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   As I am replying to an email, there's a knock on my office door. "Come in," I say as I click send then I glance up and see my beautiful girlfriend slowly walk in with an iced coffee and small bag in hand. I can't stop the smile that takes over as I watch Kyler walk towards my desk.

   I stand up and walk around to the front of my desk as I take Kyler in. Before she can say anything, I take the bagel and caramel macchiato from her hands and sit them on my desk. Without warning, I grab her by her shirt and pull her into me, crushing our lips together in a hungry kiss.

   I let go of Kyler's shirt and move my hands straight to her ass giving it a hard squeeze as I pull her harder against her. I hear a sexy moan escape Kyler's mouth and she arch's against me. I walk her backwards until her back hits the door to my office and I feel a rush of arousal through my body. I crash my lips on Kyler's again then move down her jawline then to her neck.

   I push one of my legs between Kyler's as I straddle her thigh. My skirt rides up enough and I start grinding against her. As I am covering her neck in kisses, she pulls me into her so she is also straddling one of my thighs. Kyler starts grinding on my thigh as I kiss down the v-neck opening of her shirt to the top of her breast. "Fuck Lauren" she whispers as she grinds harder and a loud moan escapes her mouth.

   As soon as I hear Kyler moan, I stop and quickly back away from her, straightening my skirt in the process. "Why... Why did you stop?" Kyler breathily asks as I still feel the throbbing want between my legs.

   "I shouldn't have done that." I state as I move back behind my desk. "I-I got carried away... when I saw you, last night came to mind when... when I was... when you..." I know my face is red from how hot it feels and because I am so turned on right now.

   "Ughhh" Kyler groans out loud.

   "Kyler... I'm sorry. I could not control myself for some reason. I know that is not fair to you." I say with a sigh and I feel myself getting nervous.

   "It's okay Lauren, I was just joking." Kyler says softly with a smile as she walks towards me. I feel my heart rate pick up because I know I shouldn't have lost control like that and I know Kyler is probably just pretending to not be mad.

   "No Kyler, it's not okay. I should have never done that. That was wrong of me to get you worked up and..."

   Kyler quickly cuts me off before I can apologize anymore. "Seriously it's fine, it was hot. You were so hot. You are always hot but damn, the way you took control was extremely sexy."

   With tears forming in my eyes, I look at Kyler, "I-I know you..." and I trail off because I feel my emotions taking over.

   Kyler brings her hand towards my cheek but I turn my head away and wipe my eyes. She steps forward so our chests are nearly touching. Then she steps forward again, making me back into my desk. With me pinned between my desk and her body, Kyler gently holds my face with both hands and kisses me passionately. She breaks the kiss while still holding my face and looks into my eyes "I love you and I promise it's fine so please don't worry about it." She kisses me again but more gently as a way of proving her words.

   "I'm going to go so you can get back to work. I promise you everything is fine so stop overthinking." I just nod my head in understanding but still I'm still unsure.

   "I... I love you, I truly do and thank you for the treats." I softly say as I force a smile and give her a quick peck on the lips.

   "I love you more and you're welcome. Thank you for giving me something to look forward to." Kyler winks at me as she heads towards my office door.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now