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   "Hello" Lauren says with a sigh and I can't help but realize I shouldn't have called her because she sounds so tired and hurt. I missed her and the sound of her voice but I shouldn't have called. She has her own problems to deal with so she doesn't need me bothering her.

   I suddenly feel all alone and overwhelmed because I have no one. Maybe Mike was right about me. I happen to sniffle because I am getting so emotional right now as his words echo in my head. I remember I'm on the phone when I hear Lauren, "Kyler are you there? What's wrong? Are... are you crying? Where are you? Please answer me Kyler, you're scaring me."

   I swallow "Lauren" is all I can get out right then because I don't know exactly what I should say. I take a deep breath before trying to speak again. "I...." I can't stop the tears as I break down crying. First I lost my mom, had to leave Pensacola, my aunt and best friend, Lauren left me with the asshole and now I have nothing and nobody. Nobody wants me, nobody cares about me.

   There's silence on the other end of the phone until I hear the worry in Lauren's voice as she speaks. "Kyler, what's wrong and where are you? Did something happen to you? Are you okay? Talk to me, please."

   "I'm at the park down from the house. Mike kicked me out. I didn't know anybody else to call. I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll let you go and won't ever bother you again. Goodbye."

   Lauren quickly says "you better not hang up on me. Kyler I'm so sorry and it's fine that you called me. I'm sorry I haven't responded to any of your text or other calls. I had things I was trying to deal with. Stay there and I will be there in about 10 minutes to get you and you better still be there."

   Lauren hangs up before I can say anything else. I receive a text from her asking what side of the park I'm on. I debate on texting her back but she sends another text that reads 'tell me what side of the park, now.' After texting her back she responds telling me to sit tight and she is on her way. After about 10 minutes a brand new looking gray Ford Edge Titanium with dark tinted windows pulls up.

   Lauren quickly emerges from the vehicle and when I see her I honestly want to cry. I have missed her so much and desperately wanted to be in her presence again. She spots me and runs up to me, pulling me up to my feet. I just fall into her arms because when I stand I become extremely dizzy and my head starts pounding worse. I honestly thought she would change her mind and not come. She wraps her arms around me to help steady me on my feet.

   "Come on sweetie let me get you to my place. You're okay, I've got you. What happened?" Lauren says while rubbing my back with one hand and hugging me with the other. She leads me to her car helping me into the passenger seat and as soon as I'm seated, I close my eyes. She buckles my seatbelt then I feel her lips against my forehead as she gently kisses me. I open my eyes to her getting in on the driver's side and we leave the park. The ride is quiet as I sit there looking out the window. I can feel Lauren looking at me off and on but I never look at her.

   Lauren pulls up outside a fence at a very nice gated apartment complex. I look over at her and ask "what are we doing here?"

   Lauren enters the code for the gate and says "I live here." Like she can sense I have more questions, she looks over at me with raised eyebrows and gives me a 'what' look. I don't say anything though and just turn to look out the window. What's the point in asking, she obviously wanted to be away from me anyway. Once the gate opens she drives in and around to an apartment building and parks her car.

   "Okay Kyler, come on so we can get inside and I will fix you something to eat. I heard your stomach earlier." At the mention of food my stomach growls and Lauren chuckles. "You must be really hungry."

   I unbuckle my seat belt and as I'm opening the car door I mumble "I haven't eaten anything today." Which causes Lauren to look back at me with wide eyes. I stumble on my feet a little which causes a questioning look from Lauren as she unlocks the apartment door.

   When we get inside I take a really good look at Lauren and she looks tired. She is still beautiful as ever but she is tired and obviously hurting. I can see it plain as day. I turn my head and squeeze my eyes shut and my head starts pounding."Kyler, what's wrong? Have you been drinking?" Lauren asks, looking at me.

   "Everything." I simply say then mumble "I wish."

   "Let me heat up the stir-fry leftovers and we'll eat then talk." Lauren says. I slightly nod my head and look around her apartment. "You can go get comfortable on the couch. I will bring you a plate when it's ready." I don't argue with her, instead I just go sit on the couch and pull my knees to my chest and wait on the food. After we eat she puts the dishes in the dishwasher and quickly cleans the kitchen.

   We ended up in Lauren's bedroom on her bed sitting because that's where she walked to after cleaning the kitchen up from dinner and motioned for me to follow her. She sits on her bed, sitting close to the head of it and I sit in front of her but close to the foot of the bed. "Okay Kyler what happened at home?" Lauren asks.

   I explain everything that happened with Mike and everything he said about me, Kyle and mom. She gets mad about everything he said and about him kicking me out. When I tell her about Mike grabbing me by my hair and jerking me to the floor, she is completely pissed. She checks my head and wants to take me to the hospital to see if I have a concussion plus file a police report but I beg her not to until she finally gives in. I don't want anything else to do with him and he could turn around and try to get me for assault as well even though I was just defending myself when I kicked him. Or he would try to do something to Lauren which is something I wouldn't put past him and I don't want anything to happen to her.

   "When did all this take place?" I really didn't want to answer that because I know Lauren will get mad but I can't lie to her.

   "Um... around 12:30 something" I say, looking away from Lauren.

   "What? This morning? How long were you at the park, Kyler?" I just keep looking away until I hear Lauren more sternly "how long Kyler?"

   I finally look at Lauren and say "since all that happened this morning. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should have died instead of my mom. Nobody wants me anyway so what's the point."

   A tear rolls down Laurens cheek as she is looking at me and she quickly wipes it off. She cups my face with both hands but I look down instead of looking at her. "Look at me Kyler, please." I look at Lauren and see unshed tears in her eyes. "Don't you believe a word he said to you and I mean it. Do not think like that either. Everything happens for a reason sweetie and I promise you he is not right. You are here, alive and where you need to be. Listen to me and my words."

I barely nod my head as I look into Lauren's blue eyes.

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