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    Lila's already waiting in the food court when I get to the mall. "What took you so long?" she asks.

   "I forgot about Mike taking my car but Lauren let me use hers."

   Lila laughs "I still can't believe you don't call him dad." I just shrug and start walking off. We are both hungry so we grab a quick bite then go dress shopping. After five stores I finally found a dress at Macys that I really like. It's black with spaghetti straps, mid thigh length and a slit up the left side. It's a sexy looking dress and I will admit, I look sexy in it. My thigh tattoo is visible and it fits snug on my body, showing off all my features.

   Lila nearly chokes on air when I walk out of the dressing room. So of course I take that as a good sign. "If you were my type Kyler I would fuck you right here. Damn, everyone will want you tonight." I laugh her comment off and step back into the dressing room and change.
After buying the dress we leave the mall and I head back to the house so I can shower and get ready for tonight. We decided to get an Uber to pick us up tonight since we will both be drinking.

   Once we get to the club, Lila's cousin meets us outside and gives us our armbands. Lila quickly pulls me inside and heads straight for the bar. I'm not complaining though because I am ready to let loose and have fun. Maybe even find someone to have a little fun with.
The DJ is awesome and the drinks taste great. I've been hit on numerous times since we got here and danced with a few different older women. Of course men keep coming on to me and I quickly turn them down not caring if they walk away with a bruised ego or not.

   I'm feeling really good and pretty damn tipsy after five strong mixed drinks plus three rounds of shots. I feel myself swaying on my feet so I decide to find a table and take a quick break while Lila wobbles to the bar to get both of us another mixed drink.

   As I am looking around I see the back of a dirty blonde on the dance floor. Her hair is slightly curled and put up in a very sexy messy bun. She has on a short black dress that's got slits on both sides and open at the back revealing a gorgeous smooth looking back. It shows off her body and definitely shows all her curves. I love what I am seeing from the back and her ass in that dress is to die for. I'm definitely an ass girl and I just can't look away from those swaying hips.

   The dirty blonde with that sexy ass is dancing with another woman that soon walks off heading towards the restrooms. There was too much space between the two of them so I'm assuming they're just friends. Since the dirty blonde is dancing by herself now, I decided to go dance with her. I slowly make my way to where she is on the dance floor and try not to stumble as the alcohol kicks in even more. Damn her ass in that dress is even sexier close up.

   Once I'm completely behind the dirty blonde, I catch a whiff of her perfume, which is a floral scent with a hint of apple and lemon. It smells so good and such a big turn on. I gently grab her hips and press my body against hers. I feel her tense up for a few seconds then relax. Birthday Sex by Jerome is playing and I start dancing and grinding on her as she slowly starts grinding her ass into me. My hands start roaming her body and I just want to touch her everywhere. I slowly move my hands from her hips up her sides with my fingers grazing the sides of her breasts then back down. Her skin is instantly covered in goosebumps.

   The more I glide my hands over her body, the more she grinds her ass against me. I feel the room spinning some from the alcohol as I lean in and place a kiss on the back of her exposed neck. I feel her shiver from my lips on her skin and I swear it sounded like she moaned. I place another kiss on her neck and she arches her back against me and leans her head to the side exposing more of her beautiful neck.

   I place a kiss on the side of her neck then I move my mouth beside her ear. In a throaty whisper I say, "Your moans are so sexy and would be even sexier with you screaming my name." I grip her hips digging my fingers into her hip bones and I definitely hear a moan escape her as I place a kiss on her shoulder. It's so sexy and turns me on even more. I circle my hands around to her stomach and hold onto her as we grind our bodies together with the music. I glance towards the bar to see if Lila is still up there and instead I see a woman that looks like Lauren's sister Julia staring at us. I know I must be drunk if I think I see Julia here.

   The woman has a shocked look on her face as she walks towards us with haste and looks pissed at the same time. Maybe they were together and I completely read that wrong. Once the woman is closer I realize it is Julia. Wait... if Julia is here does that mean Lauren is here somewhere since she was going out with Julia. Maybe Lauren changed her mind and stayed home since she apparently didn't want to go anyway.

   Before I have a chance to even open my mouth to speak, Julia yells "what the hell are you doing?" That sobers me up a little and I'm shocked by her outburst.

   "What's your damn problem Julia?" I yell, irritated that she is interrupting me.

   Julia grabs the dirty blonde by the arm and spins her around facing me. "This is my damn problem" Julia states.

   When Julia turns the dirty blonde around facing me we are both extremely shocked. I have been grinding and dancing with... Lauren. This realization helps sober me up alot more and I don't really know what to say. Lauren's lust filled eyes are wide in shock, her face is red and she is flustered. Her eyes travel down my body then back up to my eyes and her breathing has picked up. She opens her mouth then closes it. Finally she is able to speak and a breathy "Kyler" is all she says. I can't tell if it is a statement or a question by the way she said my name. But it was definitely sexy the way she said it.

   Julia pulls Lauren further away from me as I am reaching out for her. Lauren is obviously drunk and nearly loses her balance. I quickly step forward and wrap an arm around her waist to keep her from falling. I'm trying to make sense of all this as Julia jerks my arm away from Laurens waist. "I think you should go home, Kyler. What the hell were you thinking?" She says and pulls Lauren with her through the crowd. Lauren's lust filled eyes are still on me as Julia pulls her along. I follow her with my eyes until they are lost in the crowd of people.

   I go back to mine and Lila's table and find her making out with some girl. I hate to interrupt but I want to let Lila know I am going home. Not because Julia told me to go home but I don't feel like I can stay here any longer after what just happened. I clear my throat breaking up their make out session. "I'm heading home just wanting to let you know." I tell Lila.

   "Why, the night is still young?" Lila asks.

   I can't tell her what happened so I quickly lie, "I'm not feeling well, I will talk to you later. Have fun but don't do anything to crazy."

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