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   Sunday morning seems to come around too early. I'm still tired when I wake up but decided to get up anyway. I look to my right and see the most beautiful woman still asleep next to me and I feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I slowly get out of bed so I don't wake her up, walk to the en-suite, brush my teeth and wash my face. Once I'm done, I go to the kitchen to make coffee and cook breakfast for us.

   As soon as the food is finished, I fix our cups of coffee and our plates. I grab Laurens plate and coffee and head straight to the bedroom. My sleeping beauty is starting to stir some when I walk in. I sit the food and coffee on the nightstand and lean down to place soft kisses all over her face.

   Lauren wakes up smiling at me. "Good morning beautiful. You need to sit up please because I have your breakfast ready."

   Lauren looks at me with furrowed eyebrows "you didn't have to cook anything."

   I caress Lauren's cheek "I know I didn't have to but I wanted to. I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed. What, can I not spoil you?"

   Lauren sits up and laughs. She kisses me "good morning and thank you for breakfast, it smells delicious. I've never had breakfast in bed before, this is really sweet of you."

   I hand Lauren her plate and rush back to the kitchen for mine. I sit on the bed close to her and we eat breakfast together in bed. After we eat I gather our dirty dishes and go to the kitchen to clean everything up.

   When I walk back to our bedroom, Lauren has her robe on and is in the en-suite brushing her teeth. Since there's double sinks and enough counter space, I hop up onto the countertop and watch her finish brushing her teeth as I swing my legs back and forth. She always does her morning routine of cleaning her face and moisturizing after brushing her teeth and I just want to look at her longer.

   "Are you just going to sit there and watch?" Lauren questions after spitting out the mouthwash. I smile and can't help but stare at her. My heart is exploding with so much love for her. I watch as she cleans her face and pats it dry. "Stop looking at me like that." Lauren says with a laugh and shakes her head as she grabs her face moisturizer.

   I lean my head against the mirror as Lauren is rubbing in her face moisturizer and I just smile more as I watch her. "You make it so hard not to stare at you. It's like you don't realize how beautiful you are, how captivating you are, how perfect you are." I casually say as we lock eyes.

   Lauren's movements stop at my admission, her cheeks turn red and she glances down with a smile as she continues her task. It's so cute to see her like this and makes me fall in love with her even more. I trail my eyes down and notice the heavier rise and fall of her chest then the way she shifts on her feet as she squeezes her legs together.

   Once Lauren finishes her morning routine, she steps towards me and stands between my legs. Our eyes lock as we look at each other and I feel her short fingernails as she runs them up and down my bare thighs. She smiles as she leans in, kisses my cheek then my lips making sure to pull my bottom lip between her teeth as she ends the kiss. She winks at me then steps away and out of the bathroom with a little extra sway to her hips.

   Any other thoughts I have disappear as I rush out of the bathroom to catch Lauren. I grab her, spin her around and pin her to the wall. I press my body against hers and our eyes meet as our breathing becomes erratic. I can't resist any longer and I attack her lips with a rough kiss. She releases a sexy whimper against my lips as her hands slide to the back of my neck pulling me closer as she reacts to the kiss.

   I slide my hands down to Laurens ass giving it a hard squeeze then I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist as my body is pressing firmly against her holding her to the wall. I lean in and kiss below her ear and her head falls to the side as I suck on her neck. My teeth sink into her neck and I know it will leave a mark which I always make sure not to do but at this moment I don't care.

   I finally release her neck with a pop and she pulls on my hair hard, forcing me to look at her. Lauren looks into my lust filled eyes and connects our lips again in a hard kiss. I step away from the wall and her legs tighten around my waist as I carry her to our bed. I lay her on the bed slowly, never breaking our passionate kiss and run my hands up her naked body. Lauren pulls away slowly and stares deep into my eyes and whispers "I love you so much."

   I watch as her eyes tear up and she swallows hard to try and keep from letting the tear fall. "I love you so much." I say as I lean down and capture her lips again. Our lips move slowly but passionately as we savor each other's taste. Our tongues dance against each other and I love how her soft lips feel against mine. Kissing Lauren always sets my body on fire. A fire I never want extinguished.

   Lauren slides her hands under my shirt running her fingers up and down my back. Just looking at her right now makes my heart tighten. She senses a change in my face and looks at me worriedly. "What's wrong Kyler?"

   I swallow hard "I'm just so in love with you. I have been ever since I first met you. I never want to lose you and I can honestly say I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

   I see tears form in Lauren's eyes, "I-I'm so in love with you too Kyler. I believe I loved you even if I didn't realize the type of love it was at the time. I have never felt a love like ours." She pulls my face to hers and kisses me with all the love she has for me. As the kiss deepens, I have never felt so much love from another person. "I love cuddling with you." Lauren admits as she runs her fingers through my hair. "That's what I want to do after we have a quick shower."

   The rest of Sunday was actually a lazy day for us. After we showered together we cuddled on the couch watching movies the remainder of the day until dinner time. Once it was close to time for dinner we cooked together, ate and cleaned the kitchen afterwards. We went back to cuddling on the couch and just spent time enjoying each other's company.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now