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    I smile and pull Kyler in for a passionate kiss. She wraps both arms around my waist pulling me closer and deepens the kiss. I moan as she grabs her ass and squeezes while pushing her hips into mine. "Wait" I say as I pull away trying to calm my breathing. "We are in public so we need to stop before we get carried away."

   Kyler looks at me and smiles showing her dimples that I love. "I got us a hotel room in case you didn't want to stay at Mary's tonight."

   I smile at Kyler, "perfect, because I want to make love to you all night. I was wrong about the beach not being more special than meeting your mom. I was not expecting you to propose, and this ring..." I glance at my engagement ring "it is so beautiful and you... you are so beautiful." I swear I fall in love with Kyler all over again nearly everyday.

   We gather up the picnic basket and blanket and head back to the car. I still can't believe Kyler proposed and especially in her and her moms favorite spot. Kyler opens the passenger door for me and once I am in, she shuts the door then walks around to the driver's side so she can get in. "I booked a room at the Margaritaville Beach hotel so we don't have far to go. I packed both of us some clothes just in case so we can head straight to the hotel." Kyler looks over at me and smirks as she rests her hand on my upper thigh. I grab her hand and move it between my legs. She squeezes my inner thigh as I lift my hips searching for the contact I need.

   Once we get to the hotel and check, we get in the elevator to head up to our room. As soon as the elevator doors close, I push Kyler against the wall and claim her lips with mine. As we reach our floor, I catch her bottom lip between my teeth as I pull back from the kiss and wink at her as I step out of the elevator.

   We find our room and Kyler unlocks the door, holding it open for me. I walk over to the balcony doors taking in the view of the beach and water below. Kyler sits the bags down and I feel her eyes on me. I glance over my shoulder with an eyebrow raised.

   We never break eye contact as I turn around and we both start walking towards each other. Our bodies meet and we get lost in a passionate kiss. Kyler wraps both arms around me, lifts me up off the floor and I wrap my legs around her waist. She walks us to the bed and gently lays me down, breaking the kiss.

   "Kyler" I gasp as she grabs my hands and pulls me to sit up. I helped Kyler quickly remove my shirt and red lace bra as I stared lustfully at her. She pushes me back down on the bed and I remove my shorts and matching panties. She quickly removes her clothes and straddles me. Just feeling her skin against mine is like heaven. We both smile at each other as she leans down, capturing my lips.

   "Ky-..." my words are cut off when Kyler moves down, capturing my right nipple in her mouth and sucks on it. I moan as she switches to my left nipple and does the same. Kyler starts her journey downward, kissing as she goes and I am already a shivering, moaning mess by the time she settles between my legs. Her eyes connect with mine as she licks her lips in anticipation.

   With Kyler's eyes still locked on mine, she licks up and down the outer edge of my folds causing my body to jerk and I bury my hands in her hair, trying to pull her mouth where I desperately need it. Kyler parts my folds with her fingers then leans in and lightly blows before swiping her tongue up the length of my pussy stopping at my clit where she swirls tight circles around it. I release a loud moan as I grind my against her mouth.

   "Kyler please, I need more," I beg as she takes my clit into her mouth. She releases my clit then thrusts her wonderful tongue in my wet pussy, moaning herself. I moan louder as Kyler thrusts her tongue inside me while pressing down on my clit with her thumb. She suddenly replaces her tongue with two fingers and starts pumping in and out at a slow deep pace as she wraps her lips around my swollen clit.

   I run my fingers through Kyler's hair with one hand and reach for her other hand, lacing our hands together. My grip on her hand and her hair tightens as she changes the pace of her fingers to hard and short thrusts. Kyler continues sucking on my clit and flicks it with her tongue as she thrusts her fingers and I feel the lower part of my stomach tighten with each thrust. "Ohhh fuck..." I moan as my eyes roll back and my walls clench Kyler's fingers. I thrust my hips as my body spasms from the powerful orgasm which is quickly followed by a second.

   Once I come out of my orgasmic haze, Kyler kisses her way back up my body to my open mouth. The kiss doesn't last long since I am still breathing hard from such a powerful orgasm. She settles beside me on the bed and holds me in her arms. "Damn Kyler" I manage to say as my breathing is returning to normal. She laughs but I quickly hush her when I roll over then lean down capturing her lips in a hungry kiss.

   I slip one hand between Kyler's legs, finding her already wet for me and she moans into my mouth as I make tight circles on her clit. I smile against her mouth as I slide a finger inside her wet pussy causing her to arch her back which makes my finger go deeper. She lightly scratches down my back as I push another finger inside, causing a deep moan to escape her sexy lips. "I love how you moan for me. So sexy." I whisper against her lips.

   "Lauren...." Kyler moans louder as I thrust my fingers deeper and I already feel her pussy start to tighten around my fingers. "Fuck" she manages to say as I thrust harder and add my thumb to her swollen clit. I add a little more pressure to Kyler's clit and thrust my fingers one more time which causes her orgasm to wash over her and she cums all over my hand.

   I kiss down to Kyler's neck as I slowly pull my fingers out and glide my hand up her body. Desperate for another taste, I bring my fingers to my mouth but before I can lick them clean, she takes them into her mouth. "Wow..." I whisper as Kyler's lips wrap around my fingers as she licks her own cum off. I already want her licking me again but not my fingers.

   I lay beside Kyler on the bed as my fingers dance across her stomach. She kisses me passionately and whispers "I'm not done with you yet baby so get your sexy ass up here to my face." I do exactly as Kyler requested and definitely had her licking me where I desperately wanted. We spent the rest of the afternoon and night making love until we both basically passed out around 3 a.m. I remember falling asleep with a smile on my face, snuggled up to Kyler and thinking about this afternoon and her proposing. I never saw that happening but I am so excited that she sees the same future for us as I do. I need to find her a ring as well and even though she already proposed, I plan on doing the same because she deserves it and more.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now