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   I slowly try to open my eyes but wince at the brightness and close them. I try again to open my eyes and I'm met with blurry bright lights and the sound of beeping. Shit my head is pounding. There's a soft hand gripping my right hand so I decide to use my left hand to rub my eyes and help clear up the blurriness. When I try to raise my left arm there's a heaviness and a pain shoots through my shoulder so I quickly put it back down.

   After blinking several times my surroundings come into view and I realize I'm in the hospital. I just move my eyes around the room because my head is pounding and feels so heavy plus the left side of my neck hurts. I almost forget that a soft hand is gripping mine until my eyes land on the love of my life. I smile as I realize Lauren is asleep in a chair right against my bed. I can tell her head is resting on the arm that's stretched out so she can hold my hand. Her other arm is tucked under her chin and I honestly don't see how she is comfortable sleeping like that.

   Lauren looks peaceful sleeping even with the way she is sitting in the chair and I don't want to move or make a sound to wake her but I can't see her completely. I lay here trying to focus more on her without moving my pounding head but I can't see all of her and God do I really want to look at her. I thought I had lost her when she left Aunt Mary's and left me standing in the driveway but here she is. I need to make sure she knows that nothing happened between me and Stacey, other than me hitting her.

   I try to turn my head to the side so I can get a better view of Lauren and groan at the pain radiating through my head and neck. The sound startles her awake and she grips my hand tighter as her eyes flutter open. She jerks her head up so fast I'm surprised she doesn't give herself whiplash. Her ocean blue eyes focus on me and it's like a dam breaks as she starts crying. "Oh my God, you're awake!" She exclaims through her tears as she stands up so fast the chair falls back and hits the floor.

   "Lauren?" I say in a hoarse voice that does not even sound like me. She releases my hand and cups my face with both hands then leans down placing a gentle kiss on my lips. It feels like electricity runs through my body just from the touch of her hands and lips. As she pulls back she is still crying so I take the hand she was holding and bring it to her face and wipe away what tears I can get to.

   "D-don't cry baby." I whisper and caress her cheek. Lauren reaches to press the nurse button but stops when I whisper "wait." She gives me a puzzled look but pulls her hand back. "W-Water... Can I have some water?" My mouth and throat is so dry and I can't stand it. Lauren pours me a cup of water, placing a straw in it and brings it to my lips.

   "Thank you. That's good but you would taste better." I say trying to lighten the mood and Lauren's face turns red as she reaches for the nurse button again but I manage to grab her hand. "W-Wait Lauren. W-What happened?"

   Lauren looks at me and blinks her eyes quickly trying to hold back more tears. She takes my hands in hers and starts crying again. "I-I'm s-sorry Kyler, God I am so sorry. I... I should have listened to you, I should have believed you. I'm so sorry for jumping to conclusions. This is all my fault, I should have stayed and listened and you... you wouldn't be in here. I can't lose you."

   Lauren reaches forward and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and runs her fingers across my cheek in a featherlight touch. "Mary showed me the home security footage from her front porch. I know you didn't do anything and I'm so sorry for assuming you would do that. Regardless of how it looked to me, I should have believed you." She sniffs as she tries to regain herself.

   "Baby, it's... it's okay. None of this is your fault." I say as I reach for her hand. "What day is it and exactly what's wrong with me?"

   Lauren looks at me "Today is Tuesday. You have been here for four days. We've been so worried that you wouldn't wake up. Y-You have what they call a closed brain injury from your head smashing against the window so hard and a concussion. Also a piece of glass cut your neck so you have stitches there, your left shoulder is dislocated and you have some bruised ribs."

   I listen to what Lauren is saying but I'm still a little confused. "L-Lauren, I meant w-what happened to put me in the hospital?"

   Lauren sits on the edge of my bed and holds my hand. She looks at me with tears in her eyes. "Do you not remember the accident?" She asks. I rack my brain trying to remember and she quickly says "I have to let them know you're awake." Lauren presses the nurse button and as soon as they answer, she hurriedly tells them I'm awake.

   I want to talk to Lauren more but a doctor and two nurses come rushing into my room to check me over and ask questions. Lauren steps out in the hall to call Aunt Mary and to give them room. After the doctor's evaluation and numerous questions, the room clears and I'm left by myself. A few minutes later the door opens and Lauren walks back into my room. As she is walking towards me I smile as I take her in. "Come here baby, I want another kiss."

   Lauren smiles lovingly at me and complies to my demand as she cups my face. It's like a fire spreads throughout my body once our lips connect again. She quickly pulls away and traces my bottom lip with her thumb as she looks deep into my eyes. "Mary is on her way here. She went home this morning to shower. We have both been here since Friday. I talked to the doctor before coming back in here and he said you are very lucky and should make a full recovery. They are going to do more head scans and as long as everything goes well, you might be released in a couple days. Then you will have to rest as you finish recovering and we can't fly home, we have to stay in Pensacola. After your scans they are going to reset your shoulder. They wouldn't do it while you were not awake."

   I start to nod my head but decide against it. "Okay, umm Lauren, the last thing I remember is you leaving me standing in Aunt Mary's driveway and me hitting Stacey. So what accident are you talking about?" She looks at me and starts crying again. It breaks my heart to see her like this.

   "You were in a car accident and hit a light pole after a blowout on Mary's car. Y-You lost control of the car when you tried to slow..." I close my eyes which quickly cuts her off as I remember something. "I-I tried to slow down because I was going too fast. I was speeding, looking for you."

   Lauren nods her head, "yes baby and I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. I can't keep letting my past ruin my present and future. When Mary called me, I was sitting in the parking lot at the airport debating what I should do. I hurried to the hospital and when I saw you... I-I was terrified." She quickly wipes her tears away and continues. "I was fucking terrified when I found out your condition. This is my fault and..."

   I pull Lauren's hand "come here." She comes closer and I wrap my right hand around the back of her neck and pull her to me for a kiss. "This is still not your fault. I was the one speeding but I didn't care. I just knew I had to find you. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I just wanted to see your beautiful face, beautiful smile and hear your beautiful voice again. I don't blame you for reacting the way you did. From where you were standing it probably looked bad on my part. I love you baby."

   Lauren is crying again but calms down enough to speak and says "Marry me."

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now