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   I walk into the kitchen pulling Lauren along since she is still holding my hand. "I love you Lauren and I'm sorry." I slowly kiss her delicious lips and she smiles against my lips as she kisses me back.

   Once we break the kiss Lauren says "I love you too and it's not your fault. Now let's get dinner going because apparently my dad is starving." We both laugh then start prepping everything for the chicken quesadillas. After the prep work is done I persuade Lauren to go back in the living room and visit with her family. Soon everything is ready and we all fix our plates so we can sit down to eat.

   This is going to be a very weird dinner. The tension at the table is crazy. I bet you could feel it from a mile away. I just hope for Lauren's sake there's no drama and her parents are not quick to judge.

   Mr. David takes a sip of his water and sits the glass down hard while looking at me. I knew something was going to happen or be said. "Ok Lauren, we know Kyler is your ex step daughter and student at your school. However, what I want to know is, why would you risk your career and everything you've worked for over this... apparent relationship?"

   Before Lauren has a chance to answer, her dad starts talking again. "Kyler, I want to know what your intentions are with my daughter? Why is she risking her career and livelihood for you? Are you forcing her into this relationship?"

   I wipe my mouth and take a deep breath. "Sir, I can assure you I did not force Lauren into this relationship. I did pursue her but she is with me on her own free will. I love Lauren with everything I am and I never meant to fall in love with her. I always said I would never love anyone because I didn't want to risk having my heart broken and didn't really believe in love. From the moment I met Lauren though, it was like I was drawn to her. She is absolutely the most beautiful woman I have ever seen but it's more than just that."

   I take a sip of my water, "I know this may sound crazy but it feels like I loved Lauren before I even met her. It's like she was made just for me. She means the world to me, she is my world. I promise you I will cherish her and treat her the way she deserves to be treated." I reach for Lauren's hand and give it a squeeze.

   I hear a sniffle and look at Lauren and see a tear running down her cheek. I release her hand and wipe it away. "Are you trying to use our daughter?" Mr. David asks with furrowed brows while staring at me.

   "No sir. I would never do that to Lauren."

   Before I can say anything else Mr. David interrupts "how can we be sure you will not do the same thing your father did? You are his daughter after all."

   Lauren slams her hand down on the table and stands up "dad, that's enough."

   I grab Laurens hand and whisper "baby, it's okay." Lauren sits back down after a few seconds of standing there and glaring at her dad. "I understand your concern Mr. David. Mike is an asshole and never deserved someone as wonderful as Lauren. He was stupid for ever lying and cheating on her and I hate him for hurting her."

   Mr. David sits back in his chair "Look, I'm happy you seem to make my daughter happy because that's all a father wants for his daughter. I'm just... I just don't want her to get her heart broken again. She has been hurt enough by Mike. Plus she is risking her career and livelihood for you and I just don't understand this."

   Lauren shakes her head "dad, you don't have to understand it. Kyler is nothing like Mike and I mean nothing like him. She is loving, kind and so caring. She wants the best for me and loves me unconditionally. I have never been so loved by someone before and I have never loved someone so much. I honestly don't think I ever truly loved Mike. Because the love I have and feel for Kyler is nothing compared to what I had with Mike. As far as my career, I would gladly give it up if I had to choose between it and Kyler. That's how much I love her."

   I am just sitting here staring at Lauren as she speaks. She leans over to me and pecks my lips softly. As she is pulling away she says "I love you."

   I'm a little shocked that Lauren said all that to her dad. Finally smiling at her "I love you too, baby."

   Julia interrupts, "okay can we just finish eating. The heavy conversations can wait." Nobody else says anything and we all finish eating in silence. I eat just a little because I am honestly on edge with our current situation and how much it seems Mr. David does not like me. Once I finish eating, I excuse myself to the kitchen so I can get started on cleaning up.

   I turn the little Bluetooth speaker on that we have in the kitchen and connect my phone. I open Spotify and select my Norah Jones station since she is one of my favorite artists. My favorite song of hers, Come Away With Me starts playing at the same time Lauren walks into the kitchen. She walks past me to sit her plate in the sink and I quietly walk up behind her.

   Lauren turns around and jumps when she sees me so close to her. "You startled me Kyler." I smile at her as I reach for her hands. I start backing up and pull her with me. "What are you doing?" She asks with a puzzled look on her face.

   I lean in, gently kiss her lips and pull away smiling at her. "I want you to dance with me." I lift her hands and place them around my neck. I rest both of my hands on her hips and pull her to me so our bodies are touching.

   I start swaying to Come Away With Me and Lauren follows my lead. As we continue dancing she rests her head against my shoulder and I wrap my arms around her trying to pull her closer. I want to hold her in my arms forever. Everything around us just disappears as I am holding her in my arms dancing to the music. Another song comes on and our dancing slows so we are just barely swaying back and forth. We are dancing to our own rhythm instead of with the music. She lifts her head off my shoulder looking at me and we just stare into each other's eyes.

   That all too familiar magnetic pull is working again as both of our faces are inching closer and closer together. Lauren cups my face in her hands. She brushes her lips lightly against mine then with a shaky breath whispers "I love you so much Kyler." I close the little space between our lips and press mine to hers. Nothing else matters in this moment as our mouths move slowly as we take in this perfect moment.

   I part Lauren's lips with my tongue and take the lead in the kiss. We are both kissing each other slowly and gently and relishing in the moment. Her tongue sweeps across mine as we mold together. There is no doubt we are meant to fit together this way. As we continue to kiss a soft moan leaves her mouth and vibrates into mine. My body tingles just from hearing her moan. We continue kissing until we both need air. Pulling away from the kiss she whispers in her lust filled voice "I want you so bad right now." Just hearing that sends a jolt of arousal between my legs and I arch into her.

   Lauren proceeds to kiss me again and takes a few steps backwards, backing me into the island. She kisses me deeper as she lifts me up enough to sit me on the island and I never realized she was that strong. My body is on fire for her but in the back of my mind I know this is not a good idea. "L-Lauren...," I say as I break our kiss. She hums as she starts kissing the sensitive spot below my ear. She knows that drives me crazy and as she latches on, all sense of reality and our surroundings leaves my mind.

   Lauren pushes me against the island and her right hand quickly reaches for the waistband of my Under Armour pants and she slips her hand inside. My body is on fire from the excitement as Lauren skims her fingers over my boxers and right to the waistband of them. She slips her hand into my boxers straight down to my pussy.

   In a seductive tone Lauren says "you're all wet and ready for me" as she skims a finger between my wet folds.

   I moan in response and she smirks at me as she thrusts a finger inside my wet pussy, making me grab ahold of the island countertop. My heart is hammering in my chest with lust as Lauren claims my lips with hers as she wiggles her finger around inside me, just teasing me. We are both so lost in the moment until we hear "What the hell are you doing Lauren?"

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now