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   Was Kyler flirting with me? By the look on her face I think she realizes what she just did and how inappropriate it was. Why was that wink so... sexy? Better yet, why did I think it was sexy? My face is super hot and I'm just staring at Kyler. I open and close my mouth a couple times because I'm at a loss for words. As I'm gathering my thoughts Kyler quickly says "I'm sorry Lauren; I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I don't know why I said that. I mean I know why but I..."

   I hold my hand up stopping Kyler and blink a few times "d-don't worry about it Kyler, it was... it was... you're sweet. I'm just... I'm not used to the compliments or someone doing so many things for me." Of course I wasn't going to say anything about her possible flirting because maybe I'm wrong and she wasn't flirting.

   Kyler looks a little shocked by me admitting I'm not used to compliments. I mean yes, I've received compliments in the past and when people just nicely say "oh you're so pretty." Mike even used to compliment me but that stopped after we got married. I couldn't even tell you the last time he said I was pretty, beautiful or anything like that. The most I get out of him is when he wants to have sex and says "get that sexy as over here or bring that sexy as here."

   I'm pulled from my wandering thoughts when I hear the barista call Kyler's name out for our drinks. We get our drinks and head to the mall parking lot to my Range Rover so we can head home.

   From my peripheral vision I notice Kyler glance over at me as I start driving. She just looks at me and for some reason I feel happy and content in the moment. I can't stop the small smile that graces my lips as I think about how nice today was. I get this overwhelming feeling in my chest as I realize I enjoyed today and it was all because of Kyler.

   Suddenly Kyler blurts out "god you're so beautiful." She quickly turns her head to look back out the windshield as I snap my head in her direction.

   I keep glancing at Kyler as I my main focus is on the road. "What's gotten into you Kyler?" I ask because she is getting rather bold throwing out her compliments to me. I definitely don't need her saying anything like that with Mike around. There's no telling how he would take that.

   I notice Kyler shakes her head before answering. "Nothing, I just... well, I didn't know if you had been told that today. You are though... really beautiful."

   Kyler is glancing at me as I shift in my seat. "Thank you Kyler." I softly say. I'm not uncomfortable by her admission, it just makes me feel some kind of way that I don't quite understand.

   Why does it always feel like there's a magnet pulling me towards Kyler. I want to know everything about her and I want her to know everything about me. Maybe I'm just desperate for attention, desperate for affection. I don't know what has happened between Mike and I but he hasn't come on to me or wanted to make love in a while. I just don't know what's happened or maybe I'm not sexy enough for him anymore. That's one reason I wanted new outfits from Victoria Secret, I was hoping it might help my lacking love life.

   It's quite the rest of the drive home because I'm in my head and Kyler is just starting out the window. It's not awkward, just comfortable. When we get home, Kyler and I both get all the bags out of the back of my suv and head inside. "If you will get all the tags off everything and drop it in the laundry room I will start washing all the clothes after I change" I tell Kyler as I go to put my purse up.

   Kyler looks at me for a second, "I'll get all the tags off but I'm doing the laundry too. You go sit down and have a relaxing afternoon." She walks off to the laundry room and I'm a little confused as to why it seems she doesn't want me doing anything for her. I know I'm not her mom and could no way take her moms place but I want to take care of Kyler and be there for her. I want to be someone she can depend on as a friend. I want her to know that I care.
I go and change my clothes to a black spaghetti strap tank top and gray Under Armour running shorts. I changed like I always do when at home so I can be comfortable. As Kyler is dropping the Tide Pod in the washing machine I walk in behind her and she glances back at me.

   Kyler eyes dart to my shoulders, down my torso then to my legs. She licks her lips as she looks me up and down. Her eyes finally meet mine and I look down at myself. "Do I need to change?" I ask with a raised brow. Kyler shakes her head no then turns around and starts the washing machine.

   I watch Kyler for a few seconds while her back is turned to me then she turns back around and looks at me. We stare into each other's eyes for a few seconds then I decide to break the silence and ask my questions. "Why do you always do that? Do you not want me doing anything for you? I know I'm not your mom but I'm here for you and to help care for you."
Kyler just looks at me so I shake my head and turn to leave because she obviously isn't going to answer me. Suddenly I feel her grab my hand to stop me. That electric current is there again from her touching me but I brush it off. "Look, I wasn't trying to upset you Lauren. My mom raised me to help out around the house and that's what I'm trying to do. It's not because I don't want you doing things for me. I'm happy that you want to but I really like helping out and I like to take some of the burden off your shoulders. You seem to do a lot as it is and with me being here it adds more to your workload. I just want to help you but I don't want to upset you either. I hope you understand where I'm coming from."

   "Okay Kyler, I get it and your mom definitely raised a wonderful young woman. She would be so proud of you. I appreciate you wanting to help; I guess... I'm just not used to it. I'm always the one taking care of everything around here because it's my responsibility so it's just different for me to have you offering to help. Thank you though, it honestly means a lot to me." I look down and realize she is still holding my hand and she follows my eyes then quickly releases my hand.

   At least Kyler wants to help. Mike needs to take lessons from her on that aspect. He always claims housework is the wife's responsibility.

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