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   "Kyler, I'm sorry, okay. I just don't want you rushing into something and getting your heart broken. I'm not saying Lauren will break your heart but she is a good bit older than you and already knows what she wants in life." Aunt Mary says as she pats my arm that's resting on the center console.

   "I know you are looking out for me but I would rather have your full support instead. I don't know why it's so hard for you to understand that Lauren actually loves me and that I love her. I have no doubt in my mind that I want to wake up next to Lauren for the rest of my life. I have no doubt that she is the one for me. I want to marry her and eventually have a family together. Katie is coming for dinner tonight so she can see me and meet Lauren. Before she gets to your house, I have a phone call to make to Lauren's parents, then I will help you with dinner." I state as I'm looking out the window.

   My aunt sighs again and says "don't be like that Kyler. You obviously are going to do what you want to anyway. I don't know why you're calling her parents though. She has already been married once so it's not like you need their permission."

   I laugh her words off. "Yes, I'm going to do what I want and I may not need their permission but I feel it's the right thing to do. I know I've never been in a relationship before and never been in love until now but I want them to know my true intentions and that I'm absolutely in love with their daughter. I want them to know how serious I am."

   As Aunt Mary is pulling into her driveway I'm already unbuckling my seatbelt. Before I can get out of the car she grabs my arm to stop me. "I will help you with Lauren tomorrow. I might not completely agree on what you're doing but... I will try to support you and pray you're not making a mistake even though I don't think you should do this, you're to young."

   I open the door and mumble "thank you" as I get out. Now to go make a very nerve racking phone call before I go inside to find the love of my life.

   I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with Lauren's parents but they gladly gave me their blessing to marry Lauren. Mr. David was impressed that I called and asked. He said I was very respectful to do that and that I would never know how much that meant to him and Mrs. Jessica because Mike never asked for their blessing to marry Lauren. At least that is over with and I can go find the perfect ring tomorrow.

   Just as I was getting off the phone with Lauren's parents, she came outside to find me. I pull her against me and quickly kiss her. Before I can deepen the kiss, she pulls back to let me know Aunt Mary wants my help prepping dinner.

   On our way inside I tell her about everything at the bank including the money and the large envelope in the safe deposit box. She is happy for me and told me my mom sounds like an amazing woman. Lauren also offered to be by my side when I was ready to open the envelope if I wanted her there. Of course I want her there when I open it. I think I need her there to help calm my nerves because I have no idea what is in the envelope.

   We both helped my aunt finish up the prep work for dinner even though I told Lauren she didn't have to help but she insisted. Aunt Mary decided to cook stuffed bell peppers, twice baked potatoes and banana pudding. Lauren offered to help Aunt Mary cook so we both stayed in the kitchen and helped cook dinner while waiting on Katie to get here.

   When Katie arrives we had just finished cooking. She jumps in my arms as soon as I open the front door to let her in. "Where's your woman? I have to see her in person." She questions as soon as I stand her down.

   I laugh as we go to the kitchen where Lauren and Aunt Mary are setting the table. I walk to Lauren and wrap an arm around her waist. "Baby, this is Katie and Katie this is my girlfriend Lauren."

   Katie looks between Lauren and I then back to Lauren. "Holy shit, you are gorgeous. You must have some kind of magical coochie cause you've got Kyler whipped. I have never seen her like this but I must say, being happy and in love looks good on her so thank you. Now as her best friend I will go ahead and tell you, you better not hurt her or I will kick your butt."

   Katie laughs and I roll my eyes at her but Lauren has a serious look on her face as she looks at my best friend. "I don't plan on ever hurting her. If I do, I will gladly let you kick my butt."

   Katie stops laughing from the honesty in Lauren's voice. I smile as I look at my girlfriend and place a quick peck to her lips that she gladly reciprocates.

   Katie opens her mouth but I quickly stop her before she says anything. "That's enough Katie so stop. You don't have to interrogate Lauren or try to intimidate her."

   Katie shakes her head "Kyler I'm not trying to intimidate her, this is just a big deal. Seeing you in a relationship is actually great and I am so happy for you. You went from never wanting a relationship to being so in love."

   I push her shoulder to get her to shut up but Katie looks at my girlfriend, "Lauren I swear if you two were not dating, you would have to get a restraining order against Kyler. You are all she talks about. She talked about you before the two of you started dating and after she finally told me, she constantly gushes about you."

   Lauren's cheeks turn red and I stop Katie before she keeps running her mouth. We all fix our plates then sit down, eat dinner and enjoy each other's company. I'm glad that Lauren and Katie get along so well. After dinner, Katie and I go outside since she is leaving and I tell her my plan for tomorrow to look for an engagement ring. She is shocked but excited too. After finding a ring in the morning, I will pick Lauren up and show her around some of my favorite spots in Pensacola. Now I just have to plan my proposal and hope everything goes well.

   Once I'm back inside, I send Lauren upstairs to shower and offer to help Aunt Mary clean up after dinner. Since we are alone I know I can talk to my aunt about tomorrow. "I'm all set for tomorrow if you are still good with keeping Lauren occupied. If not I will get Katie to do it and I will go by myself."

   Aunt Mary looks at me for a few seconds and finally says, "Yes, I will still keep her company. What type of ring are you getting?"

   I shake my head "umm, I really don't know. I think I will know once I see it. I feel like I will be drawn to the perfect ring for her. I've put $5000 aside for one and it has to feel perfect but not be too flashy because I know Lauren doesn't like big, in-your face jewelry."

   We have finished cleaning the kitchen and Aunt Mary motions for me to sit down at the table with her. Once we are both seated she starts talking again. "Kyler, I hope you don't spend a lot on a ring. Maybe not going over $400 or $500 would be best because you never know if...."

   I quickly stand up and push my chair under the table. "I'm going to shower if Lauren's out then we're calling it a night so goodnight Aunt Mary." I walk upstairs to the bedroom Lauren and I are staying in. It's pissing me off because it seems my aunt is going to constantly second guess mine and Lauren's relationship or try to change my mind on anything involving Lauren. I don't know why she can't seem to understand I know what I want.

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