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   Today is Wednesday and the last full day of our honeymoon because we fly out tomorrow back to San Antonio. The past two days were just like Sunday when we arrived. We have spent the past two days making love, only stopping to eat breakfast, dinner and to shower. I can honestly say I could spend the rest of my life on a permanent honeymoon with Lauren.

   We decided to actually get out of our bungalow and spend some time in our private infinity pool today. We definitely wanted to use the pool at least once before we left. I put on my black tie braided strappy Brazilian two piece bikini and head to the pool. I throw my towel on a chair and quickly jump into the pool with a splash. I can't wait for Lauren to join me and I'm a little curious as to what she is doing. She went into the bathroom as I was putting my bikini on and told me to go ahead, that she would be right out.

   I went under water and as I was coming back up, I hear the sound of Lauren's bare feet on the boards as she walks out to the pool. I look up and she has her hair pulled up in a messy bun and a towel wrapped around her body. She caught me watching her and raised an eyebrow as she looked at me with a smirk playing on her lips. Before I can say anything, she unhooks her towel and drops it to the chair with mine.

   Holy shit! I cough as I am caught off guard by Lauren's bikini. I know I have seen her naked plenty of times but there is just something about her in this bikini. I swear I am choking on nothing but air. Her bikini can only be described as black, tight and barely there. It's a black two piece bikini with a braided strap halter neck, braided straps in the front and two very small triangles barely trying to cover her plump breasts. The bikini bottom matches with multi braided straps and a very small triangle covering her treasure.

   My eyes are glued to Lauren as I take in all the exposed tan skin. I swim over to the ladder as she is stepping down with my eyes still glued to her and wrap my arms around her legs as I gaze up at her. She squeals as I lift her off the ladder and throw her into the pool. When Lauren's head reappears from below the water I smile as I pull her to me. She giggles as she leans in and says "I will get you for that" as her lips ghost over mine.

   My heart speeds up at the thought of what Lauren could do to me and I honestly wouldn't care one bit. Having her attention on me is all I want in any way I can get it. "Is that a promise?" I ask as I lean in and press my lips firmly against hers. She hums as her mouth moves against mine in a soft caress. As her teeth graze my bottom lip, my body is already buzzing with desire. I move backwards, pushing Lauren with me until her back is against the pool wall. I press my body against hers just yearning for the skin to skin contact.

   I kiss Lauren again with a need only she can fulfill. When we break apart, she is breathing heavily and in a breathless whisper says "we are in public."

   I smirk at Lauren as the fingers on my right hand map out a trail down her body. "We're in our own private pool." I grip her hips and dig my fingers into her soft flesh. She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. She captures my mouth with hers and thrusts her tongue into my mouth and I greedily accept.

   I pull away from her mouth and place kisses down her jaw to her neck, ending at her sweet spot. Lauren gasps and grinds her barely covered pussy against my stomach. I smirk against her lips as I move one hand to her bikini top, untying it to expose her soft, plump breasts. I lick my lips as I cover her left nipple with my mouth and tease it with my tongue. She moans softly as my teeth graze her nipple and I switch to her right nipple. I nip and suck at the hardened nipple, earning beautiful moans from my wife.

   "Please," falls from Lauren's mouth as she grinds against my stomach again, seeking the friction she desires. I move a hand down and slip it inside her barely there bikini bottoms and press against her clit. She moans at the much needed contact and arches her back, pressing her breast further against my mouth. The burning arousal within my body takes over me as I thrust a finger inside her wet pussy. Her breath hitches at the insertion and she grinds against my hand. I start pumping my finger in and out of her soaked pussy and as I'm in the process of adding another finger, Lauren says "wait."

   I stop my movements, remove my finger and look at Lauren "are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" She shakes her head no but lowers her legs from around my waist.

   Lauren glances around and her darkened eyes land back on me. Finally she says "w-we're out in the open. Help me with my top and let's take this inside." I quickly help tie Lauren's bikini top then climb out of the pool. I offer a hand to her, which she gladly accepts. Hand in hand, we walk back inside our bungalow.

   Lauren quickly discards her bikini and crawls onto the bed with her bare ass in the air and my mouth is watering at the sight. She stops in the middle of the bed and turns facing me. She motions for me to join her which I eagerly do after getting rid of my own bikini. As soon as I'm in front of her, she pulls me down on the bed. As soon as I lay on my back, she straddles my hips and latches on to my lips in a desperate kiss. Our lips fit perfectly together and I'm so glad that I am hers and she is mine.

   I gasp as Lauren suddenly inserts two fingers in my already wet pussy. "Oh fuck." She grinds against me with each thrust of her fingers, causing my back to arch off the bed. She curls her fingers and hits my g-spot. "I told you I would get you but you like it don't you?" Lauren asks but before I can answer or say anything, she claims my mouth with hers.

   Lauren presses her thumb against my clit and I grind my hips against her hand desperate for my release. She kisses from my mouth to my neck as she thrust her fingers faster, bringing me closer to my climax. "Oh fuck, yes!" I'm a moaning mess as she thrust her fingers harder and my walls start to tighten around her fingers.

   Lauren kisses down my neck to my chest, leaving kisses on both breasts. She blows on one nipple then shifts to the other but instead of blowing on that nipple she says "cum for me baby" and bites my hardened nipple. "Fuck..." I cry out in pleasure as my back arches off the bed and my orgasm rips through me. "Lauren!" I moan numerous times as I close my eyes and the waves of pleasure continue to wash over me.

   Lauren slows down her fingers as my back collapses against the mattress. I open my eyes when I feel her fingers slipping out of me and I watch as Lauren licks her fingers and moans. "I love how you taste baby." She says as she moans again from the taste when she licks her lips.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now