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   I give Lauren a smile as I walk to the desk and whisper "I thought I could sit in here since I'm on lunch break. I thought it would be fun." I smile cheekily and she just shakes her head and fights back her own smile.

   "Pull a chair up to the end of the desk and find something to do." Lauren says still trying not to smile and shakes her head again.

   As soon as I turn around to grab a chair I see the students looking at us. This is Ms. Smith's regular senior English class and I realize as I'm looking around that Lila is in here. She waves at me as my eyes land on her. I wave back and grab a chair, taking it back to the teachers desk. Lauren walks to the front of the classroom to the podium and starts discussing their end of the year exam.

   Lauren's smooth sexy voice fills my ears as I watch her. My eyes roam up and down Lauren's physique. As my eyes land on her skirt, I am reminded again of our fun this morning. The way her skirt was bunched around her waist showing her soft gorgeous thighs. Or the way her blouse was unbuttoned and showing her gorgeous breasts and toned stomach. The way I managed to pull her breast out in a hurry as I pleasured her.

   I feel my face growing hot and the all to familiar ache of need between my legs. I groan to myself at my uncontrollable thoughts and press my legs tightly together. I think maybe I should not have come in here. Just being around Lauren and not being able to touch her and kiss her is driving me crazy. God I want to take her right here on this desk and not care if anyone sees us. I lick my lips as I'm staring at her, wanting to bury my tongue deep inside her delicious pussy and taste her yet again.

   Lauren sees me lustfully staring at her and stops talking. Her cheeks turn red and she stutters a little as she tries to continue talking. I can't help but laugh because I have never seen her at a loss for words like this besides when it happened this morning in my English class. The other students look at her weird as she walks across the front of the room. One thing I have noticed about Lauren when she is at the school, she does not falter. She always comes across as confident and the way she carries herself demands attention. But to see her this way is funny as hell and I know I will pay for it later.

   Lauren walks back to the teachers desk "K-Kyler, hand out these study guides. Please work on these sheets for the remainder of class." She says as she takes a seat at the desk. I gladly pass them out and steal glances at her every chance I get. I could tell by her voice and the color of her cheeks, she is flustered. I would really like to know what is running through that beautiful head of hers. Once I pass out the last paper I take the extras back to her. I stop in front of the desk and hold the papers out to her.

   Lauren doesn't look up completely at me but looks up enough to grab the papers. As she grabs them I tighten my grip not letting go. She pulls on the papers trying to get me to let go but I don't. Finally she looks up at me and I smirk at her as I wiggle my eyebrows. She opens her mouth to say something but closes it instead.

   As I sit down, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out and see a text from Lauren. 'You have got to stop looking at me like that!' I can feel her eyes on me as I read the text. I glance toward her and sure enough, she is looking at me. I give her a mischievous smile and text her back. 'Why you beautiful, sexy and oh so delicious woman, I have no idea what you are talking about.'

   I hear Lauren's phone vibrate against the desk and she quickly picks it up and immediately looks at me. Then my phone buzzes with a new text from her. 'Yes you do! You are undressing me with your eyes.' I laugh to myself as I text 'Trust me, undressing you is not all I've been doing. ;) I'm thinking about burying my tongue deep inside your delicious lesbian lunchbox.' I watch as Lauren looks from her phone to me with wide eyes then back at her phone. Suddenly my phone buzzes with another message. 'I did not need to know that and please don't call it that.'

   I think for a second then text Lauren 'I want to kiss you so bad and not just the lips on your gorgeous face and baby, that's basically what your pussy is. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner ;).' She quickly texts back 'Unfortunately you can't. Now stop!' I know it's getting to Lauren because from the corner of my eye I can see her squirming in the chair. I text her back 'I wish we were alone, just imagine everything I could do to you.'

   I look at Lauren after I send the text. While she is reading it she bites her bottom lip. I know she is aroused and watching her bite that lip is turning me on even more. She sits her phone back down on the desk then leans her head back and I hear her groan. I know by now she is more than likely throbbing and her underwear is probably soaked. Just then the bell rings and all the other students start to hurry out of the room leaving Lauren and I alone.

   Lauren looks at me and shakes her head. I laugh as I move my chair over so I am directly beside her. I get up and quickly walk to the front of the class to close the door and lock it since it's this class periods lunch time. Lauren looks at me with raised eyebrows as if questioning my intentions. I go sit back down in my chair and I swear she is like a magnet, always pulling me in. After I sit down I bring my hand up and gently caress her cheek. She leans into my hand and hums at my touch then groans "you have got me so fucking turned on right now."

   The sexual tension between us is running wild as I slowly take my hand away from her cheek and stand back up. I stand behind her as she is checking her email on her laptop. I place my hands on her shoulders and gently massage them. I slowly slide my hands down, cup her breast through her shirt and squeeze her breast. She leans her head back against me as a soft moan escapes her. I move her hair to one side then kiss her neck softly and I hear her gasp. I lean down and slide my hands down to her hips giving them a squeeze then to the top of her thighs. I squeeze both thighs as I lightly nip at her ear.

   Lauren clicking through her emails comes to a stop like she is having trouble focusing on her task at hand. I kiss below her ear on her sweet spot and nip at her skin. She sucks in a sharp breath and tries to suppress the moan but it escapes her lips anyway. She is breathing heavier as I move my hands back up to her breast. "I bet you are so wet for me right now" I whisper in her ear. I'm waiting for her to stop me but "Kyler" escapes her mouth as more of a moan than a warning so I continue to kiss and nip at her neck. I kiss down to her collarbone and suck on the skin lightly. She grips the armrest of the chair and bites her bottom lip.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now