starting to soften. She knew it would be a long road, but she was determined to gain their trust and prove herself.

Some of the villagers were swayed by what was said, especially considering that Doctor Liang Bo had been their trusted doctor for years, and having a doctor in the village was important for their prosperity.

Additionally, Doctor Liang Bo was a no-nonsense and well-respected individual, so many were inclined to believe him.

Another factor was that Jai Mei had clearly been helping them throughout the crisis, and they couldn't deny that.

However, there was still a significant number of villagers who remained closed off to Jai Mei's ideas and changes.

They were convinced that she was no good and up to no good, and they feared that her involvement would have negative consequences. She was like a tiger lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to pounce.

"Well, I don't trust you," the woman said bluntly. "You were always causing trouble before you left. Just because you've been doing good for a while doesn't mean you're a good person now."

Jai Mei felt a pang of frustration and anger. "I understand your concerns," Jai Mei said, trying to remain calm.

"But I am trying to help. I learned a lot from Doctor Liang Bo, and I want to use that knowledge to benefit our community."

The woman snorted. "I'll believe it when I see it," she said before turning and walking away.

Doctor Liang Bo and the others stood ready to protect Jai Mei, but then the village chief stepped forward, silencing the crowd.

The village chief approached the lady as she was leaving and stopped her. He said, "May I remind you," pointing at the lady and then addressing the rest of the villagers.

"She saved our village from bandits not too long ago, and her husbands hunts and provides for us.

It is unjust to throw stones in a fight with an unwilling participant. I'm not saying you have to like her, but she has earned her respect since some time ago."

The villagers could only nod their heads or look down, knowing they couldn't go against the chief villager.

Jai Mei let out a sigh, feeling defeated. She knew that she had a long road ahead of her in terms of gaining the trust of the villagers.

As she made her rounds, visiting the sick and administering care, Jai Mei encountered more skeptics. Some were openly hostile, while others simply looked at her with suspicion.

"I don't blame them," Jai Mei thought to herself. "Jai Yuna was a terrible person before. But I'm trying to make things right. I just hope they give me a chance."

Jai Mei couldn't help but feel a sense of loneliness as she continued on her mission to help those in need.

She knew that she had Doctor Liang Bo and Wei Xiaoli and her husbands in her corner, but she longed for the acceptance and respect of her fellow villagers.

With her hard work and dedication, within the next 2 weeks Jai Mei not only recovered her husband's health and her village from influenza, but she also gained the respect and admiration of Doctor Liang Bo and the other health professionals who came to help.

Some of her fellow villagers appreciated her efforts, but there were still some who remained wary of her.

Author Note
Poor Jai Mei, I can just imagine how stressed she is.

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