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    While still straddling Lauren I lean down and kiss her passionately which she gladly reciprocates. We break away from the kiss to catch our breath and we both smile at each other. I move down so my body is more between Lauren's legs, partially on the bed and partially on her. I run my hands slowly down her legs and stop just below the bottom of her shorts. I lightly kiss Lauren's thigh while seductively moving my hands to her inner thighs. As I kiss towards her inner thigh I hear her moan and grab the sheets. I look up at her, placing one more kiss on her thigh then move back up to kiss her sexy lips.

   Lauren pulls away from the kiss and says "Kyler, I umm... I've never been with a woman."
I smile down at Lauren. "I know, I'm honored to be your first and I'm glad you will be my first." Her eyes go wide as she looks at me with a shocked expression.

   "Wait, what? What do you mean?" Lauren asks in a high pitched voice.

   "Just because I messed with a couple girls doesn't mean I've let anyone return the favor. I like giving." I say with a shrug.

   Lauren still looks shocked. "So you're a virgin?" She asks with raised eyebrows.

   I nod my head yes. "Well, yeah, never had any penetration."

   With raised eyebrows Lauren says "oh" as she looks deep into my eyes.  Lauren reaches up and brings my face to hers, kissing me gently. I move my hands down her stomach and slide them under her shirt and her breath hitches. Her skin is so soft and so hot against my hands. I move down and lift her shirt so it rests right below her breast and I kiss all of her exposed skin. I want to take my time so I can always remember this moment. I want to memorize every inch of her body.

   "Are you sure?" I ask Lauren before going any farther.

   "Yes, Kyler please. I've never been more sure." Lauren says so I pull her to sit up and take her shirt off revealing a black lace bra.

   "You are so beautiful." I say as I lean down and kiss the tops of each breast and suck on the skin a little as I slide my hands around Lauren's back and unhook her bra. Her hips push into me and I can't help but moan a little in appreciation.

   I slowly slide the bra straps down Lauren's arms and toss her bra to the floor. I lay her back down then lean in close to her face and whisper "you are absolutely breathtaking." I lightly kiss her lips then kiss down her neck and collarbone to her right breast. Lauren lightly moans and reaches for my face pulling me back to her. She kisses me in a fiery kiss full of want and need. I don't think I will ever get tired of kissing her.

   "Kyler please, I want you... I need you... please just... fuck me." Hearing Lauren say that makes me so wet. I want to fuck her like she wants but I can't right now. I have to savor this moment in case it never happens again.

   I lean in and kiss her then look into her lust filled eyes, "Lauren, I want to trust me I do but what I really want is to make love to you. I want us to make love to each other. Next time I will give it to you the way you want, I promise. I just can't rush this."

   Lauren smiles at me as I kiss her lips then I move down her body kissing my way to her breast. Slowly I lick her right nipple while my hand massages her left breast and I tug on her nipple. She moans and grabs for the sheet arching her back, pushing her breast more into my mouth and hand. I swap breasts and continue to do the same thing again.

   Lauren moans and lifts her hips off the bed trying to push into me. I sit up and stare at the beautiful woman below me. I can't help but smile at her as I run my thumb over her lips. I move my hands down her neck and chest to her stomach then to the top of her shorts. I glance up at her to make sure she is okay. She bites her lip and eagerly nobs. I take her shorts off, throwing them to the side. I slowly pull her matching black lace underwear off kissing the newly exposed skin as I go, leaving her completely naked just for me.

   My eyes travel all over Lauren's body as I slowly rub my hands over her skin. She is a work of art, she is a beautiful masterpiece. I glance up and Lauren's face is flushed, eyes are closed and her mouth is open. I rub my hands up her legs to the inside of her thighs and spread her legs apart placing light kisses on the inside of her thighs before blowing softly on her exposed clit. I watch her shudder and she reaches down and fist both hands in the sheets. I lock my eyes on her "Lauren, look at me" I say in a husky voice. Once she opens her hooded eyes, my eyes lock with hers and I spread her legs even farther apart. I lean down and place feather light kisses above her clit.

   I move down so my stomach is completely against the bed, never breaking eye contact with Lauren. Her watching me is turning me on even more. I can smell her arousal and it makes me happy that I am the cause of her current state. I softly touch my tongue against her clit and a moan escapes her beautiful lips as her eyes close. "Open your eyes Lauren and look at me." She obeys and slowly opens her eyes looking down at me. I slowly lick the length of her wet slit up to her clit loving her sweet taste. I lick the length of her slit again then I slide my tongue deep inside her tight opening pushing my tongue as far as it will go.

   I curl the tip of my tongue upward and moan into Lauren, loving her taste. I pull my tongue slowly out and lick her folds then take her clit into my mouth. I suck on her clit and she thrust her hips up, fisting both hands in my hair. As I suck her clit she lets out a loud moan as her back lifts off the bed burying her head deeper into the pillow. Watching her unravel sends shock waves between my legs.

   I suck a little harder on Lauren's clit and hear "ohhhh godddd." She pulls her hands from my hair and digs her nails into my shoulders. As I suck on her clit more she grinds into my face. I pull away from her clit with a pop sound and she closes her eyes and moans even more. I faintly hear "fuck" leave her beautiful lips. Looking at her opening, I see she is so wet for me but I bring my middle and ring fingers to my mouth and lick them anyway.

   I rub my two fingers against Laurens opening lightly and with my other hand I rub my thumb against her clit. A throaty moan escapes her mouth and I smile. Slowly I push my fingers inside her tight opening and I hear Lauren moan and I feel her walls tighten around my fingers as she lifts her hips. I slowly start moving my fingers in and out, coating them with her arousal. I replace my thumb on her clit with my tongue and hear "don't stop, oh god don't stop."

   I curl my fingers, hitting Lauren's g-spot and pump my fingers faster while licking her clit. Her hips move in rhythm as she grinds into my face and pulls my head closer to her. I keep pumping faster until I feel her walls tighten around my fingers and I know she is getting close. Her hands go back to my shoulders and I feel her nails dig in even more.

   I suck on Laurens clit a little harder as I work my fingers in a come here motion knowing that will send her over the edge. Lauren is thrusting her hips even more and I hear "ohhh fuckkkk... Kyler, I'm, I'm...." as her body stiffens and her warm cum runs all over my fingers and her body starts to tremble. I release my mouth from her clit and slowly keep moving my fingers to help her ride her orgasm out. Her body is still trembling as she comes down from her powerful orgasm.

   With my fingers still inside, moving slowly, I suck down on Lauren's clit and press against her g-spot at the same time. She starts shaking hard and moans "ohhhh... Kyler! Fuck! Fuck Kyler!" I start moving my fingers faster in and out knowing Lauren is getting close to another orgasm as I feel her walls tightening again. I slowly remove my fingers and work my tongue against her clit sucking on it in between licks up and down her slit. Lauren screams my name and her powerful orgasm hits as I suck on her clit one more time.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now