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   Why did I get so aggravated seeing that girl flirt with Kyler? I have no reason to get mad about that. For some reason I felt jealous but I don't know why. As I'm standing here in America Eagle, by the register, I constantly glance at Kyler and watch her looking through the jeans. After a few minutes, she makes her way towards the registers and I smile as I look at her. She seems lost in thought as she stops in front of me and I just smile at her. "Did you get everything you wanted from here before we checkout and move on?" She just nods her head and lays her stuff on the counter.

   "You really don't have to get me a lot of stuff. I don't want it to cost a lot and I'm fine with what I have already" Kyler says, trying to stress the point.

   I look at Kyler with a reassuring smile, "it's fine promise and I want to, plus I want to make sure you have plenty of clothes and anything else you need. Like I said, you didn't bring much with you." She didn't bring a lot with her when she arrived. I don't know if she didn't have many clothes or maybe just brought one suitcase so baggage fees would be so expensive.
Either way, I want to make sure she always has plenty of clothes and anything else she needs.

   As the clothes are being scanned I curiously lift my eyebrows and side glance at Kyler when the cashier scans boxers. I don't say anything but I am curious as to why she got boxers. Does she wear them? I will admit, I wonder how she would look in boxers. Are they that comfortable that she prefers them over regular underwear?

   After leaving American Eagle we make our way to Macy's and Kyler gets some shirts, hoodies, sweat pants, Calvin Klein sport bras and underwear. She makes the remark that she has way more than she needed and that she's ready to go home. "We still need to get you some shoes but first before we leave I'm going to the perfume counter. I want to check out a few other Dolce and Gabbana scents to see if there's another one I like."

   Kyler stands off to the side waiting on me but I call her over to the counter. "Do you like the smell of this?" I ask about the D&G Love is Love perfume as I hold it out for her to smell. I really like the scent but want her opinion.

   "Yeah it smells so good. What kind is it?" Kyler asks as she smells of it one more time.

   I turn the bottle for Kyler to see it. "It's Light Blue Love is Love by D&G. I have the regular Light Blue and like it but I really like the smell of this one too. I wanted a new scent for spring and summer." I smile, "I'm going to get it so give me a minute."

   "You're going to smell so good" Kyler blurts out. I look at her wide eyed, shocked by what she just said. I open my mouth to say something but I honestly don't know what to say so I just close my mouth.

   Kyler just shrugs as her phone starts ringing. "It's Aunt Mary" she says and excuses herself so she can answer it, leaving me speechless.

   As I'm walking out of Macy's towards Kyler, she gets off the phone and slips it into her back pocket. "Let's go find you some shoes and there's one more store I want to go in while we're here then we will grab a quick bite to eat if you want to" I say trying not to look directly at Kyler.

   "Okay lead the way" Kyler says with a tone that just screams, I'm just ready to be done and get out of here.

   We stop at Footlocker and Journeys to look for shoes. Kyler picks out a pair of Vans and then she is ready to go. Of course I don't think one pair is enough so I have her get two more pairs of shoes. She gets another pair of Vans and a pair of Under Armour shoes. After getting the shoes, I head straight to Victoria Secret because that is the only store I wanted to look at for myself.

   When we get inside Victoria Secret I look at Kyler, "I want to find a couple new sets. You should look and see if there's anything you want also." She just nods her head and walks around to look while I'm doing the same thing. I look at a few different sets and finally find some I like. I find one set I really like and for some reason my mind goes to Kyler and what she would think of it.

   I notice Kyler looking at a few of the skimpy sets and she appears to be deep in thought as she skims her fingertips over the lacey material. What is she thinking about? I head in her direction and once I'm close enough, I take in her appearance and I wonder if something is wrong. "Kyler, are you okay? Your face is kinda red, you're not getting sick are you?" I ask because I want to make sure she's okay.

   "No, I'm fine and I'm ready if you are." Kyler says without looking at me which is odd for her because she always makes eye contact with me. She starts walking towards the checkout with her items in her hands and I follow behind her with my stuff. She seems to be in a hurry to get out of here and I'm not going to question why. We both ended up getting two sets each and each got a bottle of Victoria Secret body spray.

   It's around lunch time so maybe Kyler is hungry. After leaving Victoria Secret I asked "do you want to get something to eat?"

   Kyler shakes my head no and mumbles "I'm not really hungry... for food." I quickly whip my head around and stare at Kyler with raised eyebrows because I'm not sure what she meant by that.

   "What?" I ask when I notice the smirk on her face.

   Kyler laughs at my reaction. "If I get hungry I will find something at the house. Get you something if you're hungry though."

   I shake my head "I'm not really that hungry either but I would love something to drink from Starbucks."

   "That actually sounds good right about now, I could go for a venti Strawberry Açaí. What do you want and I can order our drinks?" Kyler seems happy to get Starbucks and it's sweet that she is offering to go place our order.

   I think for a second, debating between a Strawberry Açaí or a Matcha Green Tea Latte. "I actually want the same, let me give you my card if you want to go order." I say once I decide and I dig in my purse for my card.

   As I find my card and pull it out of my purse, Kyler says "I've already ordered and paid." She glances towards Starbucks then back to me and just smiles.

   I walk up beside Kyler and lightly bump her shoulder with mine which makes her laugh. "I was going to pay for the drinks. I told you to let me get my card out."

   Kyler just shrugs, "I wanted to pay for something so just enjoy my treat and maybe you can get them next time. You've done more than enough already so don't worry your pretty little head over wanting to pay for everything." Then she winks at me.

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