Forty Six: A Powerful Promise Before God

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Jai Mei's silence became a canvas for their pain, and as they bared their souls, she felt the weight of their stories.

The determination in her mind solidified, understanding the necessity to liberate them from her past self.

Their tears, the raw emotions, everything pointed towards a collective rebirth.

In a firm yet gentle tone, she directed, "Now break your cups and bury her in the ground."

The symbolism echoed the burying of the old, making space for the new, and embracing a future untethered from the shackles of the past.

Each of them purged a reservoir of pain before shattering their cups.

She got new cups and filled them, she raised hers, toasting to their shared future and signaling for them to do the same. As new wine poured, they drank in unison.

The room hushed into stillness as Jai Yuna, with deliberate grace, began her descent to her knees. The air seemed to thicken with the weight of the moment, and the flickering firelight cast shadows that danced in rhythm with her movements.

The husbands, their eyes fixed on this unfolding scene, felt a shiver crawl down their spines.

They gasped again, calling out, "Jai Yuna, Wife!" She looked up, determination rendering them speechless again.

"Let me do this, please," she requested, turning to them.

"Hao Zhang, Shu Wang, Liu Feng, Chun Wei.

I make a solemn vow to liberate you from this marriage, bestowing upon you the honor befitting my family name.

I am committed to aiding you in realizing your aspirations and achieving your dreams.

No one shall belittle you henceforth; I will stand as your shield, protecting you from indignities.

Our union, born from scandal, must now be laid to rest in ashes. When its conclusion dawns, I will endow you with dowries and assets, securing your autonomy.

Life's joys, once forgotten, will be rediscovered with my assistance.

And my dear Shu Wang, I comprehend that marriage and family are your dreams. However, they shouldn't be pursued with me you deserve better.

In the name of my family, I promise you this, and I will honor it. I will support you in all that you wish to do, and want to be, as you venture into this life.

I will be the backbone to the freedom of your life from here on out," she proclaimed, bowing to her knees with both hands in front of her.

She swore upon her family name and kowtowed four times, each time repeating her vow by their name.

"If ever I betray my pledge and revert to treating you as the Jai Yuna now departed, may God, as we recognize, cast upon me a curse of unending misfortune, displayed openly for all to witness."

Let the heavens witness my oath, and may misfortune befall me if I stray from these words."

In this tableau, time itself slowed, amplifying the significance of each bow.

The subtle creak of the floorboards and the soft rustle of fabric became the only audible notes in the symphony of this profound moment.

Jai Yuna's silhouette against the warm glow of the fire created a visual poetry, a scene etched into the memories of these men who were witnessing not just a promise but a rebirth.

As she knelt, their breaths seemed to synchronize with the unfolding drama.

Chills traced invisible patterns along their skin, a testament to the depth of emotion woven into this act of humility.

In that suspended moment, they weren't just observers; they were participants in the transformation of a woman, a family, and a future.

The scene unfolded like an emotional masterpiece, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of their shared history.

In the lingering echoes of her vow, a profound realization settled within Jai Mei. The dissonance of her past life and the woman she had become merged into a singular truth-she was no longer a reluctant passenger in another's existence.

As the weight of her former self lifted, she recognized that this was not merely Jai Yuna's life; it was her life now.

The threads of Jai Mei's experiences and Jai Yuna's choices intertwined, weaving a narrative uniquely hers.

The transmigration, once a source of resentment, now revealed itself as a transformative journey.

In this quiet moment of self-awareness, Jai Yuna accepted the dualities that defined her-an amalgamation of ancient traditions and modern sensibilities, of past regrets and future possibilities.

The room, once steeped in the history of both women, held a sense of unity. Jai Mei, the contemporary soul navigating an ancient world, embraced the realization that she was not just inhabiting Jai Yuna's life; she was shaping it, molding it into something authentic and new. The amalgamation of two timelines forged a woman stronger and more resilient than either of her individual parts.

In the stillness that followed her vow, as the embers in the hearth flickered, Jai Yuna felt a profound sense of alignment with her existence.

No longer burdened by the question of "why me?" she embraced the truth-this life, with all its complexities and challenges, belonged to her.

The fusion of past and present, of Jai Mei and Jai Yuna, converged into a singular identity-a woman who, transcending time, was now the author of her own story.

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