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    I pull away from the kiss and get off the bed, leaving Lauren with a confused look on her face. I walk to my suitcase and pull out a box then quickly go back to the bed. I watch her face as I take out the tiffany blue double ended dildo. "I thought maybe we could try this. Only if you want to though."

   Lauren eyes the toy curiously then glances at me and back to the toy. "Have you ever... I mean, are you sure since you know you've never..." she says but stops as she nervously looks between me and the toy. I think she knows I'm nervous about using it too but it is something I want to try with her.

   I get on the bed and straddle her toned legs and before she can do or say anything else I quickly slip two fingers between her legs causing her breath to hitch. "Baby, you are definitely wet enough for this if you want us to use it." I say with a smirk as I run my fingers over her entrance and spread her arousal around. "Promise me though, if you feel uncomfortable, you tell me and we will stop Only if you want to though."

   Lauren moans as my fingers graze her clit and she reaches forward and grips the toy. "I-I promise. You will do the same right? A-Are you wet enough though?" She asks hesitantly.

   I nod my head as I grab her hand that's holding the toy. "I promise baby and I'm more than wet enough." I spread my legs and as I'm holding her hand I guide the double ended dildo between my legs. I press the smaller ribbed end at my entrance and it slides in easily from the wetness. I let out a low gasp as the toy settles inside my pussy.

   Lauren lays back and watches me with lust filled eyes when I rub the bigger, smooth end around her entrance to lube the toy up. Carefully I push it inside her heavenly pussy. Her breath hitches in her throat as her head falls back onto the pillow. As I slowly thrust into her, she says "oh God, Kyler." I lean down and suck on her neck as I slowly thrust my hips. An overwhelming sensation rips through my body as the toy rubs against my g-spot and I moan as I know it will not take me long before I cum.

  Lauren digs her nails into my back as my hips pick up the pace as I thrust harder in and out of her drenched pussy. She moves her hands to my face and pulls me in for a desperate kiss. Her legs wrap around me and she locks her ankles behind my back. I grind down aggressively, rubbing against her clit and I feel her thighs tighten. "Yes, yes baby" leaves her mouth and I know she will not last much longer.

   "Oh fuck," leaves Lauren's mouth as she breaks the kiss again and digs her nails into my shoulders. Just hearing her moans and her clinging to me makes me thrust harder. "Kyler..." she moans as she claws at my back and her hips thrust up, pushing the end of the toy inside me right against my g-spot.

   My orgasm takes over me as Lauren's back arches and she releases a cry of pleasure as we both tremble against each other as we cum together. I slowly kiss her lips as I continue to lightly thrust into her as we ride the waves of our orgasm. She gasps for air and moans as I finally stop moving my hips. "Damn... you feel so good Kyler" she says and continues to breathe heavily as I slowly pull out of her.

   "Well, I'm glad you think so because I'm not through with you yet." I pull the toy from inside me and get off the bed. I clean the toy then grab the box with the strap on from my suitcase. I pull out the harness and dildo and quickly put the harness on. I tighten the straps as I walk back to the bed and Lauren is propped up on her elbows watching me. I climb on the bed and hover over her. I lean down and kiss her and she deepens the kiss as she pushes her tongue into my mouth. As we break the kiss, I whisper "turn over and get on your hands and knees." She looks at me a little shocked but quickly turns over and gets on her hands and knees with her ass sticking out.

   Lauren releases a ragged breath as the dildo and my hips meet her ass as I lean over her. I rub my hands up her back to her shoulder blades. I place gentle kisses over her bare back and goosebumps cover her skin. I pull my lips away and move back as my hands glide back down and grab her ass. I have to get a taste of Lauren, so I bend down and lick along her slit and flick my tongue against her clit and moan at her wonderful taste. "Oh, yes baby," she moans and grabs the sheets.

   I grip Lauren's hip with my right hand and with my left, I guide the dildo to her wet entrance. My grip on her hip tightens as I slowly enter her and push the dildo as far as I can for now. "Fuck," she mumbles as her hands give out and she ends up on her elbows which allows me better access to her pussy. "Are you ok?" I question before we continue. Lauren's head is resting against the mattress and she nods her head yes then says "T-That's just big."

   I'm worried now from the sound of her voice. "Am I hurting you Lauren?" I ask as I tense up because I definitely don't want to continue if this hurts her. Lauren lifts her head off the mattress and says "no honey, I'm okay, I promise." My left hand caresses up her back back then back down to her ass and I hold onto her hips with both hands. I slowly push the dildo further, filling her pussy up. A low moan escapes her lips as my hips meet hers.

   I slowly pull out and push back in with long gentle strokes to allow Lauren's body to get used to it. As she moans a little louder, I start pumping a little faster and harder. She pushes her hips back against me and my grip on her tightens, pulling her into me with each thrust. "Oh god, Kyler," Lauren moans. I thrust harder and the sound of her moans and skin slapping against mine is all I can hear.

   As I thrust harder and faster in a perfect rhythm, it caused a wonderful friction against my own clit. "Oh f-fuck," escapes my mouth as I feel myself getting closer and closer. I slip one hand between Lauren's legs and rub her clit in fast, tight circles. "K-Kyler, oh shit, I'm gonna..." she screams and I wrap an arm around her pulling her up so her back is against my front while still pounding her pussy and rubbing her clit. Both of our bodies begin to shake as our orgasms rip through us.

   I slow my pace as the aftershocks have both our bodies twitching. Lauren grabs my hand from her clit and shoves it away. "No more... I'm too sensitive." She says and collapses on the bed, pulling me down with her. I slowly pull the dildo out of her pussy and I wrap Lauren in my arms.

   "Are you okay?" I ask to make sure she is fine.

   She nods her head and says "yes, that was amazing."

   We lay cuddled together for a couple minutes then Lauren sits up and pushes me onto my back. She looks at the strap on and bites her lip as she looks back at me with lust filled eyes. She straddles me and brings a hand between her legs as she guides the dildo to her entrance. I grab her ass and stare between her legs as she gets ready to lower herself onto the dildo. "Look at me when I put it in, baby." I look up at her face and her mouth falls open as she lowers herself. She moans as it fills her and her head falls back.

   Seeing her like this makes me nearly cum again. Needless to say, this was just the beginning of a long, passionate night with my wife.

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