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    I take a deep breath. "If I am being completely honest though, I love you more Kyler. I love you more and I would willingly walk away from my job if I had to choose between it and you. In the few months we have known each other, you mean everything to me. Kyler, you are so worth the risk but I do have other worries besides someone finding out about us or me losing my job. I need to know for sure that you want this and that this is not just a fantasy for you. I have never felt like this for anyone."

   Kyler looks shocked then I see tears running down her face. "Is that tears of joy or?" I ask to which she smiles and nods her head. I reach out for Kyler and pull her against me, wrapping her in a warm, loving embrace.

   "You actually want to be with me? You actually love me?" I hear Kyler ask beside my ear.
"Of course sweetheart, I love you." I sit back down on the couch, pulling Kyler with me. I pull her a little harder than I meant to and end up on my back with her on top of me. I hold Kyler in my arms to comfort her and start crying too which causes her to wrap her arms around me as well. I can't believe she would ever think she wasn't lovable. If she only knew how strong my feelings actually are.

   Kyler's head is resting on my chest and I run my fingers through her hair. After a few minutes we both stop crying and just hold each other in silence. I'm the first to break the silence. "Kyler, we have just a few days of school left until you graduate. We just have to be careful but I think we can make this work if you really want this." I kiss the top of her head and squeeze her because I am so happy.

   "I was scared to come back here Lauren because I really thought you were going to tell me we couldn't be together. I was going to come back, pack my stuff and leave to make it easier on you." Kyler admits as she raises her head and looks into my eyes. "I love you so much Lauren, more than you realize. I want this so much and I want you so much. I want you to officially be my girlfriend. I want you to be my first and last relationship, my only relationship. I promise you this is not a game or fantasy for me. I have feel so hard for you Lauren and I fall more in love with you everyday." I feel my whole body heat up from her honesty. I have fell so hard for her too and sometimes it scares me. My thoughts are swept away when she leans down and pecks my lips softly, letting her lips lingering before moving away.

   As Kyler pulls away from my lips, I bite my bottom lip and pull her face back to mine. Barely brushing my lips against hers I whisper, "I want more than a peck Kyler." Smiling down at me, she holds herself up with one hand and cups my face with her other. I just stare up at her for a couple seconds while she caresses my face with her thumb. Kyler moves her thumb and slowly traces my bottom lip. My body shivers beneath her and she smiles because of the effect she has on me.

   I bite my lip again as I feel the throbbing between my legs. Kyler just doesn't know what that smile and those dimples do to me. "Is that a yes to being my girlfriend?" Kyler asks as she pushes her hips down against me then leans down to whisper in my ear. "That always turns me on when you bite your lip." Before moving away, Kyler kisses and lightly sucks on my sweet spot right below my ear then lightly bites my neck causing me to moan.

   Kyler moves back to look at me and my lust filled eyes look up at her seductively "Yes, God yes! Now, I want you to take me Kyler. Please take me."

   "Fuck" is all Kyler says as she moves to the side and unbuttons my pants. She slips her hand into my pants and skims her fingers across my underwear. My underwear is damp already before Kyler slips her hand inside my underwear, down between my legs and skims her skillful fingers between my folds. With a smirk Kyler says, "Damn... you are already so wet." She pulls her hand back out of my pants then sits up enough to pull my pants and underwear down for better access. Once my pants and underwear are down my thighs, Kyler leans in and kisses me as she slips her middle and ring finger into my soaking wet pussy.

   I moan into Kyler's mouth as she starts pumping her fingers deep in me. I arch my back, break the kiss and moan loudly. Kyler sits up enough so she is straddling one of my legs and I take the opportunity to push my shirt and bra up, exposing my erect nipples as she keeps pumping her fingers in me. Kyler leans down and takes my left nipple in her mouth, sucking hard. "Oh fuck..." leaves my lips, causing Kyler to pump her fingers faster.

   Kyler swaps to my right nipple and takes it in her mouth, sucking hard on it too. She grazes her teeth over the tip of my nipple as she pumps her fingers harder. My walls tighten around her fingers from her actions. "Keep going Kyler...." I moan as I start grinding my hips in rhythm with her thrusting fingers. Kyler curls her fingers inward hitting my g-spot and bites my nipple. I feel my walls tighten more around Kyler's fingers and moan louder. "Shit Kyler... I'm... I'm going to... fuck!!"

   Kyler releases my nipple and moves her lips to mine for a passionate kiss and whispers "cum for me baby." That's all it takes, causing me to shiver as my orgasm takes over and I cum all over her fingers. Still slowly pumping her fingers, Kyler helps me ride my orgasm out. Slowly she pulls her fingers out and brings them to her lips and I watch her, anticipating what she will do. Kyler licks some of my juices off her fingers "damn... you taste so fucking good" then licks her fingers clean. "That was so hot." She says against my lips as she kisses me again and I taste myself on her lips.

   I look at Kyler "what was?"

   Kyler smiles at me. "You. You looked so fucking amazing the whole time."
I feel my face heat up but I smile and bring both of my hands up, cupping her face. "I love you Kyler." I pull her face to mine, lick her lips, tasting myself again then kiss her passionately.
Kyler breaks the heated kiss for air. "I love you too, beautiful. I love you so much and I'm glad you are mine."

   I smile at Kyler and sleepily say "and you are mine." She helps pull my underwear and pants back up then picks me up bridal style and carries me to our bedroom. After Kyler lays me down, I feel the bed dip as she lays down beside me. I wrap my arms around her as I snuggle against her chest. "You're so comfortable." I mumble as I close my eyes and drift off to sleep with a smile on my face.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now