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   Lauren is so beautiful and I always seem to get stuck in a trance when I look at her. It seems impossible to look away from such beauty sometimes. Her eyes, dirty blonde hair and her face structure is so distinct. She is a natural beauty. She usually puts some makeup on when leaving the house but she honestly doesn't even need it. I think one of my favorite Lauren's is the makeup free one. She is perfect without even trying and she doesn't even realize it and Mike definitely takes her for granted. This woman deserves to be cherished. She damn sure deserves someone besides Mike.

   The rest of the car ride to school is quiet except for the soft music Lauren is playing. I can feel a tension between us in the car and will be glad to get out of here once we reach the school. I love being around Lauren but sometimes I don't like being close to her because I don't trust myself. After what happened in the garage I don't even want to be in the same car as her because my thoughts are definitely not pure.

   When we get to the school I want to jump out and get as far from Lauren as I can but I know I can't. I have to go with her to the office to get all my registration and transfer stuff handled. As we are walking inside the school her arm keeps brushing against mine as we walk. I slow down a little so she is a little ahead of me so there's a little space between us. Of course when I do this, I have a perfect view of her ass and I can't help but to look.

   My eyes travel back up her body just in time as she glances back at me with a raised eyebrow. It's like she knew I was looking. Before she can say anything about me checking her out we make it to the office. "Kyler, when Mrs. Scott prints your schedule, bring it to my office for us to go over," Lauren says.

   "Okay I'll be right there." I say as she walks off to her office and my eyes follow her. I hear my name being called and turn my attention back to Mrs. Scott.

   Mrs. Scott hands me my schedule but doesn't let go of it. She narrows her eyes at me and just looks at me for a second then says "go ahead to Lauren's office and... behave. She has enough mess to deal with in that husband of hers so don't add to it. Just be there for her, now go, she is waiting for you and I hope you like it here." She releases my schedule and I want to ask what she meant but decide to keep my mouth shut and go to Lauren's office so I don't keep her waiting.

   Sitting down across from Lauren as the principal feels weird but at the same time it was weird in a good way. She is so hot in her professional dress attire and professional setting. "Kyler... you have got to quit looking at me like that." I hear Lauren say but can't seem to pull my eyes away from her beautiful chest where three buttons on her blouse are undone and there's just enough skin showing to tease.

   Lauren slams her hand down on her desk, snapping me out of my trance and inappropriate thoughts. I bring my eyes up and meet hers "sorry."

   Lauren sighs "Kyler, do we need to talk about this?" She asks.

   "No, I didn't mean to make you mad. I'm sorry, I wasn't trying to be disrespectful. You're just so..." I start saying but just stop when Lauren raises her eyebrows as she looks at me. I haven't heard that tone from her before and she definitely can be scary if need be. I know I definitely need to stop staring at her so much and will work on that so I don't make her uncomfortable or piss her off.

   "Ok, moving on. Since you were taking AP classes at your old school and have straight A's I was able to get you in our AP classes here. The only classes you need here are your math and English credit to graduate. Both of those classes are each an hour and 45 minutes long. You will have AP English, AP math then your 30 minute lunch. After lunch you will have your elective.

   "Since I only need English and math, why can't I leave after those two classes?" I ask because it doesn't make sense for me to take something I don't need.

   Lauren says "Because you have to be in school till at least 1 p.m. That's the school district rule. I know it might have been different in Pensacola but that's how it is here. Now, since you were taking Art 3, I put you in the closest thing we have to that which is Advance Design 101. It's actually a dual credit class and since I saw you are planning on majoring in design in college that class will help you out."

   "Okay that works for me. Since I will be finished by 1 p.m. everyday, what am I supposed to do?" I asked because since I'm riding with Lauren she is my ride home too but I don't want to just sit here everyday until school is out.

   "Well, school gets out at 3 p.m. You can come in here and help me with things if that's fine with you or just relax here and work on homework unless you would rather go to the library. Mrs. Scott might need help with things sometimes too so you can help her. Some days I might let you take my car and go home but you will have to come back and get me when school is over." Lauren says.

   "So I will be like your assistant?" I ask which causes Lauren to laugh.

   "Yes sweetie, that's basically what you would be. Now, you need to get to class since you're already late. I will walk you to class so Ms. Smith knows why you're late for English. If you need anything or have any problems just let me know, let's go."

   Once we make it to AP English, Lauren explains to Ms. Smith why I am late, she gives me a quick smile and wink then heads back to her office. My eyes follow her as she leaves, then I turn my attention to Ms. Smith who is already looking at me. She is a beautiful young woman, not as beautiful as Lauren in my opinion but she is beautiful nonetheless. She has brown shoulder length hair with highlights, green eyes, red lips and average body. A few times during class I look up to find Ms. Smith just looking at me for some reason.

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