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   I swear Kyler must enjoy making me blush because that's all I'm constantly doing and of course she thinks it's funny. I finally clear my throat, deciding it's best to not acknowledge what she said and to just continue our conversation. "So Kyler, you turn 18 next week on the 22nd. Are you excited?"

   Kyler shrugs her shoulders "not really much difference to be honest. For me personally, there's only one good thing about being 18 really. Other than that, nothing will really be different."

   I am curious to know why there's only one good thing about Kyler turning 18. "What is the one good thing about turning 18?" I notice the look on her face and she looks like maybe she doesn't really want to answer my question. Of course she doesn't have to answer it but I am curious to know. It's definitely not so she can get a tattoo because she already has six. Normally I'm not a fan of tattoos but I'm intrigued by hers and wonder what they all look like.

   "I don't think it's a good idea for me to answer that" Kyler smirks at me which makes me even more curious now. I move so my back is against the arm of the couch and stretch my legs out in front of me. My feet are right by Kyler's legs now and I just stare at her waiting to see if she will give in and tell me.

   As Kyler continues being quiet, it peaks my curiosity even more. I nudge her thigh with my foot, "it can't be that bad Kyler so tell me. I want to know, I'm trying to get to know you here." I smile at her hoping she will cave and tell me.

   Kyler lets out a deep breath and decides to finally answer. "Okay, if you really want to know I will tell you."

   I look down at my wine and smile then look back up at Kyler. "Yes, I would like to know. After all that is why I asked."

   I don't know if this is a good idea or not since she seemed hesitant about answering. Oh no, what if it's something inappropriate? "The only thing that really has me excited is being considered an adult and being of legal age." That was what she was hesitant to say? There's nothing wrong with being excited to be an adult.

   I know I have a confused look on my face because I don't really understand what she is trying to say or why that was such a secret. "What? What do you mean by that?" I ask.

   Kyler smirks at me again and just that look makes me feel tingly all over. "Let's just say I really like older women but I'm currently not of legal age for some things."

   Oh. Oh! I swallow hard and feel my cheeks heat up again at her admission. "Ohhh... I see." Yeah, maybe I should not have wanted to know so bad. Or is she just messing with me?

   We sit in silence for a little bit and I think about what Kyler said and let everything soak in. I bite the inside of my cheek because I don't know anything to say to that. I don't know why her admission makes me feel a certain way, like I was hoping she was talking about me. Does that mean she just sleeps around especially since she had said she doesn't date? Does she just sleep with older women and has been scared of getting caught?

   Finally breaking the silence and pulling me from my thoughts, Kyler says, "I hope I didn't make this weird for you?"

   I clear my throat, which I tend to be doing a lot, to try and clear my mind. I shake my head. "No you're fine; I... I mean it's fine." Why did I say she was fine? For some reason, I glance down at Kyler's lips then back up to her eyes. I involuntarily lick my lips then slightly smile when I see Kyler is looking at me. She smiles at me and it makes me wonder if she saw me look at her lips. Why did I look at her very pretty lips? No! Why did I think that about her lips? Why am I even thinking about her lips?

   There Kyler goes smirking at me again and I feel an instant throbbing between my legs. We just stare at each other for a few seconds, neither of us moving. Her eyes never leave mine and I swear we are both moving towards each other. Does she find me attractive? Is she going to kiss me? Do I want her to kiss me? Do I want to kiss her? God, yes I do.

   I guess realizing what is happening, Kyler quickly moves back before either one of us does something we might regret. Maybe it was all in my head and I was the only one moving forward but I swear it looked like she was too. It feels like there's just something that's pulling us together which is confusing the hell out of me.

   Kyler looks at her watch to check the time and I glance at mine also to see it's only 9 p.m. It kind of sucks Mike hasn't made it home to see his daughter but at the same time I am glad this has given us time to get to know each other. Is Kyler going to go to her room now to try and put space between us because of what nearly happened? It might be best after all because I don't know why I was even wanting to kiss her. Maybe I was imagining we were going to kiss. I guess I'm just lonely and seeking affection.

   "I think I'm going to bed, it's been a long day" Kyler says and stands up. I stand up as well and pull her in for a hug for some reason. She seems kind of taken back by my suddenness but hugs me back anyway. She feels really good against my body and she smells so good too. Why am I thinking about how she feels and smells? What the hell is wrong with me? I quickly release the hug and step back.

   "Goodnight Kyler, I hope you sleep well. Your father should be here soon but you can see him tomorrow. Just get some rest, I know you've had a long day and that you're tired." I softly say, not really wanting to let her go because I'm enjoying her company.
Kyler nods "goodnight Lauren, thank you again for everything and see you in the morning. Oh, and I'm sorry Mike wasn't here."

   I slightly smile, "It's fine, I'm used to it." Honestly I am used to it. Him not being here is normal. Why did she apologize for Mike's absence though?

   Kyler is definitely nothing like I thought she might be. I was honestly expecting her to be a little like Mike but I couldn't have been more wrong. I definitely was not expecting her to be such a beautiful young woman with a heart of gold. I wasn't expecting to have an instant connection like we were long time friends either. Hopefully we can become friends and she will like it here. The last thing I want is for her to hate it here or to hate me.

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