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    Lauren grabs my hands, removes them from her breasts and places them on the bed. Shaking her head she sternly says "we are not having sex in Mary's house. I feel like she already doesn't like me so I damn sure don't want to make it worse." I laugh as I get off of her and get off the bed to get dressed. Lauren gets out of bed too and I can't help but stare at her sexy round ass in the red lace thong that's visible below the hem of her shirt.

   "Seriously Kyler?" Lauren says with a laugh as she catches me staring at her again. I just can't help it, I love what I see. I smirk at Lauren as I walk over to her while she is pulling her shirt off to put the matching red lace bra on. I step behind her and grab the bra from her hands before she can put it on. She looks over her shoulder with a raised brow questioning my intentions.

   I smile as I turn Lauren around facing me. "Today is all about you. We are having a day date today and I don't want you doing anything, my love. Now let me help you put your bra on." She laughs but stands there waiting for me to put her bra on. I slide each bra strap up her arms but before I move the straps to her shoulders, I kiss each shoulder where the bra straps will go. Then I kiss each area of her breasts that will be covered by the bra and slide it up. I turn her around and kiss her back then fasten the bra.

   As soon as I'm done, Lauren turns around with a smile on her face and looks into my eyes. She just looks at me and I finally ask "what?"

   Lauren shakes her head. "I'm just happy, the happiest I've been in quite a few years and... thank you." Before I can ask what she is thanking me for she says "thank you for loving me and making me happy. I don't think anything else could make me happier."

   I smile at Lauren as I cup her face in my hands and kiss her. As I pull away I lock eyes with her. "I should be the one thanking you. For so long I didn't believe in being in a relationship or love or even that I could be loved. So thank you for taking my unloved soul and showing me what love is."

   Lauren gives me a questioning look, caresses my face and says "Kyler, you are very loveable and deserve to be loved. Why would you think you couldn't be loved?" I look away from her because... well because I don't want to seem vulnerable in front of her. She has seen me like that two or three times and I don't like it. Apparently she can read my mind because she turns my face back to hers. "It's okay to show vulnerability. It doesn't make me think less of you, I promise baby."

   Just looking into Lauren's eyes, I know she is being honest but I just... I don't know. I look away from her and sigh. "I-I... just growing up I looked up to my mom because she was an amazing and strong woman who set such a high standard of what I could ever hope to be. But... as amazing and strong as she was, she was not good enough for Mike and that hurt her so bad because of how much she loved him. Seeing what she went through even though I was young always made me feel like I would never be good enough to be loved. Someone as perfect as my mom wasn't so how could I be. Hell, my own father doesn't even love me."

   I hear a sniffle and look back at Lauren and see a stray tear. I quickly wipe it then she grabs my hands. "Baby, I promise you that you definitely deserve to be loved and so did your mom. Just because one person doesn't love you like you love them doesn't mean everyone is like that and I'm speaking from experience. Baby, you closed yourself off from being in a relationship but look at you now. You were willing to put yourself out there for me, because of what you felt for me and because of what I felt for you. You choose that for yourself and I am so glad you did. You are a strong and determined young woman that didn't give up on me even when I tried to push you away. You showed me what true love is and allowed yourself to find true love too. You got it right the first time unlike me. I love you Kyler, forever and always."

   My heart is racing as Lauren stops talking and she just smiles at me then pulls me in for a kiss that I happily return. God I love this woman so much. As we pull away from the kiss I grab her hand. "Okay, today was not supposed to take that kind of turn so let's get back on track and thank you for keeping me level headed. I love you and really want to get our day date started so after you my lady." Lauren laughs as I motion to the bedroom door so we can go downstairs.

   Lauren and I finally leave for the day and I take her to Bodacious Brew for coffee and breakfast. We both got a mocha latte with almond milk and quiche to eat. We sat on the terrace overlooking the garden while we ate. Lauren loved the view, food and coffee. This has always been one of my favorite coffee shops in Pensacola and I'm glad I got to share that with her.

   We get back in the car after breakfast and as Lauren is buckling her seatbelt she says "that was really good, thank you. Now what else do you have planned for today?" I smile as I'm buckling my seatbelt and glance over at her as I pull out of the parking lot.

   "Umm, I actually want to take you to the cemetery to see my mom. Only if you're okay with that. If not I understand and I can go another day by my-..."

   My rambling is cut off when Lauren grabs my hand that's resting on her thigh. "Kyler!" She squeezes my hand "baby, I would love to meet your mom. I would be honored to meet her so I promise it's okay. I'm glad that you want me to meet her, that means a lot." I smile as I continue the drive to the cemetery. We get to the cemetery about 25 minutes later and as I start to get out Lauren stops me by pulling me in for a quick peck my lips.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now