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   Thursday passed by in a blur and we spent most all day with Katie. She was so excited that I proposed and was happy for both of us. She even wanted all the details of the proposal and what happened afterwards but asked no more about that when Lauren vaguely said "we went to a hotel so, just use your imagination on what happened afterwards." Katie was like a giddy school girl with all her squealing.

   We leave Saturday flying back to San Antonio and I'm going to miss being here in Pensacola but it definitely doesn't feel like home anymore so I'm looking forward to going back to San Antonio. As cheesy as it sounds, home for me is wherever Lauren lives.

   Friday rolls around and I wake up at 9 a.m. to an empty bed. I get dressed and make my way downstairs to find Lauren and Aunt Mary in the Kitchen whispering. Lauren smiles as I walk up to her and kiss her cheek. I wrap my arms around her shoulders from behind. "What we're y'all talking about?"

   Lauren grabs one of my hands and kisses it then lets it go as she stands up. "I've got something I need to go do but I will be back by noon." She says as she pulls me to her. Before I can even ask if I can go with her she quickly adds "no you can't come with me because it's something for you." She kisses me, grabs her purse and the rental car keys and is out the door. I stand here a little confused but I know it must be something important to Lauren so I will just have to wait until she gets back.

   Aunt Mary decides to bake a cake and I have nothing else to do so I start helping her after fixing a cup of coffee. About halfway through the cake baking and us cleaning the kitchen up, there's a knock at the front door. I offer to see who it is and as I open the door, Stacey Sellers, a pretty ex friend of mine is standing there. Stacey and I were never best friends but we were friends. She was one of my straight friends that ended up having a crush on me. After constant flirting and her begging me to fuck her, I actually did after we had been drinking at a party one night.

   Our friendship ended because she became obsessive and I only saw her as a friend. It was a stupid mistake for me to fuck her with us being friends and she definitely never liked the fact that even with me drinking, I wouldn't let her return the favor. This all happened a couple months before my mom passed away and I haven't seen Stacey since I finally made it clear to her that I wasn't interested.

   "What are you doing here Stacey?" I ask as I walk out onto the porch. She looks me up and down and finally says "I saw you the other day in downtown but didn't get a chance to stop you and talk. You and Katie were coming out of a jewelry store. I didn't know you were back."

   We walk down the steps to the yard because I honestly don't want to talk to her very long and hope she gets the hint. I decide to sit down on the steps as Stacey stands there talking while my mind drifts to Lauren, wondering what she is doing. I hear Stacey's comment about how she misses me and is glad I'm back. "I'm not back. My fiancé and I are just visiting and I've been showing her around." I say, cutting her off. She looks at me kind of shocked then laughs.

   "You don't have a fiancé. I know you and you don't believe in relationships. Just like you never want to fuck the same person twice. How about you make an exception for old times sake and fuck me again plus let me have my way with you. Nobody has ever fucked me as good as you." She steps closer and gives me a hopeful smile.

   Stacey quickly closes the space between us and leans down towards my face as she licks her lips. As soon as I realize what she is doing, I turn my head and she barely kisses my cheek as I push her back by her shoulders. I suddenly hear "are you fucking serious!"

   I quickly stand up from the steps pushing Stacey out of my way and I see Lauren standing there with tears rolling down her cheeks. "Lauren" I say as I walk towards her but with each step I take towards her, she takes that many steps backwards. "Lauren," I whisper as I try to reach out for her.

   "Just don't, Kyler. You said you would never do this. You promised me that I was who you wanted and that this..." she holds her left hand up with her engagement ring "was what you wanted. You... you proposed to me and wanted to marry me!"

   I step closer to Lauren and reach for her but she backs away. "Lauren, I didn't do anything. She tried to kiss me and I turned my head. She barely got my cheek and I was pushing her away."

   Lauren starts shaking her head as more tears fall from her beautiful eyes. "Yeah that's a likely story! I saw you damn it!" She takes her engagement ring off and shoves it into my chest then turns towards the rental car.

   I step towards her "Lauren..." she shakes her head as she opens the driver door.

   "Don't Kyler. W-we are done! I will make arrangements for you to get your stuff from my apartment."

   "Lauren, I love you..." and I reach out for her face to wipe her tears but she quickly gets inside the car and shuts the door locking it. She quickly backs out of the driveway and leaves me standing there. I feel like my entire world is crashing down around me. What the fuck just happened? My heart is beating fast and feels like someone is squeezing the hell out of it. I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see Stacey smiling at me.

   Seeing Stacey smiling like that just pisses me off. "You fucking bitch! Why the fuck would you try to kiss me when I told you I had a fiancé!" Before she can even respond I ball up my fist and punch her in the face and hear a loud crack. I start to hit her again but Aunt Mary pulls me back. Before she can ask what is going on, I run inside, grab Aunt Mary's car keys and take off in her car to find Lauren.

   I'm frantically looking as I'm driving, hoping to spot Lauren and that damn rental car. I am always a safe driver but right now I don't care. I don't care about what speed I'm going, I only care about finding Lauren. I should have slammed the door in Stacey's face when I saw her on the porch. I should have known she would try something, she was always a conniving person.

   Lauren probably headed to the airport so I head in that direction hoping I'm right and she will be there. I know I should slow down but I'm scared if I do, I will lose her and I can't let that happen. I'm nearing an intersection and the light is green so I speed up more trying to make it before it starts to turn.

   Right before I get to the intersection I hear a loud noise and I start losing control of the car. I look in the rear view mirror and notice pieces of tire behind me. I try lightly pressing the brakes to help me slow down and stop but it's no use. The car starts spinning out of control and I slam into a light pole. My head hits the driver window hard enough it breaks as the airbag deploys and I hear a loud snapping sound as the light pole breaks, falling and barely missing the car. I feel pain in my head and neck and wetness on my neck but before I can check what it is... everything goes black.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now