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   Kyler lays against me as I wrap my arms around her. We are both catching our breath as both of our hearts are still beating fast. "Okay, I officially love morning sex" I say as I kiss the top of Kyler's head and rub my hand up and down her back.

   "I agree, beautiful" Kyler says as she lifts herself up and hovers over me. She stares into my eyes for a few seconds then leans down and kisses me softly. Breaking the kiss she whispers "I love you" against my lips.

   I smile and caress Kyler's cheek "I love you more."

   Kyler lays back down on the bed facing me and we lay there staring into each other's eyes. She smiles, "I love you most." I peck her lips then place a few pecks all over her face which causes her to laugh. After a few minutes I turn my head to look at the clock.

   I jump up in a panic, sliding out of bed. "Shit, you need to get ready Kyler and I need to freshen up and fix myself. I should have left 10 minutes ago." I rush to the bathroom to clean up then rush back into the bedroom and grab a pair of clean underwear. I quickly fix my clothes and start putting on my makeup.

   "Holy shit, I don't want to get out of bed now. Sex with you is definitely the best way to start off the day. I don't think I could wipe the smile off my face even if I wanted to." Kyler states as she gets out of bed. I smile to myself and stop what I'm doing as I watch her walk into the en-suite, completely nude and start the shower. For a split second I want to ditch work and jump in the shower with her but I know that's not a good idea.

   I head to the kitchen once I finish my makeup and turn the Keurig back on so I can make some coffee. Kyler showers real because in no time she is walking into the kitchen dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans, a gray t-shirt and her black and white checkered slip on Vans. She apparently is just going to let her hair air dry since it is still wet and brushed. As I fix my travel mug with my coffee, Kyler walks up behind me and kisses the side of my neck as she rests her hands on my hips. "I'm sorry" she mumbles against my neck.

   I turn around and look at Kyler. "For what?"

   Kyler slightly smiles, "for making you late."

   I laugh then kiss her cheek. "It's alright, it was well worth it. Sex with you this morning definitely made my day but I need to go now so I'm not extremely late."

   Kyler pulls me into a hug and when she pulls back, she cups my cheek then leans in and kisses me which I gladly reciprocate. "I love you beautiful."

   I smile against Kyler's lips and kiss her again. "I love you." I smile as I pull away and gather my stuff up to leave. When I pass behind Kyler, I slap her ass and laugh as she slightly jumps.

   Because I was late this morning, I'm having to cover Ms. Smith's senior English classes for the day because I didn't have time to find a last minute substitute. The only good thing about covering for her is that I get to see Kyler. As the bell rings, students start pouring into the classroom being rather loud. I'm already tired and stressed and would rather be sitting in my quiet office.

   Right before the tardy bell rings, in walks Kyler and she looks shocked to see me sitting at Ms. Smith's desk. She takes her seat which is at the back of the room by Ms. Smith's desk and looks over at me. "Hey, are you okay? What's going on?" Kyler whispers so only I can hear her.

   I lean forward resting my elbows on the desk causing my shirt to hang down, giving Kyler a good view of the tops of my breasts that not long ago this morning she was squeezing on. I watch as her eyes drop down and she bites her bottom lip before bringing her eyes back to mine. "Ms. Smith called in sick before I got here this morning. Since I was late I didn't have time to find a sub so I'm having to do it."

   Kyler gives me a small smile "I'm sorry, again." She whispers as she quickly reaches and squeezes my hand.

   I shake my head "it's not all that bad I get to see you" I whisper and squeeze her hand in return. Once the tardy bell rings, I get up and walk to the front of the class to the podium so I can start my lecture on Hamlet. I sway my hips a little for Kyler because I can already feel her eyes on me.

   Once I finish discussing Hamlet, I start going over the essay the students will need to write on Hamlet. I have felt Kyler's eyes on me the entire time but made sure to never look directly at her. I scan over the room as I'm standing in front of the podium to make sure all the students are paying attention to their instructions and my eyes happen to land on Kyler. She is biting her lip as I notice her eyes are on my legs.

   I watch as her eyes travel from my legs, back up my body, our eyes meet. As soon as our eyes meet, I know exactly what Kyler had on her mind because thoughts from this morning when we made love vividly pop up in my mind. My face feels flushed from thinking about this morning and I stop talking mid sentence because I am getting so turned on looking at Kyler and remembering how she sounded during her climax.

   Kyler smirks at me as she releases her lip, knowing that I caught her checking me out and knowing we were both apparently having the same thoughts. As I am trying to gather my thoughts, she winks at me and licks her lips and I know for a fact she knows I was thinking about it too. I finally clear my throat as I gather my thoughts but as soon as I start talking again one of the male students in front of Kyler interrupts me. "What do we call you now, miss?" He asks without even raising his hand.

   I raise an eyebrow at his question then quickly glances at Kyler. "I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean."

   He whispers something to the guy in front of him then says "well I heard that you're divorced now so do we call you Ms. Adams or something else." How the hell does he know that? I haven't told anyone at this school and I know Kyler wouldn't have either. Before I can respond I happen to hear him loudly whisper to the boy in front of him, "she can call me daddy if she wants to. I don't know who would let that fine piece of ass go."

   I notice Kyler form a fist so I know she heard the comment as well as the majority of everyone around him. Kyler quickly stands from her desk and looks pissed. Before she can say or do anything, I intervene. "You can call me Ms. James and my personal life is none of your business or anyone else's. I would also advise you to keep your perverted comments to yourself. It would be a shame to not graduate with the rest of your classmates." Kyler laughs at the look on the boy's face and sits back down. The rest of the class period seems to fly by as the students start on their essays but Kyler is only paying attention to me.

   Luckily there were no issues in the second period class and it went by pretty quick. Hopefully this class will be the same. I have to go over the end of year exam with them and pass out their study guides for them to complete. At least Tylisha is organized and has everything planned out for each class. That always makes it a lot easier for subs.

   There is a knock on the classroom door not long after I take attendance. Everyone is present so it's definitely not a late student. I look up from the lesson plan as the door opens. "Kyler!" I say in surprise.

I Loved You Before I Met You (New Version)Where stories live. Discover now