Fifty Five: Clearly Seen and Unseen

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As they enjoyed a quaint breakfast cooked by Doctor Liang Bo, they talked about her plans with her husbands.

"So you're saying you have plans to help them get on their feet, to achieve their goals, and provide dowries upon divorcing them. All of that is a wonderful idea. But what are your plans?" he asked, genuinely interested in her thoughts and future.

Jai Mei exhaled deeply. "I have simple plans right now, I'm focused on helping them and passing my apprenticeship with you. I'll figure out the rest when I get there."

Doctor Liang Bo nodded, acknowledging her response but clearly concerned about the lack of consideration for herself in her plans.

"It's noble of you to think of them, but remember, it's also important to think about what you want for yourself. Your happiness is just as important."

Jai Mei paused, spoon halfway to her mouth, and looked at him.

Doctor Liang Bo watched her from across the room, his eyes thoughtful. He had seen many patients and people in his life, each with their own stories and burdens. But Jai Mei was different.

She carried the weight of others on her shoulders with such grace, yet he wondered if she ever took the time to think about the weight she placed on herself.

As the apprenticeship continued, their bond grew stronger, built on mutual respect and understanding. Jai Mei appreciated his wisdom and guidance, not just in medicine but in life.

And Doctor Liang Bo found himself admiring her resilience and determination, qualities that reminded him of the fundamental reasons he chose his profession: to help others find their path to healing, both physically and emotionally.

She said, "I have been thinking about me, but I have to get this settled before I can focus on myself. Besides, I'm trying to build up the courage to face them today."

"Mm, so what's making you nervous? Why aren't you prepared to face them?" Liang Bo asked.

"I..." She clasped her fingers together, a visible sign of her anxiety. "I wrote them letters in which I confessed a lot about myself and them, and I'm just not prepared to face what they're going to say.

I mean, I was very sincere in those letters, and I'm just not prepared for if it isn't reciprocated. I know it isn't fair of me to feel this way, but I do," she said softly, her voice carrying a small ache.

After hearing Jai Mei's heartfelt confession, Bo could sense the turmoil beneath her words. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his tone gentle yet earnest.

It's admirable that you're considering their happiness and futures, but it's also crucial to acknowledge your own heart in this equation.

Love, in any form, is a two-way street, and it requires honesty and vulnerability from both sides." He paused, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing.

"So, you like them, is what I'm understanding? Are you certain that divorce is the only path to their happiness?

Or could it be that you're trying to shield yourself from potential hurt? It's natural to fear rejection or to worry that your feelings might not be reciprocated.

However, closing yourself off to the possibility of deeper connections with your husbands might also prevent you from experiencing a more profound, mutual love."

Bo leaned in slightly, ensuring he had her full attention.

"I'm not saying the decision should be made lightly or without considering all factors, including their wishes and dreams.

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