Chapter Sixty Two: Shu Wang's Olive Branch II

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Trigger Warning & Disclaimer: This chapter contains descriptions of emotional and familial abuse, including themes of abandonment and isolation. It explores difficult and sensitive topics that may be distressing for some readers. If you find these themes unsettling, please consider your comfort level before proceeding.

If you or someone you know is struggling with similar issues depicted in this story, know that you are not alone.

Support is available, and reaching out for help is a brave and important step. Everyone deserves love, understanding, and the opportunity to pursue happiness, free from harm and judgment.

Remember, your worth is not defined by your past or the challenges you face.

Love from Ya Bestie 💞🫂

Jai Mei (In Her Bedroom by the Door)

Jai Mei leaned against the wall near the door, her posture mirroring the depth of her contemplation. The letters she held in her hand felt heavier than mere paper-each word a beacon, guiding her through a sea of emotions and uncertainties.

As she unfolded Shu Wang's letter, his words seemed to reach out, seeking understanding, compassion, and perhaps, forgiveness, while revealing the dreary sadness and cruelty he was subjected to.

Dear My Wife,

I've laid bare my heart in these pages-my likes, dislikes, strengths, and weaknesses. It's my hope that you see beyond the shadows of our past, to the man who yearns still to be your heavenly beauty, not a blemish that spoils all it touches.

I'm responding in kindness to the things you shared with me. I will put them side by side as a response to you.

As I express all the things about you that I find endearing, amusing, inspiring, and cute, I see how well your Ox traits suit you.

I was born in the year of the Rabbit, which aligns with the tranquility and new beginnings of February.

Regarding your likes, I find it heartening to see how they have evolved. Tranquility and peace, something I've always longed for, have often eluded me. Yet, the most peace I've experienced has been in these last few months with you.

I find it truly inspiring to see how you've changed, and how your goals have shifted dramatically. Such transformation requires immense courage and a clear vision, changes that have positively affected our entire family.

As for my own likes, they're simple but meaningful. I cherish tranquility, happiness, love, and goodness-values that resonate deeply with what you now seek.

Specifically, I have a passion for creating clothes. There's something profoundly satisfying about weaving fabrics that complement a person's form, enhancing their features. Being hands-on, whether it's cooking, cleaning, or any other task, gives me a sense of purpose and helps push our lives forward.

As for my favorite colors, you seem to understand them well. The way you've coordinated them throughout my room and in the garments you've designed leaves me in constant awe.

Every day, I wake up surrounded by reminders of you in everything I own and experience. How could I not feel grateful, appreciative, and utterly awed by you, Yuna? I'm driven by a desire to reciprocate the abundant love and care you've shown these past few months.

It's truly delightful to discover your sweet tooth-I'll make sure to treat you more often. It's exciting to continually learn new things about you. For instance, what are your favorite sweets?

Could you teach us how to dance, paint, and play musical instruments? These are talents I never knew you possessed before.

When it comes to weaknesses, I now understand why you would always ask one of us to cut the potatoes and scrunch up your face- Who knew you had a hard time cutting potatoes? It's quite cute to see.

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