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   "Actually baby, take off all your clothes. That way I can rub your entire body." I say with a smirk. Lauren rolls over onto her back and squints her eyes at me as if trying to figure out my motives. She finally sits up and takes her shirt and bra off then lifts her hips and takes her underwear off. She lays back down and turns over on her stomach. God her body is so perfect. I could just stare at her naked form all the time and never get tired of it. She is absolutely perfect.

   I get on the bed and pour oil into my hands and begin to rub down the indentation of Lauren's spine and move both hands massaging back up her sides. "Mmmm, that feels so good." I get to her shoulders and dig my fingers in deeper massaging her shoulder blades in a circular motion. Her body relaxes as I slowly trace my fingers down her arms massaging them too. I pour oil on Lauren's lower back and rub it in, trailing my hands down her tailbone massaging deeply. Lauren moans softly as I rub across her butt, massaging both butt cheeks.

   I work my hands back up to her lower back then down to her hips and rub from her hips to under each butt cheek. I take both hands and spread her legs slightly so I can massage her inner thighs. As I work my fingers deep in the skin I glance at her pussy... and I see it slightly pulsate. I move my hands up more and see her pussy pulsate again. I slide my hands back up to her butt then rub down both of her legs to her feet. "Mmmm... K-Kyler" Lauren moans.

   "Does that feel good?" I ask as I make my way back up her legs to her butt. "Oh yesss baby, that feels sooo good." She manages to say in a breathy voice. If seeing her pussy pulsate was no indication, I definitely know now that this was turning her on. I rub my hands over the sides of Lauren's hips down to her thighs. Working back up to just below her butt cheeks, I dig my thumbs into Laurens thighs and squeeze which causes a moan to escape her.

   I pour more oil in my hands and start massaging her inner thighs again bringing my hands closer to her center. I lightly blow a breath over her pussy and she arches her back pushing herself into the mattress. Lauren grinds into the mattress as I use my thumbs to massage right in the creases where her legs meet her groin. Quickly, Lauren flips over and in a needy voice says "you have got my so turned on, I can't take it."

   I smirk at her as I lay down on the bed on my back. I lick my lips as I look at her "why don't you bring your delicious self up here and sit on my face."

   Lauren looks a little shocked and hesitantly crawls up my body. She straddles my chest and asks "are you sure about this?"

   I smirk as I look up at her. "Oh I am positive, beautiful." I manage to say as my mouth is watering from looking at her pussy so close to my mouth. I am so aroused too and I know it would not even take much for me to cum. I grip her thighs and pull her the rest of the way to my face. She puts both hands on the headboard to balance herself.

   I spread her pussy lips apart and slowly lick upwards and without warning I wrap my lips around her swollen clit sucking really hard. "Oh shit..." I hear from above me. I suck harder and harder as I watch her arch her back and bite her bottom lip. She releases the headboard and brings both hands to her breast squeezing them. She pulls on her nipples and starts grinding against my mouth. I release her clit and lick up her folds stopping at her swollen clit flicking it with my tongue. "Please Kyler..." Lauren says in a raspy voice.

   I cannot take my eyes off of this beautiful woman above me as I wrap my arms around her thighs to hold her in place. I lick up her folds again, stopping at her clit and blowing on it this time. Lauren tried to grind into my face and I knew she was going to say something but I couldn't help but tease her.

   "Please Ky..." starts to fall from her mouth and I cut her off as I thrust my tongue into her soaking wet pussy. "Kyler... oh babyyy..." Lauren moans. I shudder at the sound of her moan and my pussy starts throbbing. I thrust my tongue harder as I close my lips around her and eat her out intensely hard. She manages to grind her hips even though I'm holding her down and pushes her pussy into my mouth more as she rides my face.

   Lauren's head rolls back as she starts moaning louder and louder. My own pussy starts throbbing even more and I feel the pressure in between my legs and in my stomach. "Fuck... baby, I'm... oh god... I'm cuming..." she loudly moans as her orgasm hits and she cums all over my lips. As Lauren starts jerking from her orgasm, my orgasm erupts through my body and I moan into Lauren's pussy. As I'm coming down from my orgasmic high, I lick all of her delicious juices up that I can as I release her thighs and she slowly keeps grinding against my mouth. "Holy shit!" Lauren yells as she finally falls backwards onto my legs.

   "That... was... amazing!" She manages to say in between her deep breaths. Then as she gasps for more air she tries to ask "did... you... from me...?"

   I laugh a little "that... was amazing... and yes... I did." I manage to say as I sit up and she falls to the bed then I crawl over her until my lips are close to hers. With my lips ghosting on hers I whisper "that was sexy as hell." I kiss her deeply knowing she can taste herself on me and she moans into the kiss.

   I kiss Lauren again softly "let's go to bed." She looks at me for a few seconds then replies "I didn't know you could umm... cum just from me... cuming. That's... incredibly sexy and I have never felt anything like that before."

   I smile and kiss her "I have never done that before but I have dreamed about you riding my face." She looks at me with a raised eyebrow and her face turns red. She is just so adorable. I laugh and say "now, I just want to hold you in my arms and sleep." She smiles and kisses me with force. It's one of those kisses where you can feel the love she has for you just pouring out of her through just one kiss. I kiss her back just as forcefully.

   We break the kiss and get comfortable in bed with her laying in my arms and her head on my chest. "We need to shower but I guess that can wait till morning because I do not want to get up. I love you Kyler... so very much." Lauren whispers as she kisses my chest.

   I can't help but smile hearing those three words. I kiss the top of her head "I love you Lauren, more than you know."

   Lauren drifts off to sleep as I lay here with thoughts of graduation running through my head. I don't want to wait for a couple months after I graduate to be seen out in public with her as my girlfriend. Once my roaming thoughts slow down, I finally drift off into a peaceful sleep with the love of my life in my arms.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now