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   It's silent for a few seconds as Julia seems to be thinking over what Lauren said. "Wow, okay, I never expected any of this. I just... wow. Look Lauren, Kyler is 18, she has never been in a relationship before from what you've told me and now she claims to be in love with you. How can you be sure she even knows what love is? When I was 18 I sure didn't know what love was. Hell, I'm 22 and still haven't been in love. I'm worried for you Lauren. I don't want you to get hurt again when she suddenly finds someone her own age and leaves you. You haven't even known her that long and you claim to love her too. Plus you just came out of a five year marriage... to a man. You're not even gay."

   Before Julia can continue, I stop her. "Julia, I understand your concerns but I promise you I will never intentionally hurt Lauren. I love her too much." I bring Laurens hand to my lips and kiss her knuckles. "I know it might sound crazy but I honestly believe I loved Lauren before I ever met her. A terrible tragedy in my life brought us together and I can't imagine my life without her. It's true that I've never been in a relationship and I definitely wasn't looking for one or expecting to fall in love but I did. I am honestly so thankful for having met Lauren and very thankful and honored that she loves me too. I don't know if you would call it love at first sight but there was something that sparked between us when we first met."

   Lauren squeezes my hand and I look back at her. Looking in her eyes I am overtaken with emotion because I am truly in love with her. "It doesn't matter that we haven't known each other very long. I love Lauren more and more everyday and I never thought it was possible to love someone so much but I am so deeply in love with her. I fell in love with her and it's the greatest feeling I've ever felt. Just seeing her or hearing her voice makes my heart race. Just a simple touch from her causes butterflies in my stomach. Being in love with Lauren is the best feeling in the world."

   I notice Lauren has a stray tear running down her face as she looks at me. I release her hand and cup her face with both hands. Using both of my thumbs I wipe her tears away and lean in placing a loving kiss on her lips. "I love you" I whisper as I pull away to see the biggest smile on Lauren's face.

   We hear a little sniffle and both look at Julia sitting on the loveseat. She wipes her eyes as she laughs "Damn Kyler, I felt that. I guess you are right, you do love Lauren. I can see you do truly love each other. It's in the way you look at each other and in the way you talk about each other. I guess maybe I've been looking in the wrong places for love." We sit in silence for a few minutes until Julia says "Oh my God Lauren! That's why you got so mad at me for joking around with Kyler about me being lesbian for her. You liked her then, didn't you? Oh my God, it was obvious and I completely missed it."

   Lauren's cheeks take on a light shade of pink and she bites her lip as she looks down at her lap. She looks back up at Julia, "I didn't even understand at that time why I got so mad. I didn't understand why I felt jealous about the fact that I thought Kyler was flirting with you. I didn't understand what I was feeling because I had never felt like that for anyone and definitely never for a woman. I fell hard and I am so happy with her, Jules."

   Lauren and Julia both stand at the same time and embrace each other in a big hug. "I'm happy for you Lauren, I really am and I'm sorry for sounding like such a bitch earlier. I love you and just want you to be happy. I can see that Kyler does that. I've never seen you so happy and in love. You were definitely never like this with Mike."

   Lauren smiles "I love you too Jules. She really does make me happy, so happy and thank you for listening and understanding." Julia releases the hug and turns towards me motioning for me to come there. I walk over to her and she pulls me into a hug.

   While hugging me she says "I'm sorry for doubting you Kyler. Thank you for making my big sister happy and loving her. Just please don't hurt her."

   I pull away from the hug and grab Laurens hand "thank you Julia and I don't plan on hurting her." I lean in and peck Laurens beautiful lips.

   Lauren grabs my hip with her free hand and kisses me harder until Julia interrupts. "Okay enough sucking face. Is that all the two of you know how to do?"

   Lauren's face turns really red which causes Julia to yell, "no way! Oh shit! Lauren, you slept with Kyler! You did, didn't you? Oh my God, just wait until mom and dad find out about all of this." Lauren groans and rolls her eyes as she fights the smile forming on her face.

   After Julia finally stops freaking out, her and Lauren go to the kitchen and start chatting again so I lay down on the couch letting them have their sister time. When Lauren comes back to the living room she comes over and lifts my head to sit down. She rests my head in her lap as Julia walks into the living room.

   Lauren strokes my cheek with the back of her fingers. "I love you baby." She winks at me and before I can respond we hear Julia making a gagging sound and we just laugh.

   "Well I guess I'm going to go because all of this lovey dovey crap makes me realize how single I really am. Please you two, be careful. You only have a few days left and I want to see you two make it to the graduation ceremony. Oh and Lauren, if mom and dad don't know about your divorce you might want to call and tell them instead of it being a surprise when they show up for their "granddaughter's" graduation. After all, it will be the first time they meet her."

   Lauren shakes her head "no I haven't told them. I know I need to and should have already called and told them. Nobody knows about it except for you and the superintendent. I didn't want people to know until school was over, especially since Kyler is living here with me."

   Julia's eyes go wide as she looks at Lauren. "Wait, you said the superintendent knows. How?"

   Lauren walks over to Julia and gives her another hug "thank you for taking the time to listen to us and for finally understanding. I love you but I don't want to discuss that right now. Just know everything is fine and we will see you at graduation. By the way though, how did you know I lived here?" I was actually wondering the same thing but figured Lauren must have told her but then again I didn't figure she would because of our situation.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now