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   Lauren laughs as I flip us over. I straddle her thigh and look down at my smiling wife with her darkened ocean blue eyes full of desire. I can't help but to stare at her face somewhat baffled that she is mine and I am hers. I'm the one that gets to hold her and kiss her in intimate ways. Everything has worked out just right for us. I am brought out of my wandering thoughts when she slides her hands up my thighs and with a worried tone says "Kyler?"

   I smile down at Lauren and see a frown on her worried face. I lean down and peck her lips and whisper "smile beautiful" against them. "I always want to see you smiling. Well, I also want to see you in ecstasy too as I devour your body." She laughs and pulls me in for a heated kiss.

   My hands explore Lauren's body as I skim over her curves on the way to my destination. She moans as my fingers skim over her tight stomach and her legs anxiously drift apart for me. My right hand reaches its desired destination between her legs. I smile into our kiss as I tease her entrance with soft strokes that cause her to thrust her hips upward. I slip a finger between her folds and smile even more at the wetness I find. "Kyler" she gasps as she breaks the kiss and her back arches off the bed.

   I thrust my finger inside and wiggle it around. "Please" falls from Laurens mouth so I give her what I know she wants as I add a second finger. I start off pumping slowly then faster as her breathing increases. I attach my lips to her neck kissing and nipping at her skin. When I hit her sweet spot below her ear, her hips move against my hand, desperately seeking a release. She grabs my shoulders and her fingernails dig into my skin. "Yes baby... oh yes." Lauren moans as I pump my fingers faster.

   I move my thumb to Lauren's clit, rubbing fast circles on it. I added more pressure to her clit as I pumped my fingers faster until I feel her walls start to tighten around my fingers. Without warning, I stretch her by adding a third finger. "Kyler! Fuckkk..." she yells as her eyes close. She cums against my hand as her walls clench my fingers. Her body is a withering mess as she rides her intense orgasm.

   Once Lauren's body stops trembling and her breathing slows down, I pull out of her soaked pussy and lick her delicious juices from my fingers. "O-Oh God Kyler... that was..." I laugh as I settle down on the bed beside her. Before I can say anything she opens her eyes and looks at me "that was perfect. Damn!" I wrap my arms around her as she rests her head on my chest. She moves her leg between mine and her bare pussy is against my thigh. She shivers from the contact and I feel the throbbing return between my legs so quickly.

   "Are you ready for another round?"

   Lauren laughs and picks her head up to look at me. With a raised brow she asks "already?" I laugh at the look on her face and nod my head. She presses a kiss to my chest and says "let me recover some first" and lays on her back beside me. My eyes follow her every move as she settles beside me. I turn on my side and it's like I'm in a trance just looking at her. Seeing Lauren's naked body always feels like the first time and I can't help but stare at her beauty.

   I raise my hand and skim my palm up Lauren's silky thigh and her leg trembles beneath my touch. I watch as her chest, neck and face flush as her breathing picks up. She reaches a hand up, grabs the back of my neck and forcefully pulls my face to hers. She crushes our lips together and shoves her tongue in my mouth. I'm caught off guard when she suddenly starts sucking on my tongue. I moan into her mouth as a rush of arousal bolts straight to my already aching pussy.

   I sneak my fingers between our naked bodies and slowly skim over Lauren's wet entrance. Her body shudders as I tease her clit and a shaky breath escapes her mouth. "Kyler" she moans with a trembling voice as she breaks the kiss. I proceed back to devouring her mouth as I press my tongue against hers then suck her bottom lip into my mouth and drag my teeth across as I release the sensitive, swollen flesh. "I-I... get... go get the strapless..." she rambles as she starts trying to grind against my hand.

   I nod and quickly get off the bed to grab the toy. I rest on my knees as I straddle Lauren's legs but before I can do anything, she slips two fingers between my legs. She spreads my arousal all around my pussy to prepare me for the toy. Her touch creates a new flood of arousal as my eyes close and my knees grow weak. Lauren takes the strapless strap on from my hands and rubs it around my opening to properly lube it.

   Without warning, Lauren pushes the toy into my pussy and I gasp as I grab her shoulders for support. A burst of pleasure spreads through my body and I thrust my hips forward. My nails dig into her shoulders and I gasp at the feeling of the toy filling me. I look down at her "make it wet baby." She sits up some and looks at me with lust filled eyes. I expect her to wet her hand with saliva to coat the toy but my eyes go wide as she takes the toy in her hand and licks all the way to the tip.

   "What are you..." my words die in my throat as Lauren locks eyes with me and she grabs my hips roughly pulling me forward towards her mouth. She wraps her lips around the toy as she takes it into her mouth, pushing it as deep as it will go. "Fuck" I moan as the ribbed end of the toy moves against my clit. My head falls back and my eyes close at the overwhelming pleasure flowing through my body causing me to moan again.

   My eyes suddenly snap open and I jerk my head back up as I feel Lauren forcefully continue sucking on the toy causing waves of pleasure to my clit. I tighten my grip on her shoulders and push her back because I know if she keeps going I will cum from the stimulation against my clit. She falls on the mattress and looks at me with curious, lust filled eyes. I watch Lauren's chest rise and fall as she's heavily breathing. My clit throbs as I take in her beautiful, naked body and my mouth waters, desperate to taste her.

   I fall to my hands as I hover over Lauren. I capture her lips in a passionate kiss, showing her how much I want her and love her. "You ready for me baby." I ask as I pull away from her kiss swollen lips.

   Lauren looks at me with dilated pupils, bites her lip then says "Kyler, just fuck me."

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now