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   Once I am done with work for the day, Kyler and I get in my car and head home. As I'm driving I glance at her "Happy birthday Kyler," I say with a smile.

   "Thank you Lauren," Kyler replies as she glances out the window instead of staring at me like she normally does. From the corner of my eye though, I see her glance over at me with a small smile on her face.

   Kyler seems kind of down today even though it's her birthday. I know it's rough for her, especially being in a new place away from her best friend and aunt. I know it's also rough on her because she misses her mom. A few seconds later I say, "cheer up, we have a surprise for you at home. Your father is supposed to leave work at four so we can take you out for a birthday dinner."

   Kyler slightly smiles "you guys don't have to do anything for me. Enough has already been done by y'all providing for me and there is absolutely nothing I need or want."

   I laugh and shake my head "you are something else Kyler. Are you sure you're only 18? Most 18 year olds would eagerly give a list of stuff they want whether they need it or not." She just shrugs her shoulders and looks out the window.

   When we get home Kyler goes straight up to her room while we're waiting for Mike to get home. I sure hope we can somehow cheer Kyler up today. I don't like seeing her like this. She is usually so happy, talkative and flirty. I know that is so wrong of me to think that but there is something about her that.... No, I can't think like that."

   Surprisingly, Mike makes it home as originally planned so we can celebrate Kyler's birthday. I head upstairs to her bedroom to let her know he's home so we can give her our present. I knock on Kyler's bedroom door but never hear anything so I slowly open the door and see her laying on the bed asleep. I quietly walk to Kylers's bed and look down upon the beautiful, sleeping young woman. Even in her sleep I can faintly see her dimples. Her cute dimples that I like seeing everyday. No, that's inappropriate of me to think that. Why do I think her dimples are cute? What is wrong with me?

   I release a deep breath and I know I need to wake Kyler up even though she is sleeping so peacefully. I don't need Mike getting pissed that we are not down there yet. I definitely don't want Kyler's birthday ruined. I softly say "Kyler" and bring my hand up, gently cupping her cheek. Her skin is so warm and so soft against my hand. Without thinking, I rub my thumb over her soft cheek as I call her name again. "Kyler."

   Slowly Kyler partially opens her eyes and looks up at me leaning over her. The sunlight is shining through her bedroom window and lights the room up making it feel so relaxing in here. "So beautiful." Kyler sleepily mutters as she looks at me and smiles. I quickly remove my hand from her cheek as I feel my face heat up. "Shit, I'm sorry Lauren, I didn't..."

I cut Kyler off as she started to apologize. "Just...  I-it's okay Kyler. It's fine... t-thank you" and I feel my cheeks heat even up. "Umm... y-your umm... your dad's in the kitchen and... and he wants us to give you your birthday surprise before going out to dinner."

   I don't say anything else and quickly walk out Kyler's bedroom, closing the door behind me. When I get back downstairs, I walk into the kitchen and Mike is sitting at the island with an annoyed look on his face. "What the hell took you so long to go get that girl? Where is she at?"
I sigh as I shake my head because I cannot believe him.

   Before I can say anything though, Kyler walks into the kitchen and glances between Mike and I. "Lauren, I'm sorry it took a while for you to wake me up. I guess I was really tired when I fell asleep." I look at her because I know she must have heard Mike with her trying to take the blame of making Mike wait.

   "Umm, happy birthday, kid. Come to the garage for your birthday present but you can't peek" Mike says to Kyler and she rolls her eyes at his remark. "Lauren, cover her eyes so she can't peek and lead her into the garage."

   I swallow hard because I don't feel like I can be that close to Kyler. I feel things around her that I don't understand. "S-she can just close her eyes Mike." I end up stuttering.

   Mike looks at me, "No, she could peek so cover her eyes and come on Lauren... now." He says it a little too harshly which looks like it pisses Kyler off.

   Kyler opens her mouth like she is going to say something but I touch her arm and shake my head no. I swallow hard and get behind Kyler, putting my hands over her eyes. I accidentally stand close enough that my breasts are against Kyler's back and it suddenly feels like it's hard to breathe. I feel the heat from her skin through her clothes and I my knees feel weak. I swear I feel her shiver against me but I could be imagining that.

   I clear my throat and move away from Kyler a little so my body is not against hers. "O-okay Kyler, walk forward slowly as we follow... your umm... dad into the garage." Kyler doesn't say anything, she just nods her head as we are walking forward.

   We walk a few steps then Mike speaks up. "Lauren remove your hands but Kyler, keep your eyes closed." I remove my hands and step away from Kyler, putting space between the two of us.

   "Open your eyes now," Mike says loudly. When Kyler opens her eyes, it's safe to say she is shocked to see a brand new metallic black Ford Fusion Titanium with black rims and dark tinted windows in the garage. "Happy birthday," Mike and I say at the same time. I notice Kyler's glossy's eyes and it makes me wonder if it's from the car or something else. I don't want to say anything in front of Mike and I don't want her to think I'm being nosy.

   "I wasn't sure what to get you so I figured ..."

I quickly interrupt Mike, "we... wanted to get you something you could use and something you needed." Mike cuts his eyes to me and I know he is pissed at me. It wasn't just a gift from him though, it was both of us. He hands Kyler the key fob so she can unlock it and check it out. It has a cream interior with leather seats. Plus it has navigation, sunroof, Sony 12 speaker sound system, heated and cooled front seats and heated steering wheel. The car is fully loaded with everything she could have ever wanted in a car. I hope she likes it, I picked it out myself because it just seemed like something Kyler would like.

   Kyler gets out of the car and awkwardly hugs Mike and tells him thank you. Then she turns around and wraps her arms around my neck and I immediately hug her back. I feel her breath against my neck and for some reason I tighten my hold on her. I pull away and say, "I have your parking permit already in the car so you will be able to drive to school tomorrow."

   Kyler smiles at me. "Thank you Lauren. At least now you will not have me riding with you."

   I frown a little and look down. "I enjoy our car rides to and from school together." I mumble mostly to myself because I thought she enjoyed them too but I guess not.

   Kyler touches my arm, getting my attention and leans in towards my ear. "Trust me I do too." I feel goosebumps cover my arms as her breath hits my ear. She gives me a little wink and I look down because I feel my face heating up.

   "I took off from work for this so we should head to dinner before it gets extremely busy at Olive Garden if you two are done with your girl talk. Now is not the time to be all buddy buddy" Mike says harshly. He looks at me "what is wrong with you?" I just shake my head and walk out of the garage.

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