Chapter Ten: Jai Mei's Family Hard Work and Consistency

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That following morning Jai Mei and her husbands worked on cooking breakfast and washing up, they chatted about their upcoming lessons and plans for the day.

"I can't wait for the embroidery lesson today," Chun Wei says. "I'm starting to get the hang of it."

"And I'm looking forward to the hunting lesson," said Shu Wang. "I've never been much of a hunter, but I'm willing to learn."

Jai Mei smiled at their enthusiasm. "I'm proud of all of you for being so dedicated to learning new skills."

After breakfast, they began working on their lessons Hao Zhang led them to a small clearing in the forest where he had set up straw dummies for them to practice on. As they walked towards the open field, Jai Mei noticed several straw dummies lined up on one side. "What are those for?" she asked, pointing towards them.

"Today, we're going to practice using a dagger and bow," he said, handing each of them a dagger and bow. "First, let's start with the dagger. Hold it like this," he demonstrated, holding the dagger in a firm grip. It's important to know how to handle this properly, so you don't accidentally hurt yourself or anyone else."

Jai Mei and her other husbands nodded in agreement, eager to learn. Hao Zhang demonstrated how to hold the dagger properly and how to use it for quick and swift attacks. He emphasized the importance of accuracy and speed, showing them different techniques to improve their aim.

Jai Mei and her husbands followed his instructions, striking the dummies with their daggers. Some were more skilled than others, but with Hao Zhang's guidance, they all improved. "Good job, everyone," Now let's try it again. This time, aim for the head or heart."

Next, he moved on to the bow and arrow, explaining the different parts and their functions. "Breathing is also important when using a bow," he said, demonstrating how to take deep breaths and release them slowly while aiming.

"It helps steady your hand and improve your aim."

Jai Mei and her husbands took turns practicing with the dagger and bow, taking in Hao Zhang's teachings and advice. They were grateful for his guidance and patience as they learned these new skills.

Hao Zhang showed her the basics of holding the bow and pulling back the string. "Remember to aim for the heart of your target," he said, pointing towards the straw dummies.

Jai Mei felt a bit nervous about using the bow, but she trusted her husband's guidance. She aimed for the target and pulled back the bowstring, feeling the tension build up in her arms. With a steady hand, she released the arrow and watched as it hit the target. "Yes!" she exclaimed, feeling a rush of excitement.

Jai Mei took a deep breath and pulled back the string. She aimed for the heart of the dummy and released the arrow. It flew through the air and hit the dummy right in the center.

Hao Zhang gave a grunt of approval and nodded his head. Jai Mei grinned, feeling proud of herself. She couldn't wait to continue practicing and improving her skills.

Jai Mei arrived at Doctor Liang Bo's clinic with a smile on her face. As she entered, she saw him attending to a patient, so she patiently waited for him to finish. Once the patient left, Doctor Liang Bo turned to her.

"Good afternoon, Jai Yuna. How are you feeling today?" he said with his typical stern demeanor. "I'm doing well, thank you," she replied. "I'm ready to continue my lessons. What will I be learning today?"

"Today, we will focus on poultices and compresses. They are used for a variety of ailments such as swelling, inflammation, and pain relief," he explained as he gestured for her to follow him to a room filled with various herbs and plants.

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