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   I decided to take a nap while we were waiting for Lauren's sister to get here for dinner. I offered to help her cook but she asked if she could please take care of it and have time to herself. I wanted to help her like I usually do but it was best to respect her decision. After I wake up from my nap, I throw on my favorite comfort hoodie. It might be Spring time, but mom got me this hoodie and it honestly helps comfort me when I feel stressed or just down. Sometimes I wear it just to feel close to my mom.

   I make my way downstairs and walk into the kitchen and see Lauren leaning on the island with her head in her hands. I am worried about her and as I walk further into the kitchen I cautiously ask "what's wrong Lauren?" She slightly jumps because she was caught off guard.
"Nothing." Lauren says as she lifts her head up. I can hear the sadness in her voice and her watery eyes so I know it's probably something to do with Mike. I walk closer to her and whisper "Lauren" as I rest my hand on her lower back. She shakes her head as she looks over her shoulder and looks me in my eyes like she's searching for something. After a few seconds and with a shaky voice, Lauren says "Kyler, don't."

   Lauren turns facing me and looks like she wants to say something else but just looks at me with watery eyes as she is fighting back tears. I quickly slip my arm around her waist, pulling her body completely flush against mine. I wrap my other arm around her back and just hold her. She slightly tries to pull away but doesn't try very hard. "It's okay, I'm here for you." I whisper into her hair as I hold her. I hear a sob break free and my heart aches for her. Lauren wraps her arms around me as I hold her in my arms and she clutches onto my hoodie. I want her to know I care about her so much so I just hold her as she cries.

   Once her sobs quieten down, I pull away to look at her. I bring one of my hands up to her face and wipe the stray tears away. I'm so amazed by her beauty even when she cries, that without thinking, I cup her face and stroke her cheek with my thumb as I look into her eyes. "Even when you cry you're still so beautiful." I whisper just mere inches away from her face and I can't help but glance down at her lips.

   Lauren pulls away from me and her face takes on a slight flush. "Kyler, what... that was very... this is very... inappropriate and...."

   "Mike is an asshole Lauren. You deserve so much better than him and you definitely do not deserve to be treated the way he treats you." I say as I cut Lauren off while reaching for her again. I place my hand on her arm as I look into her eyes. I want her to know how much I truly, truly care. As we are looking at each other, I feel a strong urge to kiss her so she knows how I feel. I don't move though because I don't want to cause her any more aggravation.

   Just about that time the doorbell rings, breaking us from our staring. I glance towards the living room then look back at Lauren. She backs away from me causing my hand to fall away from her and I see a tear running down her cheek as she turns her back to me. "I got it," I say as Lauren moves back to the stove to finish working on dinner.

   I open the door and there is a tall slender man in a business suit at the door. He smiles at me and asks "is Lauren home?"

   I look at him for a few seconds "Yeah hold on and I will get her" I say as I close the door.
I walk into the kitchen "Lauren there is a man at the door asking for you." She wipes her eyes as she walks out of the kitchen to the front door. I decided to be a little nosey so I followed her back to the front door. I am curious to see what this man wants and to make sure nothing happens.

   Lauren greets the man as Chris and asks him what he is doing here. "I brought these files for Mike. I know he is in bed sick with the flu but if he feels better he might want to start on this account." Chris says as he is eyeing her. That is weird because Mike is not home sick. He supposedly left for San Francisco. I knew that asshole was lying and this dude better quit looking at Lauren like that.

   "Oh... okay" Lauren says, apparently confused too. Then she asks "when are y'all going back to San Francisco?"

   Chris says "Oh we finished up that account a couple months ago so I don't know when or if we might be going back. That would have been a nice little getaway for you and him when he is not working."

   Lauren just nods her head. "Yeah and I will make sure Mike gets these. Thanks Chris." She says as she closes the door.

   I try to talk to Lauren about what just happened but she just says "not now Kyler." Not long after Chris leaves Lauren's sister Julia shows up. Lauren answers the door this time and she and her sister come to the kitchen. Lauren introduces me and Julia to each other and she seems nice and easy going. Since dinner is ready, the three of us fix our plates and sit down to eat.

   Out of nowhere Julia says "Kyler, you sort of remind me of our cousin. Doesn't she Lauren?" Lauren looks from Julia to me then shakes her head no. "Maybe it's just the hair and build from a distance."

   The conversation dies down for a couple minutes then picks back up and the two of them catch up with each other while we all continue eating. Julia asks me about living here and my life back in Pensacola. I gladly tell her about Pensacola but don't really say much about living here. The best thing about living here is Lauren but I wasn't going to tell her that.

   I'm pulled from my thoughts as Julia suddenly asks me another question. "So are you dating anyone, Kyler?" Before I can answer, both Julia and I are startled as Lauren accidentally drops her fork against her plate.

   "Julia." Lauren says in a warning tone as she picks her fork back up which only causes Julia to laugh.

   "Lighten up Lauren, I'm just trying to get to know my new niece, who is not much younger than me. You never know, we may have a lot in common. So Kyler, are you dating someone or not?"

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now